Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Franz leaned back leisurely in his chair, and Thalia read Franz the newspaper.

Adjani was reading the report. Franz arranged for her to be in charge of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry, but the actual controller was Lucen Sina.

Luxem Xiner will send a large amount of intelligence every week, most of which is useless garbage, only a very small amount will have an impact on the current situation, and the burden of judging the value of this intelligence falls on Adjani alone. On the body.

She really wanted to throw all the information to Franz, but she knew very well that the consequences of doing so would be to be marginalized. Not only would her freedom be hopeless, but her life might also be lost. here.

Mrs. Sophie promised: As long as Adjani serves Franz wholeheartedly, she and her husband will be reunited in ten years and give them a sum of money to go to South America, a place where no one can find them. .

What Adjani saw and heard around Franz told her that the top management of the Polish Nationalist Army was a joke, and most people just went around cheating and drinking in the name of the Polish Nationalist Army.

Those self-righteous guys are simply a bunch of retarded people compared to the brat in front of them.

And even if she wanted to return to the Polish Restoration Army now, I'm afraid it would be impossible, because no one would believe her, and instead she might be hanged as a traitor.

Franz saw Adjani's dilemma and said.

"Adjani, you can let Mr. Sina screen the important information for you. There is no need to report everything to you, which will make both of you tired. And Mr. Sina's subordinates should be better at handling this kind of thing. If If they can't handle it well, it proves that they are not qualified enough to do the job, and they will just need to be replaced at that time."

In fact, Franz did not expect that the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a semi-commercial and semi-intelligence organization, could really provide much information. After all, businessmen still like to make their own money.

The value of this organization is that it makes the Rothschild family lose their eyes in Austria. After all, there are not many organizations that can engage in speculative profiteering in the Austrian Empire in this era.

At the same time, this organization is also convenient for Franz to guide the business group to develop in the direction he wants.

Adjani let out a sigh of relief. To be honest, she had wanted to do this for a long time, but she was a little afraid that Franz would think she was not capable.

"If you have any ideas, just tell me. After all, I don't know what problems I will encounter when my plan is actually implemented. If you don't speak up, the problem will not be solved, and you will only be affected. "

Adjani clasped her hands together and nodded, as if she understood and was very grateful.

At this time Thalia read an important piece of news, and Franz knew that the war was about to begin.

"The United Kingdom signed a new commercial treaty with the Ottoman government, stipulating that the Ottoman Empire government's tariff on imported goods shall not exceed 5%, and the tariff on exported goods shall not exceed 12%. All monopoly systems in the Ottoman Empire will be abolished, and foreigners have the right to operate in the Ottoman Empire. Free business within the territory.”

Obviously, this empire includes Egypt. Once the "Anglo-Turkish Commercial Treaty" is implemented, Egypt's economy will completely collapse. It is so cruel.

You must know that Mohammed Ali's fortune was entirely dependent on this monopoly system. Without the monopoly system, Egypt's income would have been reduced by more than 80%.

Egypt's exports mainly rely on cotton, tobacco, and indigo, while its internal exploitation relies on sugar and salt.

If foreigners can go to Egypt to open stores, then no one will care about the high-priced goods in Egyptian government stores.

As for export goods, they will be snapped up by foreign businessmen. After all, cotton and indigo are important raw materials for the textile industry at this time, and they are lacking in Europe.

Muhammad Ali could not sit back and watch this happen, so the war between Turkey and Egypt was inevitable. Now Franz is just curious, which side will take action first?

Egypt, Manio Palace.

As soon as the Ottoman envoy finished reading the Sultan's decree, Muhammad Ali drew out his scimitar and walked towards him. Regardless of the other party's plea for mercy, he raised his scimitar and stabbed the envoy in the abdomen.

Soon, the envoy from Ottoman fell in a pool of blood, and the smell of blood filled the entire palace.

"Asshole! I declare independence now. What do I think Mahmoud II and his toy soldiers can do to me? I can't wait to see the panic on the faces of those damn British guys."

But his eldest son Ibrahim quickly raised objections.

"If we become independent, it will be tantamount to violating the previous "Kutahya Agreement", which will make us passive. If the Russians take this opportunity to violate the secret agreement between us again, I am afraid the French will also retreat. "

Although Ibrahim was known as the "executioner from hell", after seeing the cruelty of the Russian army, he was frightened and did not want to fight this army to his death, so there was a secret agreement between Egypt and Russia.

Foreign Minister Abdullah also said.

"Great Ali, we can declare that we refuse to recognize the "British-Turkish Trade Treaty" and at the same time we will no longer pay tribute."

"Then how can Egypt be independent!" Mohammed Ali roared.

"Great Ali, we are actually independent," Abdul said.

Muhammad Ali slapped Abdullah in the face.

"War! I want war!"

"I can immediately send a group of people pretending to be Ottoman troops to carry out looting in Syria, so that we can blame the Ottomans for starting the war."

"Asshole! Not now! My ship isn't built yet!"

Muhammad Ali's face was almost touching Abdul's face, and Abdul could only kneel on the ground and whisper.

"Whenever you want war, I will send people to fight."

In his later years, Ali's energy was much less than before, and he was always looking for drugs that could rejuvenate him.

Recently, a traveling Arab businessman brought him a magical wine, which not only made people energetic, but also made people forget all their sorrows.

But the side effect is that once you leave this kind of wine, people will become manic, hysterical, and even have red eyes and muscle twitches.

Ibrahim immediately opened the wine cabinet, and an unpleasant smell came out as soon as the lid was opened. However, Muhammad Ali looked very intoxicated and no longer restless. Instead, he asked his eldest son to Pour yourself a glass.

After drinking a glass of opium wine, Muhammad Ali breathed a sigh of relief.

"Stupid Sultan, he must not have thought that I have given him a big gift. Don't the British like to protest? Let them protest, and immediately declare that Egypt will not accept the Ottoman decree. Any foreign businessman who dares to set foot in Egypt will Land, all teeth will be knocked out and beards will be burned.”

Burning your beard is a very serious form of humiliation in the Arab world.

"There is nothing to worry about. We just need to wait for the opportunity. After all, Egypt will become stronger and stronger, while the Ottoman Empire and Britain will only become weaker and weaker. It is they who should be anxious."

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