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Chapter 298 Chef Zhang's Ideas

"Boss, I'll tell you later, do you think Brother Yuan's carriage should give it to you first?" Old Man Su thought of borrowing so much debt from outside, he said to Su Wangqin with his teeth and thick face.

Gu Chunzhu thought deeply, he recognized the money of the carriage, and he was afraid that the debt that the old man Su would owe was called Su Wangqin to pay back, in case this solid-eyed one also agreed!

She stood in front of Su Wangqin and said: "Dad's married daughter spent a hundred or two dollars on the dowry. The water table gave all the relatives on the man's side, and the relatives of the man came over to receive the gifts. If you are light, you will be squinted."

Su Wangqin's eyebrows have wrinkled a deep mark.

"As for why I owe money to Dafuge's family..."

Gu Chunzhu also laughed coldly and spit out quickly, "Su Duoer promised to marry Dazhu, and Dazhu spent all her earned money from her father and mother, and spent fifteen or two before and after. ."

"How can Doer do this?" Su Wangqin's voice fell deep.

Old Man Su saw that things were broken, and an old face really couldn't stay. He rubbed his hands with his head down and said: "Then your mother told me to return the carriage and hurried back to the house to live a lot."

After talking about Old Man Su, he left, and Su Wangqin followed him and called him "Daddy". He didn't look back and saw the face.

Yuan Qing was also in a hurry on one side, and even Su Wangqin offered to hire him a carriage, but he refused. He was going to go directly to the town next door. As for the damage to the carriage, he refused to accept the money.

"Let's go, let's go back to the house to drink porridge and hurry to the town." Gu Chunzhu reminded Su Wangqin to hurry to the stove.

He Lao San had already warmed up the porridge and put it a little warm. The three of them wrapped the tiger directly in a straw mat, so as not to cause people to come around and look around, so as not to cause much trouble.

They went early and packed the oxcart directly, and put the straw mat wrapped in the tiger on the cart pulled by the oxcart. The three people sat on the edge of the car and were very crowded.

It was so bumpy all the way to the county town. He Laosan had never been to the county town. Looking at the special freshness there, he was taken directly to Chef Zhang’s shop.

"Chunzhu..." Su Wangqin called before she stepped into the threshold, not always going to the back door of Xiyinglou, which restaurant is this, just walk the main entrance?

"It's okay, let's go." Gu Chunzhu walked in front and asked Su Wangqin and He Lao San to bring the tiger in the straw mat together.

Everyone in Chef Zhang’s store who had lunch was full. Gu Chunzhu looked at his business so tightly and tightened the basket on his back. It seemed that he could take a lot of spring shoots this time.

"Hey guys?" The little guy named Xicai bent over and brought the plate in. His eyes turned to the three of them with doubts. When Gu Chunzhu saw it, he closed his mouth, and it was another smoke. Go to the back kitchen.

"Chef Zhang, the big sister you said is here--" Gu Chunzhu, the voice of Xicai, could hear it in front.

"Where are the people?" Chef Zhang walked out with a big iron spoon. His face was full of joy, and when he saw the person, he stuffed the big iron spoon into Xicai.

Gu Chunzhu looked at Chef Zhang's ears and he was almost behind his ears. He was thinking about what joy he had encountered.

She was just about to ask, and Chef Zhang rubbed his hands and said, "I have something to tell you, but I don't know where you are in your house. I heard Guisao say that you are all here in a bullock cart and want to entrust the bullock cart. Ask the style, the handlebar style was not there yesterday."

"Master Chef Zhang is telling me something urgent?" Gu Chunzhu had a smile on his face. The bullock cart was naturally absent. The bullock cart was hired by Fu's sister-in-law to send them to Xiaohetou Village for a day.

"Just... go to the kitchen with me and say go." Chef Zhang took Gu Chunzhu's arm and walked to the kitchen. Suddenly he felt a hot eye and looked up to see Su Wangqin, he said haha: "The big brother is here too , Or come in together and say, it's serious business."

"Good." Su Wangqin followed without a word, Gu Chunzhu gently twisted a soft flesh around his waist, feeling so uneasy about himself.

Su Wangqin looked down at her with a gentle smile in his eyes.

"Sir, please wait here for us." Gu Chunzhu thought of He Sr. turning his head and said, seeing Xicai had given He Sr. a stool, and He Sr. sat on the stool and guarded the straw mat. Wrapped tiger.

Gu Chunzhu entered the kitchen, and saw that there were two half-size boys busy on the stove. She couldn't help but say with joy: "Master Zhang is now recruiting apprentices. Has the stove been given so early?"

"Well, after the last time you shouted according to the method you taught, many old customers knew that my shop was here, and they were very busy this afternoon and evening." Chef Zhang said with a grin.

No wonder Chef Zhang is also free to talk to Su Wangqin about this meal.

"Chunzhu, long time no see!" At this time, an acquaintance Guisao in the corner also happily laid down the dish-washing basin and ran over, rubbing her hand on her apron several times before daring to go to Gu Chunzhu's arm.

"Guisao, are you really working here?" Gu Chunzhu was a little puzzled, but Guisao hadn't been in Xiyinglou for a month.

"Hey, Chef Wang is really harsh. Chef Zhang said that when I am busy with the money, let me do it here, or I am free here." Guisao also glanced at Chef Zhang and patted Gu Chunzhu's Said, "Chef Zhang has been talking about telling you things for the past few days, you say it first."

She said, she stepped aside and continued to wash the vegetables. Gu Chunzhu's Xing eyes looked at Chef Zhang. What the **** is this?

"Chunzhu." Chef Zhang first smiled with three points, "I attracted a wave of guests according to the method you gave, and one of them was a big man, the nephew of the county's grandfather's house. He disliked me. The shop is too small to open a restaurant with me."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Gu Chunzhu's mind turned quickly. The nephew of the county's grandfather was the relative of the imperial family in this safe county, and there were people covering everything.

"It's a good thing. I didn't agree for a while. I want to get you together. How about the three of us?" Chef Zhang rubbed his hands in anticipation, and then asked Su Wangqin with respect. "You think, big brother." "

Gu Chunzhu's Liu Mei frowned gently, and she felt a squeeze in her palm, and she looked up to see Su Wangqin's indulgent smile, meaning she was all dependent on her.

"Then... how much does it cost to get together?" Gu Chunzhu hesitated a little.

"The nobles account for 40%, and each of us is 30%, probably we each get a total of sixty-two silver." Chef Zhang said this number is a bit worried.

"Success!" Gu Chunzhu should just leave.

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