Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

Under the violent repression of Su Lao San, none of Fans and Xiaoshun dared to make bamboo baskets for that little appetite, and all tragically hungry to find comfort in finding food in their dreams. And not as Su Lao San expected, the General Mansion really did not send someone to give them meals, or even no one came to see their situation.

The first day passed by in such a tormented situation, and the Su Susan family could barely endure, even at noon Su Susan had a little effort to climb to the door and kick the door, "Every good general Things, we are already working, why don’t you give us food! Come and send us something to eat, we will be starved to death."

However, Su Lao San shouted that his voice was dumb, and he still gave up without a response outside the door. Before he left, he kicked the door unwillingly, and walked back to the bed scoldingly and continued to lie down. Fan's still hiding on the side of the bed in front of the bed, fearing that it would cause Su Lao San to unpleasantly incur a severe beating, and Xiao Shun was too hungry to move.

The next morning, the slightly warm sunlight fell into the bleak guest room and barely brought some hope. Su Laosan turned over and scolded his head and continued to sleep. Fans held Xiaoshun in her arms worriedly, and she noticed that Xiaoshun was wrong last night, probably already hungry.

It wasn't until the sun that Sangan Su, the third son, woke up, and the general's palace still did not send people to send them food. Fan told Xiao Shun the situation of Su Shun and asked him to make a decision quickly. Su Lao San didn't know what was going on, but he still didn't want his family's Du Miaomiao to have an accident. While cursing Gu Chunzhu, he directed Fan to hurry up and make bamboo. basket.

The gatekeeper in this general's palace was also sensitive to the ears. Hearing the different sounds in the guest room, he knew that the third son of Su had compromised, so he quickly notified Wang Kun, and then Wang Kunzhu told Gu Chunzhu.

"Since this, you will send them some light food. After all, if you are hungry for so long, you should not suddenly eat too greasy and full." Gu Chunzhu's heart is not determined, she is also worried about the situation of Xiaoshun, the parents' unkindness. Righteousness cannot be implicated in the child's head either.

The food was quickly delivered to the family of Su Lao San. Fan was grateful to Dade to take it, thinking that his child had been saved. Su Lao San despised that the food was crude and inhuman, but had no choice. Can only eat while scolding.

On the third day, Xiaoshun's situation had been restored, and he followed the Fans to make bamboo baskets. Su Laosan leisurely looked at the ceiling boredly, wondering how he would put the general's palace in ruin after he went out. I suddenly laughed when I thought of something wonderful. Both Fan's and Xiaoshun are accustomed to his ventilation from time to time, and now they are calm, and only looking at how the bamboo basket in his hand can be compiled faster.

At noon Gu Chunzhu also went to see their situation in person. Fans often get a lot of calluses early in the farm work, so the situation is okay, Xiaoshun is full of blisters in his hands or sticking his teeth.

Therefore, she looked at Su Lao San, who was lying idle in bed, and clenched her teeth. "You look relaxed and laid back. Why don't you make bamboo baskets? Don't you want to stay in my general's palace for ten days and a half months. of?"

"There is nothing wrong here. I don't have to worry about eating and living here, and my life is full of taste. I am very satisfied." Su Laosan said that he was eager to live in the general's palace for a long time without being threatened by Gu Chunzhu.

This old rogue is really thinking about the beauty, not worry about food and accommodation? Gu Chunzhu sneered and ordered the next order against Su Laosan, "Wang Guanjia, in the future, you can't give meals to people who don't do work. If you want to eat, you can use bamboo baskets."

"Gu Chunzhu, why do you aim at me? Believe me or not, I let my elder brother rest you!" Su Laosan turned up and got up and pointed at Gu Chunzhu's nose, and he didn't realize at all that he was under the fence and was basically equivalent to The status quo of prisoners.

"You can try it." Gu Chunzhu really realized that the lower limit of human IQ from Su Laosan could be as low as this. Su Laosan so many times confronted Gu Chunzhu and threatened her with Su Wangqin. He did not persevere without success. Threaten with such a thin condition.

Gu Chunzhu turned and walked but stopped, "I will give you one last chance, Su Susan, as long as you tell me who brought you to Beijing, I promise to write off all the debt between us."

"Bah, I think you just have too much heart every day. Of course, our family came to the capital because they wanted to go out for a stroll." Su Laosan still refused to say that his mouth could not be opened. . Fans and Xiaoshun didn't dare to violate Su's third son, they all made their bamboo baskets honestly with their heads down.

Since this family is in such a state of not seeing the coffin and not crying, Gu Chunzhu will leave without saying anything. After Gu Chunzhu and his gang had left, Su Lao San repeatedly emphasized to Fans that they could live a good life as long as they stayed in the General's Mansion, and they could stick to their biological daughter, Peony.

"But now... Gu Chunzhu takes care of us so tightly, how can we stick to peonies?" Fan's asked Su's worry in exchange for his full name in the sight of Su Lao San. She is not as optimistic as Su's third son. After all, she is a person who is struggling to survive through all the pressures. Naturally, she is thinking about everything to the worst.

"You are pure worries. They will always have a moment of slackness. At that time, we will seize the opportunity and run away." Su Lao San picked up a slap in his hand and played casually, answering casually, because he was already in Considering whether or not to follow the bamboo basket, he didn't want to really have no food.

In the end Su Laosan threw the scorn strip aside and almost hit Xiaoshun. Su's third son continued to slouch lazily on the bed. He was going to look at the situation at night before deciding whether he was going to make bamboo baskets.

The person who delivered the meal at night really only prepared two people’s meals, and in order not to give Su the third son the opportunity to eat the two people’s meals, they brought Fan and Xiaoshun to eat outside the door, Su The third son continued to be locked in the door. Su Laosan slammed the door panel and kept barking, "You can't treat me like this, I want to see Su Wangqin! I must complain to my elder brother!"

No one can bother him, and he can only wait until Fan and Xiaoshun come back to get angry with both of them. He picks up the slap on the ground and hits the two of them, "You don't want to go out and eat and drink Bring me back, do you still see me in my eyes! Look at me and teach you!"

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