Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

An An leaned to the door to hold his breath and waited patiently to beat Hu Fei with good violence. Gu Chunzhu also stretched out his hand in fright, opening his mouth to stop Shangshan's movements. Looking at the wind in the fist, one can imagine how hard it is. If you hit directly on the nose, would you not interrupt the bridge of Hu Fei's nose? This is too serious.

Fortunately, the good fist stopped before Hu Fei's nose bridge, Hu Fei and the people watching around him were relieved. But before Hu Fei's breath was relieved, Shangshan's fist hit his stomach. Then there was a intensive boxing, fists shook into a ghost.

All the punches were punched on the stomach, and Shangshan directly vomited Hu Fei. Shang Shan looked at Hu Fei's complexion, his throat kept rising and falling, and sensitively let Hu Fei go back quickly. But she was too close to Hu Fei, and unfortunately got her skirt tainted with a little filth that Hu Fei spit out.

Hu Fei supported the ground with one hand and pressed his stomach with one hand to spit out the seafood he had just eaten. After he vomited, he immediately felt a sour taste drilling straight into his nose, so that he rolled in place, turned a few laps and stopped under the threshold.

"Are you okay?" Hu Fei just stopped in front of Gu Chunzhu. She squatted down to see Hu Fei's situation. But when she squatted, she smelled the sour taste, so that she quickly stood up and stepped back a few steps away. Asked with an extended neck.

Hu Fei slowly supported himself while sitting on the floor leaning against the door panel, humming with some pain or dissatisfaction in his mouth, "If you didn't hide so fast, I would be really good."

Gu Chunzhu saw Hu Fei still thinking about joking with himself, so he let go of his mind and put away his concern to pretend to be indifferent. "Since you are seen through by you, then I will say goodbye."

Shangshan also crossed his face and followed Gu Chunzhu and walked in. Hu Fei grabbed Shangshan's skirt, "Get me some water to rinse my mouth."

He kicked Hu Fei lightly, and Shang Shan walked in without changing his face. He didn't know whether he had agreed or not. Hu Fei was not very hopeful about this, just moved his body and continued to rub his stomach by sitting down and bowing his head. But suddenly a white thing appeared in front of him. He looked up and was happy.

Shangshan still didn't get too cruel. In the end, he could only stiffen his face and put aside Hu Fei, shaking the cup in his hand to signal Hu Fei to take it quickly.

Hu Fei became more relaxed after a while. He stood up and walked into the room, pretending to cry against Gu Chunzhu, pretending to be a pitiful and helpless look, "Mrs. General, do you think you have to Make me another delicious table to compensate me? The food I just ate was spit out by Shangshan."

The regretful look on Hu Fei's face seemed to say that if it wasn't too disgusting, he would really like to eat it again. Gu Chunzhu rubbed the corner of his mouth silently, and finally agreed to come down.

It is impossible to remake a table of seafood. You can only use the remaining seafood to make some quick pasta. She sees that Shang Fei hit Hu Fei before, on the one hand, she was afraid that Hu Fei was also good. Hu wouldn’t be afraid of breaking up her stomach when she eats so much seafood.

Gu Chunzhu turned over the remaining ingredients, and the chopped shrimp even missed a few uncooked, as well as a cuttlefish and shells. She touched her chin and seemed to be a good choice.

In the end, Gu Chunzhu only made a small bowl for Hu Fei. Hu Fei could only sit there and eat noodles when the protest was invalid. Besides, Shang Shan was still cuddling with his hands, Hu Fei was afraid to invite a new round of beatings and would not dare to show up again.

"Mrs. Xian, the Hai family is coming to visit you, and we are waiting for you in the front hall at this moment." Wang Kun walked in and said to Gu Chunzhu with his hand.

Gu Chunzhu waved his hand, indicating that he would arrive later.

In the antechamber, the old lady of Hai grasped the veil in her hands nervously, constantly stressing Young Master Hai, "This time, I can't rush as much as last time, so apologize."

Master Hai reluctantly explained in vain that it was not an attitude problem last time, but Mrs. Hai always insisted that he did not keep his head down before annoying the general's wife because he did not tell the real reason.

Gu Chunzhu took Ms. Miao and Ms. Liu into the lobby, and the two met with a smile.

"I don't know why Master Hai and Mrs. Hai came here this time?" Gu Chunzhu figured out that he was confused and pretended to be a bit like it. He was full of doubts in his eyes. Cute.

Young Master Hai bowed his hands deeply and bowed his head with apology, solemnly said, "Mrs. General, I still ask for your forgiveness for Pan's sake."

"We didn't talk about it last time. Naturally, we have already turned the page and said that we can forgive or not forgive." Gu Chunzhuduan's cold face smiled lightly and alienated. In her heart, she was not very optimistic about the Hai family. Every time, she apologized in vain. Without seeing any substantial remedy, she would just use some money to compensate, and the general government still lacked that thing.

"Look, Mrs. General, you are obviously still angry, which makes me feel at ease." Master Hai smiled bitterly, he knew Gu Chunzhu was not so easy to relax. This time he didn't want to come. After all, Gu Chunzhu wanted to dare not easily promise, basically there was no possibility of peace talks.

Yo, is this a word of complaint? I don’t have a big smile to show him? Master Hai can't really speak, but I don't care about the fact that the two have made a lot of money through cooperation. Gu Chunzhu comforted himself silently in his heart, his face was still cold, and he did not respond.

Master Hai was stunned in embarrassment, not knowing what to say next, and the old lady behind him looked very anxious. My son is so stupid! Obviously still go out to do business, but the mouth still can't say, it's really troublesome.

In fact, Master Hai's mouth is stupid, but he gave up hope of reconciliation early, and there is no motivation in his heart, and naturally he can't hold back a word.

Mrs. Hai took the initiative to cross Master Hai and stood up. She was rickety and sad. Gu Chunzhu felt that she seemed to be much more haggard than she saw last time.

She pulled a smile bitterly, her wrinkles on her face gathered deeply, and she was full of the vicissitudes of life, and her voice could not stop trembling. I will definitely punish the Pan family severely to save our friendship. Please be sure to dispel your breath and forgive the Hai family."

Gu Chunzhu still has great respect for the elderly. She took the initiative to bow down and politely comfort Mrs. Hai, "Lady Hai, I really don’t blame you, the Hai family, I haven’t been hurt. You are too careful, this is totally worried!"

"I don't know if I asked the Pan family to return to the Haijia clan in the countryside to manage the ancestral hall. Can you be satisfied with this punishment?" Where did Mrs. Hai believe Gu Chunzhu?

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