War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 348 What to do after graduation

Royal Academy for Women in Vienna.

"This is the list of graduates, 135 in the middle school and 370 in the elementary school." Thalia took out two lists and handed them to Franz.

The academic system at this time was very confusing. The Royal College for Women temporarily adopted a four-year system, with four years of primary school, four years of secondary school, and four years of university.

Primary school focuses on literacy, supplemented by home economics, etiquette, loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

Middle schools focus on popularizing general knowledge. Students can choose three subjects including home economics (family affairs management) as their majors. However, German, mathematics and home economics are usually chosen. After all, for women living in the Austrian Empire in this era These three doors are more practical.

Other auxiliary courses such as communication, art, music, dance, literature, etc. will also be gradually opened, of course, such as natural sciences, medicine, law, mechanical engineering, and theology.

Of course, not everyone is perfect. During the exam, they will only take three majors and three minors. Of course, there are also many people like Ou Shioshanyin who choose more than a dozen subjects.

As for whether you can understand it or stick to it, it's hard to say.

In fact, in short, judging from the level of knowledge and content learned by these high school graduates, they are of no help to Franz's plan.

So Franz unintentionally showed some contempt, which made Thalia very unhappy. After all, she used to be the former's tutor and part-time nanny.

At this time, Thalia felt like a mother struggling to prepare a large table of dishes, while the child was chewing snacks and saying that she was not hungry anymore.

But now times have changed, she is no longer the tutor living in the palace, and Franz is no longer a little girl who can be rubbed.

Thalia had no choice but to ask Franz patiently.

"What are you going to ask them to do? Although there is a shortage of people everywhere in this country, there are not many jobs that can satisfy them or match their status."

During this period, aristocratic women hardly participated in work, so female workers not only had a low social status, but also had very few types of jobs.

Usually divided into four categories, the first category is farm work. This scope is very wide, including but not limited to carrying water and manure, washing and milking cows. In some areas, there is a small male labor force, and women have to help with plowing, weeding, fertilizing and other tasks.

The second category is entering the factory. They are the female textile workers known to everyone in later generations. They work in front of the machines day and night for a mouthful of food, until they are involved in the machines or die suddenly on the roadside.

The third category is to be a servant. At that time, it was very common for noble families to hire maids. If they had skills, they could get higher wages as cooks.

But hotels at that time would not allow female chefs because the mainstream thinking in society at the time was that women could not cook, and hiring female chefs was disrespectful to guests.

The upper and lower limits of this industry are very outrageous. There are many people who can succeed in becoming mistresses in the end, but there are also many people who end up being inferior to black slaves.

The fourth category is those like Talia who are tutors. Such women are usually well-educated and have a relatively good background, but they often have to fend for themselves due to some changes.

Such as military officers, missionaries, or orphans or widows of ocean-going merchants. Although missionaries had a bad reputation, they were indeed a high-risk profession at the time. People who traveled across the ocean to preach in foreign lands usually required a lot of courage.

Although female governesses earn their living based on their ability, they are the least respected people, and many people regard them as disaster stars and aliens.

Outside, you have to bear the glare of others and compare you to a prostitute. Within the family, the masters and men, and even the servants, do not regard them as their own.

A plot like the one in "Jane Eyre" is difficult to happen in reality because status is seriously unequal. respect? love? nonexistent. The possibility of skin-flesh trading is quite high.

In nineteenth-century London, Mrs. Brown lost a gold necklace worth 25 pounds. She suspected that the governess hired by her husband had stolen it.

After receiving the report, a detective confirmed Mrs. Brown's guess, and then led the military police to break in and kill the female teacher who was still sleeping. However, the string of strings was not found during the subsequent search. Lost gold necklace.

Until someone found it on the garden lawn, Mrs. Brown was crying for her mistake and her uncertain future.

But the detective comforted her and said, "I can't blame you. After all, no one would have thought that the cunning witch would hide the necklace in the garden."

Although this is a cold joke in the 19th century, it does reflect the embarrassing situation faced by so-called tutors at that time and the distrust of society from another perspective.

