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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty

Hearing Xu Wenjun put all his responsibilities on his head, Jia Fushang's first reaction was to rush up and beat Xu Wenjun, but his behavior still showed his guilty conscience.

Of course, Zhen Shi knew how rich Jia Fushang was and how boring it was, but in order to keep her position and her face, she would eventually throw the blame to the vixen outside.

Therefore, this time is no different. After Zhen Jia took hold of Jia Fushang, he personally went to fight Xu Wenjun, and slapped his hair and scratched his face.

Jia Fushang's eyes were bright when he saw such reactions from Zhen Shi, because he knew that this showed that Zhen Shi would not find himself in trouble, so he quickly went up to help Zhen Shi hold Xu Wenjun to prevent Xu Wenjun from violently hurting Zhen Shi.

Under the mixed doubles of husband and wife, Xu Wenjun was messed up, his hair was all messed up, his clothes were stained with dirt because he did not know how many times he rolled on the ground, and there were countless blood marks on his face. It is a disfigured end. Here Zhen Shi is playing with his hands, and his mouth is not idle, and he has been scolding Xu Wenjun.

"You shameless, stinky man, looks serious, and a man has to be a servant. The man who hooked up with me lie to my family's money, and I curse you for not being able to die well! I'm going to make you disfigured, I see you How to hook people up!"

Such an explosive event drew a lot of discussion from the people around him, all pointed to Xu Wenjun with a disgusted face and said that he was not worthy of being a reader.

Li Heng, who stayed and watched the lively laugh, smiled happily. He thought how upright this Xu Wenjun was, and the result was not a broken one. This is too embarrassing to talk about robbing one's friends and deceiving money.

Finally, the couple over there was finally tired, and Zhen's hand waved Jia Fushang to compliment Zhen, and the two turned and left together. Before leaving, Jia Fushang sipped at Xu Wenjun's body.

After the couple left, Xu Wenjun also got up and prepared to leave. As soon as he looked up, he saw the group of students who came with him and Li Heng. He smiled and greeted them with embarrassment.

As a result, no one took care of him, except Li Heng, and Li Heng said nothing good.

Li Heng had a very bright smile on his face and ridiculed, "Xu Wenjun, even if my article is not as good as you do on weekdays, it’s not because I ended up on the list and you don’t, and I don’t have to look like you. Don’t ask someone to give you money."

"Hey, does the taste of exchanging money make you very enjoyable, and the silver with open legs and flowers will be placed in front of you. I think your buyer is gone, would you like me to introduce you to a male style museum, In the future, I will also see that I will give you a reward for the exam of the same year!"

As soon as Li Heng finished speaking, all the students around him laughed happily, and one person even laughed exaggeratedly with stomach pain, and finally even squatted on the ground and hammered.

Suffered from this ridicule, Xu Wenjun couldn't vent even if he couldn't be reconciled. He could only bear the strange eyes of everyone, and fled with a ridiculous sound of Li Heng's group of people with extremely penetrating power.

He lowered his head deeply, wishing to bury his face in his clothes, and then passed Gu Chunzhu's carriage.

Gu Chunzhu watched the whole process and watched Xu Wenjun leave in a state of embarrassment. The disturbed mood also returned to a sunny day. He even hummed in his heart and tapped the rhythm with his fingers on his legs.

Shortly after Xu Wenjun left, the top ten rankings also came out. After the announcement, the officers and soldiers took the new hot red paper and stuck it to the place where Xu Wenjun was torn.

The names of the top three are also specifically enlarged and beautified. It looks more than other rankings, especially the position of the first.

It’s still the last scene. When the list comes out, the people around are swarming up, but most of these people except for a small number of the top ten friends and family are together. Although they don’t know the top ten, they also want to see a Bizarre. Of course, there are still many people who are just going to grab a top son-in-law, or look at the list.

Gu Chunzhu because they didn't go to wait early this time, so they waited for the first wave of crowds to pass by. The guards once again did not mention the struggle. After Gu Chunzhu successfully went in, they saw the name and position of Xiaocheng at the first glance, shining brightly at the top of the list, and the gilded name was particularly dazzling.

Da Zhuang and Jin Han came to see them together this time, and both were excited for the brother's so dazzling ranking. Both Granny Su and Fu's sister-in-law were staring at Xiaocheng's ranking and the name with joy, and Gu Chunzhu's first thought after seeing it was surprised. It stands to reason that the emperor should make Xiaocheng's ranking lower in order to avoid suspicion.

After all, the emperor pushed Xiaocheng to the top position so directly, I am afraid that many people would feel that Xiaocheng might be uncoordinated in his knowledge. In addition to this, Gu Chunzhu also has a concern that Xiaocheng hastily made his head in this troubled autumn. I am afraid that it will cause the Prince to be vigilant or directed. How hard it may be in the future.

However, these worries passed through Gu Chunzhu's mind, and they were again crushed by Gu Chunzhu to the bottom of his heart. Anyway, the emperor was not far away from falling down. Xiaocheng will start to fight against the prince sooner or later, but now it is just early.

Besides, they have prepared a lot of things for a long time, but why should they worry too much, but the soldiers came to cover up the water.

In a good mood, Gu Chunzhu decided to celebrate the top spot of Xiaocheng High School, and the General Mansion will be given a porridge in the next month, and it is still the one with unlimited supply, but Wang Kun will arrange the specific things.

Wang Kun, who was standing outside and guarding Gu Chunzhu's group, sneezes. He rubbed his itchy nose and thought it was caused by a lot of people, but he didn't know he would be busy in the next month.

After seeing Xiao Cheng’s name, Mr. Su, who was in Taotao, began to show off again, and deliberately leaned over to the guard, and introduced the champion Jin Ke through the guard. "Hey, did you see that top? It's my grandson!"

In fact, the operation of chatting through the guards is still a bit too funny. Others of course envy Mrs. Su for having a good grandson. Not envious anymore. A little bit of Qiu Fu's heart came to mind, if our family is as rich and powerful as yours, we can do so! Of course, to say so in my heart, I still have to smile and compliment, and keep squinting at the guard's knife.

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