Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

"Forget it, don't talk about me, let's talk about the peonies and Lingxiao." The boss of Dragon is happy today, and the mother of Dragon is indeed happy, but Gu Chunzhu does not feel bad, just quiet. Waiting for her words.

"Today, it was difficult to let Peony and Ling Xiao stay together alone. I didn't ask Ling Xiao how he felt about Peony before. I went to the banquet after a while, and I went to ask." Dragon Mother was afraid that she would make too much a decision. Tang Tu wanted to discuss Gu Chunzhu to see if she had any better ideas.

"By the way, do you want to ask Peony together to ask, this also shows that Peony is interested in Ling Xiao?" The Dragon Mother always feels that she is afraid that Ling Xiao feels that she wants Peony to marry him, but Peony doesn't like it he.

"Don’t go to Peony, Peony has a thin skin, if she goes, she’ll be red, and it will make her feel bad for Ling Xiao. If Peony is married to Ling Xiao, then there will be no majesty at home. Gu Chunzhu feels that Peony is still too gentle, and some of them can't hold up.

These things also require her to worry about Peony.

After thinking about it for a long time, Dragon Mother thought that what she said was justified, she agreed with Gu Chunzhu's opinion and decided to ask herself what Ling Xiao thought.

Gu Chunzhu and the Dragon Mother returned to the banquet. The banquet was still a lively and festive appearance, making people easily infected and immersed in it.

After a long day of trouble, the banquet finally went away, and the night was already deep.

Wei Zhixing and Gu Xiaohu were making troubles and wanted to send An'an home together, but he didn't expect a male voice to stop An'an.

"An An." The male voice was a little pleasantly surprised, but let the actions of Wei Xingzhi and Gu Xiaohu stop at the same time.

As soon as An An turned around, she saw a handsome and suave boy approaching her. She opened her eyes like black grapes and looked at it for a long time. She suddenly surprised, "Yeah, Brother Jinhan, you are here, I have always been I did not see you."

After seeing the man's appearance clearly, An An smiled happily and kept his eyes on him.

Wei Zhixing saw a boy approaching An An and the alarm in his heart sounded immediately. He hurriedly bypassed Gu Xiaohu and ran in front of An An, stopping the boy in front of him.

"Who are you, what are you doing." Wei Zhixing's tone was somewhat polite, and he wrote all the thoughts in his face. He didn't know why. When he saw that this person was going to be close to An'an, he was very angry.

"Wei Zhixing, what are you doing, let's go." An An glanced at Wei Zhixing angrily and wondered, and then smiled at Jin Han: "Brother Jin Han, why are you here? I haven't seen you for a long time. ."

Gu Xiaohu was very helpless to see that Wei Zhixing ran suddenly, and then looked at An Han who was standing in front of Jin An. He immediately stepped forward and happily hammered a fist on his shoulder.

"Why are you? It's been a long time since I saw him." When Jin Han saw Gu Xiaohu, he immediately covered the hammered place and pretended to be injured. "Ah, it hurts to death, alas, I haven't seen you for so long. Are getting bigger."

"Cousin, please lighten up." Although An An knew that Jin Han and Gu Xiaohu were joking, he couldn't help but join together to make jokes with them.

The three looked at each other and immediately laughed.

I haven’t seen it for a long time, and naturally there are words that I can’t talk about, so I accidentally left Wei Zhixing alone.

Some embarrassed and anxious Wei Zhixing looked at An'an and then Gu Xiaohu, and he always felt that he was squeezed out of An'an.

He saw An An staring at Jin Han all the time, he was anxious and eager to improve his sense of existence.

"That, An An, do you have a good relationship?" Wei Zhixing wondered if he had lost his memory. How could he not remember An An saying that there are such individuals who have a good relationship with them.

All three stopped when they heard Wei Zhixing's words, as if they didn't understand what Wei Zhixing meant, or An An reacted first.

"Oh, we haven't seen you in a long time, we talked too happy and we forgot to introduce you."

"Actually, the three of us grew up together. We have known each other since childhood. Of course, the relationship is good." An An was a little surprised by Wei Zhixing's attitude. He didn't understand how Wei Zhixing saw them talking, just like anti-thieves.

An An didn't notice his depressed mood, and the three turned around and started to make trouble again.

Wei Zhixing was a bit lonely, lowering his head, and it was a bit ugly when he didn't know whether he should retreat or enter. Suddenly Gu Xiaohu grabbed his shoulders.

"Let's go, what do you think." Gu Xiaohu has been fighting with Wei Xingzhi in the past few days. He secretly struggled down, and actually found him interesting. He didn't reject him in his heart, and because he had already seen through his thoughts, he saw this Although the expression was a little funny, he decided to comfort him.

Wei Zhixing turned his head to look at him, and then looked at the Jinhuan and An'an who were talking about Zhenghuan before.

Gu Xiaohu raised his head and smiled and said, "Did An An just tell you that, we were all small, we came from the countryside, naturally we have been together for a long time before, and we are free, naturally there are many interesting things. , I haven’t seen each other for a long time now. Naturally, I feel fresh and talk more naturally than usual."

"Although you and you have known each other for about ten years, but from now on, since we know each other, we are considered friends." Gu Xiaohu encouraged, "You can try to make a friend with Jinhan , His temperament should still be with you."

Wei Zhixing listened to Gu Xiaohu's words, and then it came back. He had a little belly.

This is because An An's hair is so useless to be jealous. It's no use blaming him for not participating in the first twelve years of An An's life.

Wei Zhixing looked at Jin Han and An An talking and laughing, but he was not very interested. He felt that he had missed too much time in An An's life. He must find a way to make up for An An.

He first suppressed this idea, followed An'an's footsteps, and took the initiative to participate in their conversation, and then he slowly felt that his distance from them was getting closer.

As soon as Wei Zhixing returned to Fuzhong, although the night was deep, he was not at all sleepy.

He was very excited when he thought of the year he wanted to make up for An An that he missed. He was busy and busy, thinking about how to surprise An An.

He wanted to make up for An An with gifts ranging from one to twelve, and he didn't want to leave any regrets.

Although he did not participate in An'an's first twelve-year birthday in the past, he will definitely participate in every subsequent birthday.

Wei Xingzhi was so enthusiastic that he was so excited that he was tired of the girls in the house. He was either picking him gifts or wrapping them up delicately.

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