War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 199 The Miko Studying (Part 2)

Royal Academy for Women in Vienna, Austria.

"How did this Oshio Shanyin get here?"

"I did it myself." Thalia replied nonchalantly, and Adjani shook her head, seemingly unaware of this matter.

Franz did not want to quarrel with Talia. He now wanted to find all the Japanese studying abroad and kill them.

Seeing Franz's displeasure, Thalia handed Franz a thick stack of documents.

"Her identity information is written on it. Her name is Shanyin, and Oishio is the name of the shrine where she was born and raised."

Oshio Sugione, whose real name is Sugione, was born in Oshio Shrine. The god said that she was an orphan picked up, but some people said that she was born from a witch and a benefactor, and some even said that she was the child of the god.

In Japanese society at that time, ordinary people did not have surnames, only first names, and it was even less likely that someone with an unknown origin like Shanyin would have a surname.

The shrine master is the highest person in charge of the shrine, analogous to the abbot of a temple.

Shanyin has been cleaning and worshiping gods every day since she can remember. She can only eat meat and wear new clothes during festivals.

It wasn't until she was ten years old that a wealthy Dutch patron came to the shrine, and the life of the shrine became better.

Dutch businessmen often came to the shrine as guests, and even became friends with the shrine. With the shrine's encouragement, all the shrine maidens began to learn Dutch.

The Dutch businessman was also very knowledgeable and often taught the witches some Western scientific knowledge.

If everything develops as normal, Shanyin will officially join the ranks of miko after her fourteenth birthday.

In 1837, the entire Osaka area fell into a famine. However, the town governor ignored the suffering of the people and instead joined forces with businessmen to raise prices and make huge profits.

Later, the leader of the uprising, Oshio Heihachiro, came to the shrine and wanted to ask the shrine lord to join him in the uprising. In fact, the shrine has already run out of food, so the priestesses can only eat leaves and wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger.

In desperation, the whole shrine joined the rebellion. With the participation of witches and priests, the confidence of the hungry people was increased.

The rebels fought all the way to the town's home, but when they opened the warehouse, everyone was dumbfounded. There is not a grain of grain in the warehouse, but it is full of large and small grains and silver goods.

The angry hungry people killed Machi and threw his wife and children into the cauldron.

However, before they had time to celebrate their victory, the shogunate's army arrived.

The hungry people only had simple farm tools and sharpened sticks in their hands, and they were completely helpless against the shogunate's army.

In order to completely suppress this uprising, the shogunate even mobilized the iron artillery team. Every shot fired by the iron artillery team can cause large casualties among the hungry people.

After three rounds of shooting, the samurai with swords rushed into the crowd. The rebel leader Oshio Heihachiro and his disciples were quickly captured, and the remaining rebels fought and retreated under the leadership of the god.

Afterwards, the shogunate's army killed all the captured rebels and carried out brutal revenge on the local people. There was blood everywhere in the villages and towns, and the corpses of farmers were piled on top of each other.

After the rebels surrendered, the shogunate did not let them go and quickly executed them. Afterwards, their heads were neatly stacked together to warn the shogunate's enemies.

With the increase in the number of shogunate troops, everyone knew that the rebel army had no hope of victory.

So the Lord God discussed with several elders, and they used the money they robbed to buy a Dutch merchant ship. Dutch businessmen promised to send the children of these rebels to the Netherlands to raise them.

However, the Dutch did not keep their promise and were preparing to sell these Japanese children to India.

Shanyin knew their evil plan in advance because he could understand Dutch.

Shanyin and the children on the boat made an escape plan, but in the end she was the only one who escaped onto a large ship.

This ship was an armed merchant ship carrying the fighting brothers of the Austrian Church. The fanatics did not make things difficult for Shanyin, but instead wanted to persuade her to join Catholicism. Even more fortunately, German and Dutch are very similar and both parties can have simple communication.

If Franz had not changed history, this Austrian armed merchant ship would not have passed here at all, and Da Shioshanyin would not have been able to escape. Like others, he could only be sold to India as a plaything for the Indian king.

Shanyin was first taken to Chenla, and then through contact with the priests of the Austrian Church, he became more and more aware of Japan's backwardness.

Even the medical skills she was proud of were no match for those missionaries.

After learning about the Royal Academy for Women in Vienna from the priests, she asked to study in Vienna.

Half a year later Sugiune changed her name to Oshio Sugiune in honor of the shrine where she was born and her sisters.

Oshio Shanyin’s path to education was not all smooth sailing. Since she was neither aristocratic nor Austrian, the administrators refused her admission.

Oshio Shanyin did not give up. She would kneel in front of the college gate every day. Until Thalia became the principal of the Royal Academy for Women in Vienna

On this day, as usual, after registering at the registration office, Da Yanshanyin knelt and sat in front of the gate of the college. (A straw mat was put on it.)

Thalia was sitting in the carriage and saw Oshio Shanyin at a glance, and then heard her story.

She thought Oshiosugiyin was interesting, so she decided to play a trick on her.

"Miss Oshiosugin, do you understand German, right?" Thalia asked.

Oshiosugiyin only glanced at Thalia and knew that the woman in front of him was extraordinary, her dress and temperament were different, and the men around her were full of awe for her.

"Gui'an, the little girl is Da Shioshanyin. I have learned some lessons from the Catholic priests. Can you help me?"

Oshiosugine's German is very fluent, which makes Talia very satisfied.

"Hello, my name is Talia. Because I was removed from the family, I don't have a last name. I am the administrator of this school, that is, the principal."

"Hi (Hai), Mr. Principal." Oshio Shanyin's answer was concise and powerful.

Although Talia couldn't understand what the other party said, she saw that the other party's expression was solemn, which was very helpful to her.

"Are you in the junior high school or the elementary school?"

"Junior high school, Mr. Principal." Oshio Shanyin replied.

"Did you bring your tuition fees?"

"Hai, Mr. Principal." Oshio Shanyin took off a pocket from his underwear and handed it to Thalia's hands respectfully.

Thalia could tell from the feel of the bag that it contained gold and silver. Sure enough, after opening the bag, there were gold tablets written with foreign characters inside.

Thalia estimated that it weighed almost 1.5 kilograms, which was a lot of wealth, almost more than two thousand florins.

Although Thalia was not short of money, she kept it anyway.

"What about your accommodation and food?" Thalia asked.

"Are you saying that I can study in school? I can sweep the floor, cook, and work in school to earn living expenses."

Thalia shook her head and said.

"There are more than a thousand servants in the school, how can you help them?"

After several blows, Oshiosugin's face turned red and he said something in an inaudible voice.

"I can find a benefactor."

Because Shanyin was shy, it took Thalia a long time to figure out the meaning of the word, and then she burst into laughter.

"Okay, I'll lend you the money. You owe it first, and I'll help you find someone to blame."

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