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Chapter 959 The Goat Soup Made by Hand

The next day, when Gu Chunzhu woke up, Su Wangqin was no longer in the room. She had to get up frustrated, and just raised her head and couldn't help but whisper, subconsciously holding her back with her hands.

At this moment, the voice of Ms. Liu's greeting came out of the door, "Madam, it's time to get up."

Gu Chunzhu responded hurriedly, only to support his painful lower back and carefully get out of bed, but did not hear the joy that mother Liu just said.

In front of the vanity mirror, Gu Chunzhu traced his eyebrows at the mirror. Mother Liu brushed her bun and rejoiced, "Madam, General, it's better to come back now, you look more ruddy than before, this Happiness is all written on the face."

"Mother Liu!" From her laughter, Gu Chunzhu finally heard her teasing and ambiguous meaning, and immediately blushed to stop her.

She still wanted to say something, and heard Wang Kun hurried in and said, "Madam, something happened..."

Gu Chunzhu couldn't help but see his panic, and asked, "What happened?"

"It's the Prince's Mansion," Wang Kun calmed his breath a little, preparing to tell Gu Chunzhu the words he heard in the morning without saying a word.

"Prince's Mansion? What happened to the Prince's Mansion." Gu Chunzhu heard that it was a matter related to the Prince's Mansion, and immediately turned around, reaching out to stop her from combing her hair and turning to look at Wang Kun seriously.

"Ma'am, it's not that Lord Narong has no need to marry into a wild land. The Prince's Mansion is preparing for her marriage. But I never thought that Yu Jun, who was most likely to marry the Yi people, suddenly lost his face."

Wang Kun mentioned these things, and he still felt incredible. He looked at Chun Chunzhu with a stunned expression, and asked, "How to ruin the face?".

"No one knows exactly what the facts are, but people in the Prince's House say that it seems that when she sleeps at night, she somehow abandoned all the people in her palace, and she was not careful at night. Overturned the oil lamp, caused a fire and was caught in the fire."

Seeing Gu Chunzhu's dubious appearance, Wang Kun quickly added, "There are other reasons, but now the palace has become a mess because of this matter. They are busy treating her, and no one comes out to say that she What is the injury like..."

"Huh." Gu Chunzhu lowered his eyelids and responded faintly, a little shocked in his heart.

The thing about Xuanyuanrong was nothing strange. She had long guessed that she would never get married in such a scandal, but she didn’t expect that this child, Xuanyuanyu, was really brave enough to let her heart go. I broke my face.

Although everyone thought it was caused by a fire, she knew very well in her heart that it was just a guise of appearance. It was her real purpose to disfigurement and not marry into a desolate place.

Gu Chunzhu thought that he couldn't help but sigh. The scene when Xuanyuan Yu begged her to help herself that day was deeply engraved in her mind, but she didn't expect her to move so quickly.

It seems that Xuanyuanyu is a ruthless character, but when I think about it again, Gu Chunzhu also has some pitiful Xuanyuanyu. She would rather make such a thing to herself rather than marry into a wild land. It can be seen that she is really afraid of Xuanyuanyu .

And Xuanyuan Xian has come to this stage, and all the betrayals and relatives have failed.

In a moment of silence, Gu Chunzhu nodded, turned around and sat back to the vanity mirror and said to Wang Kun, "I know, Wang Guanjia, let's go down first."

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Wang Kun nodded and nodded, turned around and went out busy.

"How could such a thing happen?" Mother Liu sighed for a while, sighed casually, and continued to comb Gu Chunzhu's hair.

"It's better to talk about things in the palace." Gu Chunzhu finished talking lightly, and saw Su Wangqin coming in for breakfast.

Ms. Liu had just served Gu Chunzhu right here, and it happened to be empty-handed. When she saw Su Wangqin coming in with her breakfast, she hurried forward and said, "How can you let me do this rough work? Or let me come."

However, Su Wangqin evaded her men and said, "It's okay, this kind of thing, I'll do it myself. Mother Liu, go out and get busy first."

Mother Liu was stunned for a while. It was estimated that he felt that he would not come back for a long time. Naturally, he had to spend more time with Gu Chunzhu. He still went out earlier. Don’t do light bulbs here, so she Immediately nodded with a smile, "It's a general."

Before going out, Ms. Liu looked at them and smiled, and even took the door for them intimately. Gu Chunzhu looked at her movements and couldn't help but shake her head and smiled, "This Ms. Liu is also true, from It has been so unreasonably grinning all morning."

Because Su Wangqin was able to stay with Gu Chunzhu, he was in a good mood and he didn't care about it. He just put breakfast on the table with a smile.

Gu Chunzhu saw that he didn't speak, and scorned him a little, and said, "You are too. Where did you go in the morning? I didn't see you when I got up."

Su Wangqin couldn't help but came forward with a smile, caressed her cheek and smiled, "Why, miss me early in the morning without seeing me, am I not here yet?"

Gu Chunzhu was slightly ashamed by his humor, she gently pushed Su Wangqin and suddenly remembered something wrong, "Yeah, today is this hour, you are back, why didn't you go up?"

"I finally returned to the capital. I have to rest for two days. You can rest assured. I have already reported the leave with the court. The court is not unreasonable. Knowing the hard work of my trip, let me spend two days again. Upwards are also possible."

Su Wangqin said something, and took Gu Chunzhu's hand, took her to the table together, and tenderly handed her chopsticks to her, "Hungry, these two dishes I made for you in the morning. Try the taste."

"This is sheep soup. People in cold areas often drink it. It can be used to keep out the cold. I specially learned to make it for you. Now the weather is still a bit cold. You can warm your body by eating sheep soup." Su Wangqin said while being attentive Scooped the soup into a small bowl for her.

Gu Chunzhu saw that he was so busy for himself, with a happy smile on his face, and took a small bowl to taste it carefully.

"Your craft is getting better and better," Gu Chunzhu smiled. "It seems that my craft will soon be compared with you. It seems that after this, can the food in the house be made for you?"

Gu Chunzhu blinked at Su Wangqin, the two of you gave me one sentence, one breakfast you came and went was eaten full of sweetness by them.

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