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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two

Xie Yun was more cautious, but just shook his head with a smile, but did not speak too much.

Shi Zhiyuan's indifferent mentality is more obvious, he is still the smile of the flower and butterfly, "I am not the talent the prince needs, sitting in this position is just right."

Between these words, Xuan Yuanxian appeared, standing directly in front of the center of the front, a magnificent dress was very noble, with a full gesture, holding a glass of wine loudly, "Thank you all for coming here, my prince congratulates me first Children won the top spot, and I wish you all the best development in your future career, and better loyalty to the country."

Hearing what Xuanyuan Xian said, Gu Chunzhu turned his head to look around the audience, and most of them were really candidates this year, and all of the top ten were invited.

In addition, there are more officials who are close to the prince. The only exception is the generals.

An An listened to Xuanyuan's disgusting disgusting words, and leaned directly into Gu Chunzhu's ear, "Mother, this prince really speaks better than sings. I don't know who he will make better development in the future. "

Gu Chunzhu did not deliberately turn to look at An An. The fake smile on the face was still extremely extreme, his lips moved slightly, "An An, be careful." An An made a nuisance, and finally listened to Gu Chunzhu's words honestly, An An looked at Xuanyuan The performance opened.

After Xuan Yuanxian said a few suggestive words on the stage, he walked off the table and talked with the students. This kind of thank-you behavior of toasting and chatting was supposed to be carried out by Xuan Yuanxian and Xiaocheng together, but now Xuanyuan Xian is alone. Xiaocheng sat firmly on the first table and ate without expression.

The first table was his favorite group of people, mainly a few of the top ten who entered the hall test. Gu Chunzhu took a closer look at the few students who could sit at the first table. They were all on the street and Xiaocheng did not deal with that day.

Of course, at the first table, besides these people, Xiaocheng and Xuanyuan were the closest ministers. So when Xuanyuan was in the middle, everyone except Xiaocheng showed exceptional enthusiasm, and Xiaocheng became an outlier exception.

Xuan Yuanxian didn't care much, but instead, the more gloomy his expression was, the happier he was. After all, in addition to attracting students, this banquet is aimed at becoming energetic and the people of the General's Mansion, so that they can see clearly his Xuanyuan's strength.

"You have a place to stay in Beijing. I happen to have a group of houses that are unoccupied. If you need it, I will give it to you directly."

People at this table Xuanyuanxian still cares very much, and Corporal Lixian's posture is very adequate.

Those students really need them, but the pride of the students will not let him say it easily. But the little entangled hesitant eyes were enough for Xuanyuan to comprehend, and then Xuanyuanxian directly stuffed the house to the man.

In general, Xuanyuan Xian's performance at the table is still good, and it has successfully attracted people's hearts. However, his stupidity was undoubtedly exposed, and he also offended a group of chicken ribs that he thought had no effect.

This second table Xuanyuanxian began to take the arrogant route. After toasting, he pretended to be a little bit concerned about the situation of the students, and began to direct the courtyard of the impoverished family Sai Jingcheng, regardless of whether they wanted to accept it or not.

Fortunately, however, the people at the second table did not say anything because of the status of Xuanyuanxian's prince. Even if one person was until he might be called pedantic, he really wanted to refuse Xuanyuanxian's alms, and was finally pulled by others. Living.

Finally, Xuanyuan came to the third table, and he and Gu Chunzhu formally touched them. Xuanyuan Xian first pretended not to see Gu Chunzhu's appearance, toasted the other students, and finally Xuanyuan Xian turned back, and the yin and yang were apologetic and had no sincerity to apologize. Why don't you say hello to me first."

Xuanyuan Xian probably also drank alcohol and numbness, and now still thinking that he is a prince, Su Wangqin, a little general, should greet him first, and the dissatisfaction in his heart was directly displayed on his face.

An'an felt overwhelmed. What kind of unseen circumstances existed in this kind of thank-you behavior, and they also wanted their guests to greet the host first? Xuanyuan Xian is really blind and blind. So she wanted to stand up and challenge Xuanyuan, but was firmly held by Gu Chunzhu. An An could only watch Xuanyuan Xian with two eyes.

Xuanyuan Xian was not afraid of his daughter, whom he didn't want to recognize at all, but instead looked at An An angry. However, his good mood did not last long, because he instantly saw the lightness of Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin.

He then raised his glass and said that he would respect Chun Zhu and the three of them, but he continued to say irritably, "I must be good and respectful of this glass of wine, and thank you for raising a good son for me and being able to serve the country."

In fact, Xuan Yuanxian's heart is very sour, he is strange, even a rural place can even raise Xiaocheng so well, and finally came back to fight with him for his original position.

Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin had discussed it when they were at home, and this time they came to the banquet absolutely not in conflict with Xuanyuan. So what Xuanyuan Xian said they listened directly to praise, smiled and toasted Xuanyuan Xian toast.

The unsuccessful Xuanyuan Xian was very unwilling, he didn't believe he could not force out Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin's gaffe, so he added another sentence, "Most of this time, Xiaocheng will be filled into the Hanlin Academy to compile books, I remember Hanlin Lao I've been calling for the lack of people."

Xuan Yuanxian's remarks are also a repeat of the old tricks, want to use Xiaocheng, even if talented, can only stimulate Gu Chunzhu and his wife for the officials. However, it is a pity that Gu Chunzhu and his wife's Qi-Kungfu can be said to be a must.

Gu Chunzhu even said with honour and arrogance, "It's a good thing to be able to enter Hanlin. Those who can serve as prime ministers are not from Hanlin. I hope Xiaocheng can go to Hanlin. It's just a good time to spend more time. , Stay with me in the capital."

Xuan Yuanxian only felt that his fist was like hitting the cotton, no matter how much force he used, he would not get any response. A feeling of powerlessness came to him, and he chose the target of resentment resentfully. Since the Gu Chunzhu and his wife could not seek gaffe from themselves, then he attracted those who were close to him to disgust the Gu Chunzhu and his wife.

Then he looked at Xie Yun and Shi Zhiyuan, and they used their usual tricks to pull together. "The eyes of the flower list are really beautiful, and I don't have any good gifts. The Beijing Real Estate is also pleased to accept it. "

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