"We are the witches of the nineteenth century." A tutor wrote in her diary. This sentence should be the best reflection of their status.

Of course, the above four categories are not suitable for graduates of the Royal Women's College. After all, if the first batch of graduates are allowed to do these things, I am afraid it will greatly reduce women's willingness to receive education.

Of course, if they are made unemployed, although it will not have a too bad impact, it will not achieve the purpose of publicity.

"Tell them that they can choose to continue their studies, or work for the government as a scribe or something like that."

In fact, Franz's answer was to allow those graduates to choose to enter the government as civil servants. Scribes are very common, and a large number of scribes are needed in various agencies. They need to uniformly copy information that officials consider important.

At the same time, some draft documents also need to be transcribed so that they can be sent to the printing house for printing.

Scribe seems to be an inconspicuous job, but in fact there have been a lot of outstanding people, and their achievements have attracted worldwide attention.

Of course, one step further than a scribe is a secretary, but this is not something that middle school students can do. Of course, advanced jobs include editors, calculators and other clerical jobs.

At this time, the number of civil servants in the Austrian Empire was seriously insufficient. Eighty thousand people was really pitiful for a large empire with a population of 38 million. After all, the number of people at the grassroots level usually determines the efficiency of policy implementation.

Although the outside world and historians are crazily criticizing the Austrian Empire for having too many officials and being a sitting army, in fact France, with a population of 35 million at this time, had a civilian army of 100,000 people.

According to the standards of later generations, the number of civil servants in both France and Austria was seriously insufficient. Franz's goal for the Austrian Empire was to expand to 400,000 people first. He did not want to be like Britain, where temporary workers were everywhere. In the end, no one responsible could be found, and everyone was crazily corrupt.

The British have always been proud that their government has less than 3,000 civilian officials, but in fact, the Empire on which the sun never sets is a super empire with more than 33 million kilometers of land, spanning four oceans, and spreading across five states. This number is obviously not enough.

Since then, agents and temporary workers have played an extremely important role. The advantage is that the organization has been streamlined, but the disadvantage is that there is no control at all and no one to supervise.

Rights are a good thing, but once they are unregulated, they become a savage beast that can swallow up people's reason and morality in an instant.

As a result, the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets planted the seeds of its own decline at its most powerful moment.

Franz needs to unite more people, and his government naturally needs more people. After all, only by establishing bonds of interest can the relationship be stronger.

"Let them become officials?!" Thalia looked indignant, and she immediately understood what Franz was planning.

But as an official fan, Talia was very dissatisfied with Franz's approach. She worked so hard and ended up working as a nanny in a university.

And those students can enter the imperial government and become officials directly as soon as they graduate. Although the scribe's status was not very high, he could have his own table, chair, and tea cup.

Thalia felt unbalanced.

In fact, many officials would not be able to climb to the position she currently holds in their lifetime, and her rights and status are much higher and greater than those of ordinary officials.

Just like those playboys in Vienna whom she drove away, this group of second-generation and N-generation people might not even be described as committing all kinds of evil. They can simply be described as extremely vicious.

If ordinary officials offend them, they may not only ruin their futures, but may also lose their reputation.

But Thalia's identity made this group of people dare not have any temper at all. After all, things like fighting against the royal family in the imperial capital usually can only appear in novels and people's imaginations.

Thalia is Franz's tutor, and Archduke Franz is very likely to become emperor in the future, although no one believes the heroic deeds promoted by the empire's official and church officials.

Besides, they are not afraid of heroes and saints. After all, good people will not kill indiscriminately and will give them opportunities.

But Archduke Franz had a biological mother who was always ready to sink into the Danube River, but everyone in Vienna knew this.

Moreover, the royal family's properties are much larger than in history, and have reached a point where they can compete with the empire's finances. This is actually a good thing for the empire, but it is not a good thing for nobles and merchants.

Because this meant that the empire was less dependent on loans and the imperial power was greatly strengthened.

