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Gu Chunzhu received Lingxiao in a partial hall, and the room was brighter and more comfortable than the main hall. In the spacious room, only the front doors and windows are opened to allow ventilation and ventilation, and a charcoal fire is baked inside to make it warm enough. A screen with rich peonies was placed in the back position. The screen behind was unknown, while the front was a soft collapse. Gu Chunzhu would sit on it and drink tea.

Ling Xiao didn't observe much when he walked into the room, but stood silently in front of Gu Chunzhu. He knew that what he was asking for this time really didn't make sense, but it was because of his slightest friendship with Gu Chunzhu.

Since Ling Xiao said nothing, Gu Chunzhu also calmly drank his own tea, and Quan Dang Ling Xiao did not exist.

A dry voice sounded like dead wood. "Will Miss Peony please?"

"Naturally everything goes smoothly." Gu Chunzhu raised his eyebrows, and yelled, Ling Xiao, the big master, would one day have nothing to say but could not talk.

"This is a gift I gave her. I also hope that Mrs. General will help me hand it over." Ling Xiao took out a wooden box and handed it to Gu Chunzhu.

Nodding, Gu Chunzhu finally put things on the low table in the middle of the soft collapse.

Ling Xiao watched Gu Chunzhu arbitrarily place his presents, and glanced at the teapot not far from the wooden box.

After a long silence, Gu Chunzhu almost couldn't help but want to drive away Ling Xiao. Fortunately at this moment, Ling Xiao hesitated and asked, "I wonder if there is a plan to find a good match for peony in the house?"

"Naturally, there is something." Gu Chunzhu whispered quietly. This horrified look is really anxious. Can't I hurry and say something?

Ling Xiao looked like a bitter gourd, begging Gu Chunzhu for an opportunity, "I beg you, Mrs. General, can you give me a little more time, and don't let the old lady match the peony out?"

Gu Chunzhu slowly picked up the tea cup and blew it, and took a sip against a small dot. When she put down the teacup, she looked at Ling Xiao seriously, and refused firmly, "I can't agree to your request, please forgive me."

Ling Xiao clenched her palm in pain, her nails were deeply embedded in the flesh, and a little blood appeared on her palm. His eyes were covered with red blood, and his eyes were also flushed, but his tone must be calm. "Mrs. General, please also tell me the reason for rejection."

Gu Chunzhu's eyes were sharp, and he was staring closely at Ling Xiao. "Then please tell me honestly first, how long do you need us to wait? Why delay it?"

Anyway, Peony is also a serious lady in my general's palace, how can you be so white because of your affection for Ling Xiao? Boys spend their time, but girls’ youth can’t be wasted.

Ling Xiao wiped her face in pain, there were too many reasons, and she didn't know where to start for a while. He took a deep breath, "My mother, she... I mentioned to my uncle's girl earlier, although my uncle did not look at me before, but now he is unwilling to rescind the marriage because of my practice. ."

Afraid of Gu Chunzhu’s direct rejection of himself, Ling Xiao quickly picked up the first half of the plot, and the voice didn’t consciously increase by half a point, “But my cousin Xiao Shuang'er already has a sweetheart, and he doesn’t want to marry me! So it’s all My mother is arrogantly mandarin duck, the result of wishful thinking of the two parents!"

Gu Chunzhu tapped on the table with his fingers, although the sound was slight and slow, but in such a quiet environment, it fell on Ling Xiao's ear, but it struck Ling Xiao's heart like a heavy hammer, and gave a dull shock. The sound of the ears.

After pondering for a long time, Gu Chunzhu finally got a three, "I will only give you three months, if you can't handle all the matters, everything will be invalid."

"Thank you, I will do this well!" Ling Xiao heard Gu Chunzhu's words and immediately changed the dullness before it. The joy was overwhelming, and both eyes were filled with light, turning over and saying thanks.

Gu Chunzhu was taken aback by Ling Xiao's enthusiasm. He supported the low table with one hand, and his body unconsciously retracted a little. "Hurry up to complete your task, don't talk nonsense with me."

Ling Xiao nodded as if pounding garlic and kept responding, and left the general's palace in a hurry.

"What do you think?" Gu Chunzhu sighed, relaxed and sat down on the soft couch. He watched as a shadow came out from the screen and then asked casually.

It turned out that this partial hall was divided into two spaces by screens, and a soft collapse was also placed behind. Before, Gu Chunzhu specially arranged the peony to stay behind the screen, so that she could observe Ling Xiao's various moods.

Peony stood on Gu Chunzhu's side, looking at the direction of Ling Xiao's departure diligently, and his heart was still firm and unrepentant. Ling Xiao was still in deep trouble with a lot of troubles. Although my peony is not very knowledgeable, I know what it means to return.

Gu Chunzhu picked up the wooden box Ling Xiao gave and handed it over to the peony. The peony held it in his hand without looking at it.

"Hey, my sister, please don't look at your family's figure long ago." Gu Chunzhu's languid voice brought a little teasing to Peony, and reached out to ring her in front of Peony's eyes to urge her Answer your own questions.

Peony lowered her head slightly, her eyes fell on the wooden box, and she was so ashamed that the tips of her ears were all red.

Gu Chunzhu moved a little to the side, patted and let the peony sit beside him. Peony sat down obediently, Gu Chunzhu clapped her hands, and pointedly pointed at her negative things, "Peony, you are drinking water and water, but marriage is not a matter for the two of you. According to my observation and Understand, Ling Ling doesn't like you and won't accept you so quickly."

Peony listened carefully to Gu Chunzhu's analysis of the subtle relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter, and she only learned about the operations behind the various frictions between Gu Chunzhu and Su Su. Although Peony is a little worried, she is still willing to believe Ling Xiao.

"I think Master Ling has the ability to coordinate my relationship with his mother, and I am willing to wait."

"But putting everything on others is definitely not the best, and the risk is quite high. If Ling Xiao changes her mind, your life in the Ling family will change dramatically."

Peony is not very worried about the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but she is not too confident that she can make Ling Xiao always like it. Gu Chunzhu's remarks still shook Peony's resolve. She clenched Gu Chunzhu's hand and asked her for help. "So what should I do? Besides, don't women all attach themselves to men like this?"

"Who said yes? I'm not completely attached to Brother Wang, and I have my own career." Gu Chunzhu proudly stood up.

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