Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Colonel Bordeaux, who had been beaten into a pig's head in Franz's study, said vaguely.

"I'm sorry, Miss Adjani. But your ID is really fake..."

Adjani raised her hand again, scaring Bordeaux and quickly hid aside.

"Mr. Bordeaux, please go to the infirmary for treatment first. Remember to close the door when you go out." Franz said.

"How can this be done? I am your attendant, and my duty is to be responsible for your safety!" Colonel Bordeaux covered his face and said vaguely.

Franz was speechless about this new equerry, or captain of the bodyguard.

"Mr. Bordeaux, Miss Adjani and I have something to discuss. Please go out."

This time, Colonel Bordeaux understood. He immediately turned around and went out. As soon as he went out, he poked his head back.

"Archduke Franz, Miss Adjani is very dangerous, she will..."

Adjani closed the door heavily and let out a sigh of relief.

"It seems your new colleagues are causing you trouble." Franz teased.

"It seems that your new attendant doesn't quite understand what you mean?" Adjani choked back.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"How is the public opinion outside now?" Franz asked.

"Don't you read the newspaper?" Adjani asked.

"That kind of thing is castrated here and there, so it's okay not to look at it," Franz replied.

"It's much more serious than imagined. Not only does the military support it, but the streets and alleys of the city are talking about starting a war. Many people are preparing to join the army after Christmas, or sign up to be conscripts, and weapons stores have been emptied out. There are also many Germans who came to Vienna from other countries and prepared to join the army here to fight in Luxembourg."

"What about the rest of the empire?"

"Everyone except the St. Stephen's Crown Territory is actively preparing for war, and the Hungarians are also recruiting troops. However, there are rumors that they have been bribed by the French and are preparing to attack Vienna from behind when the war begins.

Pressburg's garrison has been increased to 80,000 troops to prepare for possible crises. Marshal Radetzki of Northern Italy blocked the mountain passes leading to Switzerland and concentrated his troops at the junction of Lombardy and the Kingdom of Sardinia."

As a Polish, Adjani was not surprised by the behavior of the Hungarians. On the contrary, she felt a little bit like home.

"Old Mr. Kurdre really gave a great gift to the entire German Confederation."

Franz said with emotion that he really didn't expect that a small country and a group of small people could actually cause such a big thing.

At this time, there was a surge of popularity in the German region, and other ethnic groups in the Austrian Empire also felt that it was a good opportunity to prove themselves. Whether they were loyal to the empire or wanted to compete with the empire, in short, everyone wanted to have a fight.

In fact, the Regent Council did not support the war. Prince Metternich and Count Korolaf had a rare unanimous opinion. They both felt that this was not the time to launch a war. On the contrary, they should continue to hide their capabilities and bide their time.

The military gave its own opinion. According to Count Tural's estimation, Austria does not need too many troops to take over the Netherlands.

First of all, neither the Netherlands nor Belgium has a large number of standing troops, and most of the fortresses are in disrepair. The navies that the two countries are proud of pose no threat to the Austrian army. In addition, there are a large number of local civilian armed forces and civilians who cooperate with us. The guide only requires about 30,000 to 40,000 troops and two months.

The Dutch will surrender as soon as they approach the city. The Belgians themselves are descendants of the Austrian Netherlands and should not choose to fight to the death with Austria.

And this time we are sending troops in the name of the German Confederation. All states will send troops and provide us with supplies, so the Austrian Empire only needs to send 20,000 troops.

Unlike the military's optimism, Prince Metternich expressed his concerns.

"This is simply a fool's errand. Behind the Netherlands and Belgium are Britain and France. Going to war with two great powers at the same time is tantamount to suicide.

Do you think that if you send few troops to a war, you won’t spend money? What will happen now to Austria's overseas trade and its colonies? If the other side blocks the Adriatic Sea, who will bear the losses?

Do you know how many people died in Austria during the Napoleonic Wars? 550,000 people! Have you forgotten the bloody lesson again? I would rather have a mediocre peace than a glorious war. This is the prophecy left by Queen Theresa! "

Count Korolaf also fits the bill.

"Yes, this is a meaningless war. First of all, Luxembourg belongs to Prussia. Even if we liberate it, it will still belong to Prussia.

Secondly, can you rest assured that the logistics of our army are left to those who are just outsiders? "

It was obvious that Count Korolaf did not trust those vassal states at all, and did not agree with this so-called Confederate War.

The two princes of the royal family supported the war according to the instructions of the late emperor, without any reason.

Archduke Louis felt that the people of Luxembourg were quite pitiful, and the old Couldray had deposited 120 million florins in the Frankfurt Bank.

Death is the most important thing, so this war can be regarded as a war to comfort the souls.

(Old Couldre suffered a heart attack after the meeting because he was too excited and died at the age of 83.)

Even more ridiculous than this is Archduke Franz Karl, who is teasing the hyena seal he brought back from the Arctic and does not want to explain why he agreed to this war.

Although the hyena seal looks cute, it is also a 70 kilogram beast. When Prince Metternich tried to persuade the Archduke to talk business, the hyena squealed and then punched itself in the stomach.

This weird creature frightened His Highness the Prince, but made everyone laugh. After all, seals are quite cute.

At this time, Count Tural gave his opinion.

"Your Highness, look at this beast in the Grand Duke's arms. Does it sound like a man beating a war drum when he beats his belly? This is God's will, Austria's destiny."

"This stupid war must be stopped, it may plunge the entire country into a state of catastrophe." Prince Metternich said stubbornly.

"Indeed, it will destroy the peace in Europe. We need peace now. As long as we are given another 20 years, there must be other ways to solve the problem." Count Korolaf said desperately.

"Your Highness, please look out the window." Count Tural walked to the window, opened the window and drew the curtains.

The dazzling sunlight shines into the house, followed by "public opinion" like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

“Get rid of the Dutch dogs!”

"Down with Belgium!"

"Liberate Luxembourg!"

People took to the streets and shouted "war". Austria had not fought a war for too long. Many people did not know the horror of war. At this time, the great German ideology, nationalism and loyalty to the emperor and patriotic education converged into a torrent.

The surging public opinion gathered into an irresistible torrent, and Metternich even suspected that if he opposed supporting Luxembourg now, the tragedy of the French riots would immediately repeat itself.

(The Austrian Empire called the French Revolution a riot or insurrection.)

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