"I'm just a junior civil servant like Sesame Mung Bean. It's not as good as you, the principal, who can manage thousands of people. This is a senior official."

Franz knew Talia well and naturally knew what she was thinking, so he spoke to comfort her.

But obviously the effect was counterproductive, and Thalia immediately poured out the bitter water.

"What high official!? You see, no high official goes out in a majestic manner and is avoided by others. Look at me again! I am harassed by a group of playboys outside all day long, and I am also followed by a group of children in school.

Besides, the thousands of people under my command, those scientists, can’t even control their own laboratories, so why should I control them? "

Franz built some laboratories at the Royal Women's College to cover up others' eyes. After all, ordinary spies can't get in here. Even if they get in, they can be easily detected, which can prevent secrets from leaking to the greatest extent.

But some experts just like to do extreme research. They are studying picric acid explosions, and they, who are engaged in building materials, also want to have a big explosion.

Then one day two little girls sneaked into his laboratory and shook up the expert's cement. At night, a thief sneaked into the laboratory under cover of darkness and prepared to steal some precious experimental instruments. When he took out When the match was trying to light the candle, there was a huge explosion in the laboratory, and the school was suspended for a week.

Franz knew very well that it was useless to reason with Thalia, so he changed his approach.

"Can you be a disciplinary committee member?"

"Commissioner of Discipline Inspection?" Thalia looked puzzled. After all, she had never heard of such a statement.

"Yes, it is to check the appearance of students and priests, as well as etiquette and so on." Franz said.

"Isn't that what the youngest does!" Thalia looked scornful, but in fact she was already a little moved, and her two big black eyes were spinning rapidly.

In order to prevent her from exerting her subjective initiative too much, Franz took the lead.

"Of course you can create your own system, but don't go too far. At least it should look reasonable on the surface."

"That `s a deal!"

Thalia stretched out her hand, and Franz also stretched out his hand in desperation. The two high-fived each other as "collusion."

"How did that go?"

"Don't worry, it's just the two of us here."

Franz looked at the other party with an indifferent expression and black lines on his head.

"There are not many people who meet the requirements. After all, most people don't have the awareness you mentioned." Thalia said seriously.

"How many people are there?" Franz asked.

"Five of them, two of them chose to graduate, and the remaining three will stay in school to continue their studies and help me develop my downline."

Franz was very satisfied with Talia's answer, because everything was going according to his instructions, and it was not easy to train a high-level spy.

"Where's the list and information?"

"According to what you said, one copy is kept in the school's archives, and the other one is already in your hands."

There are some codes that only Franz and Thalia understand, so for others, even if the information is discovered, they need to be distinguished among hundreds of people.

"Let the two graduates get in touch with Adjani. After all, she is the expert in this field."

"Okay, I will make arrangements. Alina Harrington and Miss Oshiosugin, they are really excellent people who can do great things."

"What do you want to say?" Franz asked helplessly.

"Will you give them a chance?" Thalia looked indifferent on the surface, but in fact she was excited and scared inside.

"Yes. As long as they are capable enough, I will entrust them with corresponding responsibilities."

Franz understood Thalia's regret. She really wanted to be an official to reform the society, but she had no chance.

Even Franz cannot go against the entire ruling class. Thalia is destined to be unable to realize her ambitions. The position of president of the Royal Academy for Women in Vienna is already the largest official position that Franz can grant her.

Unless one day Franz becomes the emperor and lets her enter the palace to take over the position of palace steward. But Thalia herself knew very well that she was not suitable for the palace, so it was naturally impossible for Franz to harm her.

As for the latecomers, Franz will try his best to make the best use of their talents. After all, what he wants is a universal empire. If he can't even accommodate a few girls, how can he possibly accommodate tens of millions of mobs?

Franz hadn't seen Thalia for a long time, so he still lay down according to his childhood habit. Then she moved her position slightly, and Franz fell straight to the ground.

There was still a lively scene outside, and everyone seemed to be in a carefree paradise.

What they don't know is that all the gifts from fate have already been marked with a price in secret.

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