War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 404 Undercurrent (Part 2)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

"If the Queen of England died in France, no one would continue to want to break up the Netherlands."

"What did you say!? Do you know what you are talking about?!" William II was very angry, but this anger was both nervous and exciting.

"I said the British and the French are fighting, so you can sit back and relax. My dear." Caroline hugged William II's neck, but this time the warm nephrite in her arms could not eliminate his doubt.

"Do you know? What you do is tantamount to challenging tradition and the entire monarchy!"

Caroline let go of William II's hand and snorted.

"Can you keep your country and your power by observing tradition?"

In fact, taking back Flemish should have been a good thing, but domestic religious conflicts have intensified, and ministers have demanded that the Catholics in Flemish be exiled to Austria.

This approach was completely incomprehensible to William II, but not only within the palace, but also the people took to the streets to demand the expulsion of heretics, and those "heresies" were also ready to flee to Austria, which was relatively religiously tolerant.

The driving force behind this incident is naturally Franz. After all, people have an instinctive fear of the unknown. Fleming's future and destiny are unknown. As long as there is a little catalyst, it will be a stormy sea.

Austria is already familiar with resettling immigrants. Anyway, there are large areas of land around Hungary and overseas. Various cities can also provide a large number of jobs, even if there are millions of immigrants, they can still accommodate them.

However, in order to avoid tragedies like the partition of India and Pakistan, Franz still hoped that they could use sea routes and railways.

For this reason, Franz decided to provide subsidies. The total amount may cost 30 to 50 million florins. Plus land and other resettlement costs, it may even exceed 300 million florins.

This made Franz feel the difficulty of migration for the first time. Previously, the brutal violence and religious influence in Central America, coupled with the support of California's gold mines, did not make him feel any physical pain.

At this time, Franz finally felt the pressure, and when the Great Famine occurred later, millions of people in Ireland would probably flee. By then, he was not sure whether he had the ability to solve the problem, or whether it would be the same as in history. What about leaving corpses everywhere?

At this time, in addition to the religious conflicts that caused William II a headache in the Netherlands, after joining the German Customs Union, the power of businessmen further grew. They wanted power and made the Netherlands a constitutional country.

Since ancient times, no one in power has been willing to take the initiative to relinquish power, and William II was no exception. He firmly opposed the constitutional monarchy.

As a result, businessmen and ministers continued to come into contact with the British. Their behavior made William II uneasy, but there was nothing he could do.

Combined with what Caroline said, William II finally thought that it seemed that traditional methods could not retain power. If he gave up power, would he end up with the same fate as Louis XVI?

William II looked at Caroline again with eyes full of guilt.

"It turns out you are doing it for my own good."

Russia, St. Petersburg.

In the Winter Palace, Tsar Nicholas I was chewing steak. The finance minister is reading out the most gorgeous income statement in recent years. From the second half of last year to the first half of today, Russia's treasury income increased by 23% in one year.

(Including a gift of 10 million florins from the German Confederation.)

You must know that the previous annual growth rate was around 3%, and trade with Austria has greatly increased the income of the Russian treasury.

Foreign Minister Neserlov was also very proud, but what he brought was really not good news for Russia.

The Queen's visit to France is a very dangerous signal. You must know that because Russia has not given up its privileges in the Strait area, the British are always pressing forward step by step.

If Britain and France join forces, can Russia still be able to defend the country that has been conquered by generations of czars?

Now the importance of the Strait to Russia has further increased. If it is not possible to pass through the Black Sea Strait casually, or tariffs need to be paid to the Ottoman Empire, this will jeopardize the cotton trade between Russia and Austria.

(Some people must want to ask why cotton is not transported by land. First, there is the Carpathian Mountains between Russia and Austria. Second, Russia does not even have a few kilometers of railways at this time.)

The Tsar did not want to give up this money tree at all. Not only Nicholas I, but the entire Russian top brass felt that this was a money tree.

Because Austria sits on the two major markets of Germany and the Apennines, and its own size is also large, its consumption power is unprecedented for the Russians.

It's just that this is Russia, and no one dares to say anything unless the Tsar speaks. I can only make circumstantial remarks one by one about how important the Austrian market is to Russia and how good your relationship is with Archduke Karl.

While enjoying the table full of delicacies, the Tsar listened to the reports and boasts of his ministers.

The delicious food on the table was quickly wiped out like a whirlwind, and Nicholas I picked up a large glass of red wine and drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing the Tsar eating like this made everyone hungry, but on the surface they still wanted to flatter him.

"What should I do if someone thinks I don't have enough to eat?" Nicholas I suddenly asked.

It was a bit confusing for a moment, but soon someone came to their senses.

"Damn it! The Tsar is the master of all Russia, and anyone who disobeys you must die."

This man is Duke Liubai, the highest officer of the Special Third Section, and one of the most feared people in Russia.

The Tsar smiled and continued to ask.

"What if it's a foreigner?"

"You deserve to die!" Duke Liubai replied readily.

"Okay, go ahead and do it. I'm waiting for your good news."

Prussia, Berlin.

Frederick William IV paced back and forth in the palace. You must know that it was Prussia guarding the western gate of Germany at this time, not Austria, which only had an enclave, or the newly liberated Luxembourg.

If Britain and France really united, would they attack Prussia?

That's right, William IV was such a worry-free guy, completely lacking in the military adventurous spirit of his ancestors.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to worry. The British just want to find some allies. It can be the French, or of course it can be us."

Friedrich List said softly.

"How can this be done? What if?"

"It's nothing. Austria is doing business with the Russians, and Bavaria, Baden, Württemberg, and France have never stopped trading. If they can do it, why can't we?

By doing this, we not only don’t have to worry about future wars spreading to Prussia, but we can also use British goods to strengthen our power.”

In fact, Friedrich List went to Paris after leaving Washington, but he was not reused. Until he met Bismarck who was traveling here, and the two hit it off.

Under Bismarck's persuasion, Friedrich List returned to Berlin. As for the opium wine incident, it had long been forgotten by Frederick William IV. After all, the doctor who transfused sheep blood had long been punished.

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