War in Heaven

Chapter 1056: Temple Library

After reading the information left by the opponents, the "bad old man" wearing the armor of the trainee hangs the portrait back, walks down the spiral staircase illuminated by the fire, and stands in front of the iron gate leading to the underground.

Against the door, the trainee angel badge was displayed, and the heavy iron gate opened to the inside. Lin Chi strode in. This time it was not an underground prison, but a large library full of books.

The cyan-skinned maid uses a candlestick that is thin to the left hand of the bones, and walks through a large number of bookshelves. The body of these guys becomes a C-shape, and the outline of the spine protrudes from the skin on the back. It looks like it is going to die soon.

Seeing Lin arrived late, just turned a servant from the front of him and turned his head. The round black eyes stared at the armor of Lin Chi, then swayed his head and nodded hard, standing respectfully and letting go. the way:

"Welcome, trainee angel!"

Seeing the other side seems to be the existence of the lower level, very respectful to the trainee angel, Lin Chi, who can't talk, ignores the jealous maid, but just continues to take a big step into the library and find the available clues.

The servants along the way were all respectful, but Lin Chi still noticed that they had a machete around their waist. The seemingly thin maids are not without fighting power. If there is a battle, it is necessary to pay attention to the threats that these guys may bring.

The size of this huge library is not only large, but the place where the sight is accessible is full of wooden bookshelf close to ten meters high. All the books on the top are full of books. Lin Chi took out a few books and looked at it. The content inside is still written in sacred text that I can't understand at all.

- Is there a book that you can understand?

Realizing that he couldn't read the books in the library, Lin Chi began looking for a portrait of the Duke of Fagna in the library. He picked up a candlestick on the wooden table, looked around with the light of the candle, and walked in the library. For a while, no trace of the portrait was found.

However, although there is no portrait of the Duke of Figna, there are still other portraits:

A portrait of a lady hanging on the wall between two bookshelves. The woman's hands on the portrait are placed on the chest, wearing a blue dress commonly used by nobles, and a bouquet of white flowers at the neckline.

Like the Duke of Fagna, this middle-aged woman, who still has a charm, also shows a loving and awkward smile. Her hair is tied in the back of her head, and her head is still wearing a complex ornament that Lin Chi can’t name. It should be very expensive.

Lin Chi put his eyes on the nameplate below the frame and looked at the text above:

"Smile lady, the patron saint of the temple."

- Is this product a code name?

I noticed that the picture did not have a real name underneath. Lin’s brow was slightly wrinkled, and I always felt that things were not simple.

The "celebrities" that will appear in this temple are obviously not idle. Even if it seems that it is "comfortable", once you meet a real person, you must prepare for the battle.

Will there be any hidden behind this portrait?

Lin Chi’s hand was about to take off the picture frame, but he heard heavy footsteps at the entrance to the big library, followed by the squeaking of the door and the respectful voice of the maid:

"Welcome the trainee angel!"

"Tell me, did someone just hide here?" Another rude male voice rang, sounding like an angry look: "Our partner was attacked!"

"No, only one trainee angel came to check the information." The maid replied twitchingly.

"I searched here, maybe there will be intruders." The "trainee angel" who walked into the house did not intend to leave, but continued to walk over to the big library.

Hearing the footsteps of the other party, Lin Chi put the candlestick on a small cabinet next to the bookshelf, and he left the dead end with a light hand, and the trainee angel who started and searched through "listening to the voice" Got a circle.

The size of this library is very large, let alone this person, even if it is playing hide and seek with ten people, no problem. Lin Chi moved in the opposite direction of the other's footsteps. With an agility of 22 points, he took an unusually light pace and did not make a sound.


The trainee angel who is searching in the library makes an irritating voice.

Under Lin Mi's subtle position, he searched for a while and couldn't find a hair. He finally turned to the front door and the footsteps began to drift away.

However, just as he was about to leave, this somewhat retarded trainee angel finally found some abnormalities. He asked the maid who held the candlestick in front of the door: "You said that a trainee angel has just arrived?"

"Yes, that adult entered the library!" The servant of the **** immediately replied.

"Weird, why didn't I meet him?" The voice of the trainee angel fell low.

"Adult, this library is very big, it is normal for you not to meet." The maid reminded very thoughtfully: "Please be careful, I can guarantee that the adult just was an angel, not an intruder!" ”


The trainee angels indulged for a moment and finally chose to leave. After listening to the other's footsteps disappearing behind the door, Lin Chi, who was still behind a bookcase, finally relaxed again.

In any case, it was temporarily to avoid the enemy's pursuit. Since the trainee angel has already gone out, he can continue to check the information in the library.

With this in mind, he picked up the nearest candlestick and looked at it again between the bookshelves.

Since the books here are unreadable, he is not looking for books, but notes and letters scattered in the library. From the previous experience, the text used in the letters here can be "Chineseized" by the automatic translation system. If you can find these things, you should find some clues.

Holding a candlestick between the bookshelves, passing by a few deformed maids who were mopping the land, after searching for it, Lin Chi finally found a piece of stationery on the round table next to a bookshelf.

He opened the stationery and read the text above with candlelight. The content on this paper should look like the work schedule of the maid:

"Three o'clock, clean up the library."

"Four times, clean up the prayer area."

"Five hours, clean up the corridor."

"At seven o'clock, clean up the pilgrim's residential area."

"At ten o'clock, I will send food to the smiling lady."

- The "smile lady" on the portrait is still alive?

Lin Chi squinted, put down the stationery that recorded the work schedule, and turned to look at the darkness behind him.

Perhaps, you can go to the "smile lady" to talk directly to find out what happened in the temple. But that is undoubtedly extremely dangerous. Before looking for the woman, I still need to complete some preparatory work.

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