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An An came home and immediately told Gu Chunzhu about the anomaly. Gu Chunzhu naturally knew what the reason was, but mysteriously blinked at An An. "Look at it, there is a good show this time."

Because Xuan Yuanyu didn't avoid others when he said it, Wen's overnight absence spread quickly in the harem and quickly spread to the former dynasty. Immediately, the prince's "green hat" story and the rumor that the housewife and the daughter were not strict were spread.

Prince Xuanyuan was so angry that he immediately ordered people to look around in the capital and the suburbs, but the scope of the capital was very large, let alone the boundary of the suburbs. Finally, he could only return without success, and no trace of the crown prince was found.

The sudden disappearance of Wen's caused the Prince's House and Wen's family to centrifuge a bit and chase each other. The Wen family accused the prince of losing his daughter, but the prince's government said that Wen's family lost the prince after leaving the palace. It has nothing to do with the prince's government.

People on both sides were looking for it. As a result, until the third day, Wen's suddenly appeared again. And the timing is quite unlucky.

There is a temple near the place where Gu Xiaohu threw Wen's family. The incense is still at its peak, and the ladies and gentlemen sometimes go back to worship. So when Wen's struggling to get out of the woods, it was just recognized by Wen's opponents who went out to play, and rescued back.

Since it was a match, although it saved people, it also spread some rumours of Wen's.

At that time, Wen's had been hungry for three days. During the period, he had not washed his hair. His hair was also scattered. His appearance was naturally not as good as the spirit of the past. There was an unpleasant smell on his body. And also in ragged clothes, he almost didn't hang a piece of cloth on his body.

Fortunately, Wen Shi had already passed out when he was rescued, otherwise the title of Wen Shi's "rice bucket" would still be heard.

When Xuanyuan came to see Wenshi, Wenshi was desperately stuffing his mouth. Hearing the court ladies shouting "Prince Chitose", she almost choked her with a bite of dim sum, quickly poured herself a sip of water, and immediately killed her. Remove those snacks. Then Wen made a weak posture, leaning on the bed frame halfway, but it also smelled of weak wind and willow.

Xuanyuan was unwilling to watch Wen's beauty. He only ran into the bedroom of Wen's angrily and asked, "Where have you been in the past few days! What happened! Do you know what's going on outside now?" !"

Wen thought that he had not seen him for a few days, suffered a lot, and easily returned to the East Palace. He would be comforted by the prince. As a result, he met with condemnation at the first meeting, without half concern and compassion. For a time, the pale face was a little bit white, and his eyes were filled with tears, and he cried aloud.

Xuanyuan Xian clapped the table, "You still have a face crying! You will think in closed doors in the bedroom for a short time. Without my order, no one will let the prince go out!"

Kneeling beside the palace servants, whispered a reply.

Wen's foot prohibition did not cause any waves, nor did it stop the rumors outside.

Gu Chunzhu of the General's Mansion was pleased with this scene. An Jingguan watched a series of developments, and there was a bit of speculation, "Mum... Did you add firewood and fire?"

Gu Chunzhu chuckled and straightened the bun for An An. "Actually, I am the ignition person."

"Ma'am, it's amazing!" An An didn't think Gu Chunzhu shot a little punishment for Wen's. What Wen's did many times, but it was much more ruthless than this. She wanted to take Gu Chunzhu's life.

"An An, you remember, Ma Shan was ridden by people, and human beings were bullied. If someone really committed a crime in front of our general's palace, we would also use his own way to rule his own body."

Gu Chunzhu put down Wen's affairs for the time being, and was ready to start arranging the various items of the New Year's Day Commercial Street. He was also going to make some inspections to determine specific plans and measures.

Wang Kun recuperates. This time, only Ms. Miao accompanied Gu Chunzhu to inspect the commercial street. Along the way, it was a scene of prosperity. Both of them were deeply moved.

However, before the specific inspection, Gu Chunzhu first came to the auction house, after all, the commercial street is to cover the auction house, the focus is still on the antique auction.

Gu Chunzhu looked at the latest ledger, and suddenly asked, "I heard that antiques have taken another high price recently?"

"Yes, it is a jade ornament, the meaning is very auspicious, and the carving skills are still quite good. Those masters are competing to shoot, so they have set a new high." Yuan Qing is now closely watching the help of the auction house, so it is just a look Answered.

"Very well, next time you can actually learn to do a little publicity and promotion, write your own propaganda words, maybe it will attract those who are rich to pursue and bid fiercely."

"Propaganda words?" After all, ancient commerce was underdeveloped. Although Gu Chunzhu had influenced these days, Yuan Qing still lacked some correct understanding of some modern vocabulary.

But the shopkeeper on the side of the auction house was like a divine initiation, whispered, with a plan, "Ma'am, I have a little idea, wait for me to go back and sort it out, and I will let the boss Yuan give you a palm."

"Yes, you plan well, and I am rewarded for the success."

"Mrs. Xie."

Not far from the auction house, there are shops of rich objects, such as gold and silver jewelry shops, rouge shops, ready-to-wear shops, etc. Gu Chunzhu was determined to choose some new jewelry for An'an and went straight to the gold and silver jewelry store.

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Chunzhu noticed that the two people who were picking things up on the counter were the boss Long and his newly-wed concubine Zhongdenger. After all, it's a beautiful person who is new to entry. How can I not hold it in my palm and care for it? Naturally, I want to buy more rouge and jewelry for her.

Gu Chunzhu put on a ridiculous smile, and approached the two bosses, "Yo, you two are really sweet."

Zhong Zhuer's response was warmer, he smiled shyly, and then asked Mrs. General, he pulled the boss's clothes and hid behind him. The boss Long's response was a bit cold, he smiled with a little tired, "Don't tease me."

Looking at Long Boss’s unwillingness, it seems that he has not completely accepted it. How can outsiders evaluate it? Gu Chunzhu glanced at Zhu Chai on the table, "Since we met by accident, this Zhu Chai will be yours. Xinhu gift. If you choose it, let the shopkeeper directly wrap it up for you."

"Yo, it's rare to be so generous, I don't want it." Long Boss refused in his own right.

One insisted on sending, one insisted on not, and Zhong Zeng'er directly kept the shopkeeper safe, "Master, since the general's wife wants to send, how can we get rid of it."

Boss Long stared at Zhong Zeng'er, and then said embarrassedly, "This woman is ignorant, and you've spent all your money."

"Why should we say these are friends between us?"

Boss Long thought for a while and whispered to Gu Chunzhu, "I think the prince has been looking for your trouble. Recently, you have kept a low profile."

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