After the secret conversation, Carl von Slote left the palace in a hurry. As the emperor's chief adviser, his salary was not low, but it could not support the luxurious life he wanted.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but fall into a dream. A well-dressed young coachman was sitting in front of a luxury carriage drawn by four solid-color horses. Three or five beautiful lovers were surrounding him in the carriage, and he was accompanied by two Traveling with ten capable escorts, that kind of life is simply perfect.

Returning to reality, Slote looked at the black carriage in front of him, the four lifeless variegated horses, the slovenly old coachman, and the two younger members of the family who had lost their clang. He sighed and stepped on helplessly. Got on the carriage.

In the carriage, Slote was still studying how to bring down Baron Diehl and what method could be used to drive the Franz family out of Vienna.

The carriage was driving on a deserted street at night. Suddenly, the horse neighed and came to a sudden stop. Slote hit his forehead and blood flowed profusely.

"What's going on?! Why did you stop the car! My head, hiss."

But before he could wait for the coachman and the guard to reply, huge shocks followed. A huge log hit the carriage directly. Baron Slote hurriedly escaped from the carriage, and then a high-speed carriage rushed towards him.

At the same time, Baron Dill, who had been in ecstasy all night in the brocade tent, decided to go out for some air. He lit a cigarette and savored the aftertaste of the scene. Although Queen Anna is 36 years old, her charm is still there, and her performance in some aspects is still a stunner.

You must know that smoking is prohibited in all public places in Vienna, let alone the palace. However, Baron Dill felt that he had this right. After all, even the emperor's women were his playthings, not to mention the mere law.

As the emperor's residence, the Hofburg Palace was already heavily guarded, and the successive murders of the maids around the queen caused the defense level to skyrocket.

Of course, the secret between him and the queen cannot be discovered. At the same time, he has investigated every maid in the queen's palace to ensure that nothing is missing.

Baron Dill believes that Mrs. Sophie's revenge will not be endless. The previous revenge was just a demonstration. The two sides will soon negotiate, and this crisis should be resolved.

Dill is a smart man, but such people are often very conceited. He would not leave any evidence in the palace, and the cigarette butts were naturally placed in a special box.

Baron Dill opened the box as usual and prepared to put the cigarette in it to extinguish it. He smelled a strange smell, but he didn't take it to heart.

But the moment the cigarette butt entered the bottle, sparks ignited the nitroglycerin in it. Although the amount of nitroglycerin in the bottle was not large, its power was beyond the imagination of people at the time.

A large amount of gas (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor and oxygen) is produced in a very short period of time, causing the temperature to rapidly rise to more than 3000 degrees Celsius and the pressure to be greater than 2000 atmospheres.

With a bang, Baron Dill was thrown up by the explosion of the small bottle and hit the wall heavily. Countless glass fragments were embedded in his body.

Queen Anna's guards heard the explosion and ran to check. They saw that the elegant Baron was already a bloody mass of rotten flesh. He wanted to say something, but the blood foam blocked him. His throat could only make a grunting sound.

Queen Anna heard about the assassination of Baron Dill, and she hurriedly came out to check. When she saw the miserable condition of the man in front of her, she fainted on the spot.

The remaining people were a little at a loss, because Baron Dill was Queen Anna's attendant, and his family was considered a famous family in Austria.

The death of such an important person in the palace should be reported immediately to the emperor and the regent council. However, the death of a naked man at the door of the queen's palace for no apparent reason makes people feel very troublesome and difficult to deal with.

In order to assassinate this clever attendant, Adjani racked her brains, although Franz's order was for her to kill Baron Dill and remove the Queen's minions.

But Adjani felt that it was still necessary to eradicate the problem, and of course she would not disobey Franz.

So she found a way to get the best of both worlds. Since this thing called nitroglycerin is so dangerous, then if Baron Dill accidentally blows up the queen, all the blame will be borne by this dead man who cannot speak. , isn’t it beautiful?

Franz was not interested in knowing how Baron Diehl died. He just didn't want this man to live in the world, not only because Baron Diehl spread rumors about himself, but also because this person might continue to bring shame to the royal family and the empire. .

To be honest, Franz didn't think Queen Anna had too much ambition. She must have been instigated by others to become what she is now.

As for possible revenge, Franz did not think that Queen Anna had the ability to retaliate against himself and his family. Her rights came from the emperor, but Franz II had already restricted the emperor's rights when he died.

So Franz felt that as long as her claws were pulled out, there was no need to continue pursuing the matter.

Because the British on this world line are much more difficult to deal with than they thought, Miloš, who was supposed to be taken to Sarajevo, has become Canning's guest at this time.

Metternich's original intention was to use the hands of Vucic (Russian agent) to make Milos disappear from this world.

However, after a series of transactions between Britain, Russia and Austria, this "Balkan Lu Bu" fell into the hands of the British.

Although Franz didn't think that a mere Serbia could threaten Austria, this fly that jumped sideways repeatedly was really annoying.

Coupled with the support of the British, maybe Milos can really win the Serbian Chicken Contest. But the Ottomans and Russia also don't want this guy who jumps repeatedly to regain control of Serbia.

As for the method of assassination, it is theoretically possible, but in practice it is too difficult to operate. The main reason is that people with many enemies are usually very careful, and Serbia is not within the Austrian Empire.

The most important thing in assassination is intelligence. Only by fully understanding the target can the best plan be formulated. If an intelligence agency was really established for Miloš, Franz felt that the gains would outweigh the losses, and he had neither the people nor the energy to do it now.

The news of Carl von Sloot's car accident did not attract the attention of government officials. The main reason is that the wheels of carriages in this era were still made of wood, without tires, and there were no shock absorbers such as springs. Accidents often occurred due to small bumps.

In addition, no matter how humane horses are, they are still animals, and as animals they may suddenly lose control.

If there was another carriage coming from another direction at this time, the accident could easily turn into a tragedy.

And everyone knows that Baron Slote is a good-looking man. His carriage is obviously very worn out and the coachman is old, but he still insists on riding in his own carriage without paying for one. A cab.

The cost of maintaining a carriage in this era was very expensive, and many nobles could not afford it. For example, the famous French writer Mr. Balzac was once crushed by a four-wheeled four-seater carriage and could not even pay a tip.

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