War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 337 Is there such a good thing?

"So it seems you are confident?" Adjani could still roughly feel Franz's opinion.

"Of course. These self-righteous guys still laugh too early. Little do they know that I have already asked people to increase the export tariff on the resale of royal products. I believe that their capital chain will be broken before long."

Franz looked so smug that he couldn't help but disappoint the female subordinate who had been with him for a long time.

"Is this your well-thought-out strategy?"


"Don't you know that they have already thought of corresponding countermeasures? Even if they stop now, these financiers will make a lot of money, and the real injured will only be the civilians who follow the trend." Adjani said to Franz's indifference was incredible.

"Then let them make this snowball bigger?" Franz asked.

"At least if you don't expose the emperor's new clothes, the superficial prosperity can still be maintained.

Otherwise, once the window is broken, the entire country's economy will plummet, the national wealth will suffer huge losses, and the people will lose hope for their own destiny and future. Is this what you want to see? "

Adjani said worriedly that after all, the more you understand about this crisis, the more clearly you can feel the horror that affects your whole body.

"What's the stock price now?" Franz suddenly changed the subject.

"It has risen to 40 florins, and the market value has reached 2 billion." She answered truthfully despite not knowing why.

"That's almost it, because the empire simply cannot produce goods worth 3 billion florins."

Franz's conclusion left Adjani a little confused. In fact, these financiers had a lot of fun and even allowed installment payments to be made using products that had not yet been produced as collateral.

There is a lot of money and goods in the market that did not exist before, which is why the stock market can be pushed to such a high level. While raising export duties on specialized goods for resale, Franz began to drive down their international prices.

Because after several years of development, Austria's industrial production capacity has increased a lot, and it is completely feasible to use low-price strategies to better defeat competitors.

Adjani naturally does not understand these principles. She only knows that the products manufactured by Franz's manufacturers have been in high demand in recent years, and they can be used as general equivalents to obtain loans from merchants.

June 1, 1842.

As mentioned before, after Franz's two heavy blows, the capital chain of the financial consortium was immediately broken, and they could no longer play this trick of spiraling up to the sky with the left foot stepping on the right foot.

The first to be unable to resist was the Berken family. Their roots were not in Austria at all, and they were completely invited by Solomon to get a share of the pie.

Since I have already made money, there is no need to continue to take risks, so I took the lead to clear the stock arbitrage and leave the market regardless of the objections of other financiers.

This blockbuster news spread from Vienna that day. In order to stabilize military morale, Soros and Solomon held several meetings to discuss the next response strategy.

The newspapers were full of accusations against the Belken family and articles that were optimistic that the stock would continue to prosper.

However, starting from June 2, major players rushed to escape, and stock prices plummeted. Among them, Solomon was the one who led the charge. The boss shouted not to run, while clearing out his inventory and leaving.

As for Soros, he has successfully cashed out before and has even completed the transfer of some assets. After a week of circuit breaker, the market opened on Monday, June 13, and the royal family and the government jointly issued a statement announcing a bailout.

Immediately afterwards, the stock market only rose briefly and then plummeted, ending at the limit again. As of June 15, the price of the second phase of the Neletania railway project has dropped to 59.8% of the original price.

(Previously, due to concerns about the stock market crisis, Franz and his staff set the upper and lower limits of 5% after discussion. Therefore, after ten lower limits, it still remains at 59.8% of the original market value. If it is an upper and lower limit of 10%, After ten lower limits, the market value is only 38.64%.)

Since these financiers had long used their connections to bribe a large number of politicians in the securities industry, those who fled were all big capital with backgrounds.

Of course, if there are big nobles or members of the royal family who want to sell, those people will give it the green light. Just to encourage people, Franz used the words of Mrs. Sophie and Archduke Franz Karl to reiterate the attitude of the Habsburg family that would not sit back and watch the country fall.

Of course, except for a few die-hards, no one would believe in the effectiveness of Austria's "reassurance" under such circumstances.

On the evening of June 15, 1842.

The government, the royal family, the Second Phase Railway Project Construction Management Authority and the Imperial Railway Company issued a joint statement to manage the construction and management of the second phase of the railway project in five territories in West Africa: Ivory Coast, Guinea, Togo, Cameroon and Namibia. The bureau merged to form the Austrian Royal Overseas Development Company.

Taking out these five pieces of land directly shows the determination and attitude of Vienna.

Those investors who were almost desperate suddenly felt like they had a new lease of life. At the same time, the newly established company issued a notice announcing that from now on it would use 50% of the profits from the West African territories as dividends.

This attraction is more "stimulating" than any economic stimulus method. Due to the publicity of financiers in the past four months, the number of retail investors in the second phase of railway stocks has increased by nearly 4 million.

Although the current population of the empire is around 38 million, there were an average of four to five people in a household at this time; therefore, these 4 million people almost covered people from all walks of life throughout the territory, especially in the Neletania region. Everyone became a shareholder in the Royal Overseas Development Corporation.

As we all know, the first thing needed for colonial development is financial resources, so these financiers happened to offer Franz a great gift - to gather wealth.

Due to Austria's special national conditions, its internal market is flooded with a large amount of expected banknotes exchanged for real gold, silver or commodity mortgages.

No one except Soros actually cashed out, and all they got from selling their stocks was some expected cash. During this period, Austria's precious metals have been flowing in due to the various talents of financial tycoons.

But Franz didn't intend to make a fuss about his credibility, so those financiers didn't have to worry about losing everything.

But they will have to wait patiently if they want to use those expected cash in exchange for real money to take to other countries. This process may take three to five years, or may last as long as ten or eight years.

In short, they will not become waste paper, but it is very difficult to transfer assets.

Of course, there is no solution at all, that is, buying goods is subject to high taxes on specialty goods.

The establishment of the Austrian Royal Overseas Development Company also brought another benefit, that is, it raised domestic attention to colonial development to several levels.

At the same time, the number of people willing to work in West Africa is also increasing. After all, many of them have become shareholders who can enjoy dividends, so they naturally have the motivation to work hard.

This was the second confrontation between Franz and Soros. The "bandits" sent by the former did not successfully capture the latter. The latter's strategy failed to kill the former's empire, so it was just a tie.

As for other financial consortiums that seem to be making money but don't seem to be making money, there is still a lingering feeling that they are losing money to grandma's family. Of course, a small number of diehards who persisted became more convinced of their beliefs through this incident.

That is, the Habsburg royal family will not abandon his subjects.

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