Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

Mother Liu quickly packed up the carriage and waited for Gu Chunzhu at the door, but had not waited for a long time. She continued to probe into the house and kept pacing back and forth, her mouth chopping up and saying, "How can the wife come back." And the wife Mrs. Liu had been waiting for, now she was being embraced by the solid muscle of Su Wangqin, who had been tanned to a wheat-colored complexion. In their arms, the two reluctantly talked tenderly.

Although Su Wangqin was outside before, he also learned through news from Xiaocheng that Wen's desire to harm the mistress during the banquet in the Prince's Mansion in the New Year Festival. He was calm as usual at first, but when he saw Gu Chunzhu almost succeeded by Wen Shi, he broke up.

He crumpled the stationery into a ball and fell **** the ground, all in his heart how to plan Xuanyuan and Wen's lessons. When I came back this time, I just collected more information, perfected the plan, and immediately designed Wen Shi.

"So I ruined Wen Shi, but she deserved it."

Gu Chunzhu let Su Wangqin hold her in his arms like water, and leaned softly on his chest. She listened to Su Wangqin's plans quietly, his emotions. But when she heard the words "sin deserves", she pushed away Su Wangqin.

Fortunately, the rockery was small inside. Su Wangqin was pushed by Gu Chunzhu without guarding, and it only hit the rockery rock, which didn't cause any more embarrassment. Su Wangqin stumbled and supported the rockery to stabilize his body. He asked in surprise, "What happened to my wife?"

Gu Chunzhu prostrately akimbo, "But you can also let innocent people die in vain because of Wen's!"

Su Wangqin laughed when he heard it, and reluctantly hugged Gu Chunzhu back to his arms, "Is it that you are such a lifeless, cold-hearted person in your eyes?"

"But... it's a fact that someone died." Gu Chunzhu was so weak when asked by Su Wangqin that his voice was getting smaller and smaller.

"Actually, he was my man and escaped with fake death."

It turned out that Zhao Da was the one who was extremely proficient in acting under Su Wangqin's hands. So Su Wangqin sent him out to spread the news, and was subsequently chased and blocked by the prince and unable to successfully leave the capital. He had to fool Xuanyuan Xian and successfully escaped by using fake drugs.

However, this is all calculation and luck. If Xuan Yuanxian does not need torture, and is not forced to lose his mind by Zhao Da's discourse, then Zhao Da can't escape by fake death. In a word, there are dangers everywhere.

Gu Chunzhu listened to the whole story with anxiety and was nervous about the crisis. Some people outside were panicked because Gu Chunzhu didn't show up for a long time, busy greeting the servants in the house to find Gu Chunzhu.

Gradually, some people also found the garden, and there were constant voices of shouting outside.

Su Wangqin glanced at the probe, then held Gu Chunzhu with his fingers and continued to go deep, trying to avoid the crowd, Gu Chunzhu also followed him obediently.

However, the rocks in the rockery are uneven, and Gu Chunzhu still has no place to take care of when carrying a skirt. He walked carefully or stepped on the skirt carefully, and the whole person went to balance and fell forward. Su Wangqin, while walking forward, looked back at Gu Chunzhu's situation and the crowd he was looking for, so he helped Gu Chunzhu as soon as possible. After a few trembling walks, the shouts were completely inaudible, and Su Wangqin stopped.

"Now Xuanyuan Xian is disturbed by Wen's affairs, and I must explain to everyone, I just took advantage of this opportunity to escape. Otherwise, wait for him to calm down, it is not easy to leave the city."

Gu Chunzhu pulled his shirt reluctantly, but his eyes were red but he didn't cry, but just looked at Su Wangqin stubbornly. Su Wangqin sighed, should break Gu Chunzhu's hand, and turned to leave.

Gu Chunzhu rushed up and hugged him from behind and asked, "Peony is scheduled to be married in mid-April. Will you come back at that time?"

Su Wangqin's rough palm was attached to Gu Chunzhu's white and tender and moist back, and he rubbed a few times, but he could not give an answer to Gu Chunzhu's question. Hesitating for a while, he said helplessly, "This...I'm not sure, but I will try my best to come back if there is a chance."

Gu Chunzhu rubbed his head against Su Wangqin's broad back, took a deep breath, released his hand and stepped back, "Let's go, brother, don't look back, otherwise I'm afraid I can't help keeping you."

Su Wangqin did not look back at Gu Chunzhu's words and only entrusted him with a solemn voice. "Everything in the house is hard for you to arrange. And Mrs. Su, you take good care of it. I am really relieved, thank you."

"The husband and wife are all in one body, so why should you say that, you can rest your hands on me."

Su Wangqin waved his hand to Gu Chunzhu, and then took the first step firmly, moving away.

Gu Chunzhu has been looking at the direction of Su Wangqin's departure, and his heart is full of regret and regret. I waved last night to say goodbye, anyway, still in the same city, but now it is thousands of miles away. And this time because of Xuanyuan's trouble, Wangge didn't even eat the meal she made.

Even in the corner of the remote corner, the whole general's man looked for it, and there was still a moment when he could find it. Soon after Su Wangqin left, Mother Liu found it.

She was sweating anxiously, and the clothes behind her were all wet and sweaty and stuck tightly to her body. She wore the skirt in an embarrassed manner, deeper and shallower, and walked to Gu Chunzhu's side as fast as she could. She took a breath, and then anxiously concerned about Gu Chunzhu's situation, "Why are you here, ma'am? Did someone sneak into the general's palace to tie you here?"

With that in mind, Ms. Liu looked around alertly, keeping Gu Chunzhu firmly behind her with one hand, and still comforting Gu Chunzhu that she would definitely protect his wife.

Seeing that Mother Liu was so dedicated to herself, Gu Chunzhu rushed through her heart. She thankfully hugged Mother Liu, "I came here by myself, but thank you Mother Liu for protecting me."

Mother Liu looked around in embarrassment, waiting for Gu Chunzhu to release her hand and immediately stepped aside. "Since it's okay, ma'am, the carriage is waiting for you at the door."

"The answer I want has come, and I won't go to the auction house. I'm sorry, Bai made you work hard and made you worry about me so much."

For Gu Chunzhu's apologetic look, Ms. Liu waved her hands again and again, by notifying everyone and the reason for packing the carriage, she ran away as soon as she smoked. But running halfway and turning back, Ms. Liu stood on one side and let Gu Chunzhu walk in front. "The road here is uneven and some stones are still slippery. I can look after my wife walking in front."

Gu Chunzhu looked at Mom Liu's escape and returned again, knowing that she would run away when she was polite, and she would no longer go back carefully.

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