War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 117 Three North American Brothers

In Franz's eyes, Mexico has always been a big fat sheep.

This country is home to the largest silver mine in the world, but due to graft and corruption, the government can only borrow money to survive.

Various forces in Mexico usually refuse to give in on the ownership of silver mines, and large-scale armed fights often break out.

It was said to be a battle with weapons, but its bloody and tragic level was no less than that of a small-scale war.

Both sides gathered hundreds of gunmen, armed with artillery, to shoot at each other from a distance, and even local military police and troops were hired to join in.

As a traitor, the righteous reason for mortgaging his valuable property to foreigners also silenced the factions in Mexico.

After all, Tasang Anna was worried about finding someone to attack, and no one wanted to cause trouble for him at this time.

Of course, in order to prevent the Austrians from mining less silver mines, the Mexican army deliberately blew up the silver mines. The blame was naturally placed on General Epula.

Although Mexico has developed agriculture, food actually needs to be imported at this time, and when they learned about Austrian food prices, they decided to import it in the future.

After the Mexican Civil War, agriculture suffered the most serious losses. Almost half of the farmland was burned. If it were not for Austrian food, hundreds of thousands of people in Mexico would have starved to death.

The Mexican Civil War is over, but the demand for arms has not decreased, because Mexico can clearly feel the pressure from France and the United States.

If it cannot have a well-armed and well-trained armed force, Mexico will lose a large area of ​​territory, and may even become a vassal of other major countries, or even be annexed by other countries.

The silver mines in Mexico were an eye-opener to the Austrian gold miners, and those in Tyrol were indeed poor compared to them.

Although Austria has the right to mine the silver mine, it still has to pay taxes to the Mexican government, and the tax rate is as high as 40%. Excluding personnel and mining costs, the income from the silver mine should actually be 50-50 between Austria and Mexico. .

As long as Mexico is still adjacent to France and the United States, it cannot give up developing bilateral relations with Austria, because the possibility of changing the political structure of the North American continent with its own power is extremely slim.

The war had just ended, but Texas in the hands of the French was prosperous.

Under the behest of Gabriel, the French Governor of Texas, Texas resumed the slave trade, and countless Portuguese slave traders transported ship after ship of slaves to the Gulf of Mexico.

Slave manors were built one after another in Texas, and even the new French immigrants fell in love with this way of life. After all, the land here was much more fertile and cheaper than in France.

The situation of the poor people from France was not so lucky. They were forced to live in black slave houses and worked endlessly every day. Any protest would result in a severe beating, and the overseers were actually American people.

Originally, France did not have high expectations for the new colony of Texas, because colonization requires money to be invested first, and it usually takes a few years to see the benefits.

But this time it was different. Governor Gabriel shipped thirty shipments of supplies back to the country in the first year, including wheat and cotton, as well as 5 million francs in taxes.

In fact, Governor Gabriel unintentionally ignited the slave trade in North America. As the plantation economy continued to expand, more and more slaves were needed. However, more and more areas banned the slave trade.

This resulted in an inversion of supply and demand, and the price of a black slave in the United States could reach as high as $1,500.

However, in Texas, due to the influx of a large number of slave traders, the price of a black slave was only $300. There were even Indians for sale, but the price for Indians was much lower, usually only fifteen dollars. .

Americans have not learned from their previous experience in real estate speculation, and now they are speculating on black slaves again.

Because the black soldiers under Tasan Anna performed bravely in the Mexican Civil War, some local forces in Mexico also began to purchase black slaves in order to obtain a strong black army.

Due to the strong strength shown by France in fighting the US military, it successfully created a large number of American traitors.

Many landowners and businessmen wrote to Governor Gabriel, saying that their ancestors were French and they had always been proud of their French ancestry.

If one day Great France wants to regain its lost territory, they are willing to cooperate internally and externally and work with the French heavenly troops to regain the lost territory.

Of course, Oklahoma and Louisiana have the largest number of these people. In fact, this is just a means of self-protection for landowners and businessmen.

As a result, these people tried every means to do business with the French, acting as if they were leading the way, and even paid for the French to build roads and hospitals in Texas.

Some people can't understand why these people have to eat a pot of pulp to welcome the king's army. In fact, do you know that if there is no such thing as a pot of pulp, once France and the United States start a war, the US military will not be able to resist it, and the French army will enter the United States. What will happen inside the country?

robbery? That's just routine. What is even more terrifying is a massacre like what France did in Spain!

The French have always regarded North America as a land of barbarians, and the French have never been lenient in dealing with barbarians.

Even Gabriel himself did not expect that he could independently meet the expenses of the French army stationed in Texas, and even pay taxes to his country.

On the other hand, in the United States, due to the defeat of the war and the turmoil of the economic crisis, the entire country was enveloped in a mood of uneasiness and panic. Sales of southern cotton dropped significantly and were replaced by cotton from Texas and Egypt.

The sudden appearance of France, a powerful neighbor, caused the number of US troops to soar from 15,000 to 52,000. However, the US military still felt that it was not enough.

Because the previous war was too shocking to the American military, with its powerful firepower, steely discipline, and indestructible will, the strength of the French army was overly mythical by American deserters.

However, what was most outrageously distorted was the strength of the French army. In order to save face and appear to be not so stupid, the U.S. military insisted that the French had 20,000 cavalry and 50,000 infantry in Texas. The U.S. military's defeat was entirely due to the opponent's inability to We talk about martial ethics, and the French army does not have high morale or strong will, but it is an army that has been poisoned by the ideology of feudal kingship.

The New York Post published an article saying, "The French now are no longer the army full of justice and fearless spirit led by the Marquis de Lafayette. They are the impostor and despicable minions of Louis Philippe."

Under pressure from the military, Martin Van Buren had to sign a presidential decree expanding the U.S. Army to one hundred thousand.

However, these 100,000 soldiers cost money. Whether it is weapons and ammunition, or food, clothing, housing and transportation, money is needed, and at this time, the United States just has no money.

It's just that God's will seems to be there, and a sudden disaster saved the U.S. economy.

The two chapters of the Meat Grinder Competition have been revised. If you have any bad points, you can point them out and I will continue to revise them.

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