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After the sister-in-law and Gu Chunzhu's bombing took turns, An'an was reluctant to say anything. She saw that both Xiaocheng and Dazhuang began to risk Venus.

So she quickly pulled Gu Chunzhu and said, "Mother, tomorrow is the exam. Or do you have dinner for today to make a meal for Xiaocheng and Zhuangzhuang brother? After all, there will be no good food for nine days!"

"Yes, Xiaocheng and Dazhuang can have anything to eat, I will try to arrange it. But to prevent you from having a stomachache tomorrow, etc., the meals tonight will still be mainly light, and the heavy taste will wait for your return day. Arrange again." Gu Chunzhu readily agreed to An An's request, but he also clearly expressed his concerns.

Both Xiaocheng and Dazhuang said that they were not picky, and it was arranged by Gu Chunzhu. Instead, An An ordered a few dishes she had recently been greedy, such as potato brisket and steamed sea bass. Gu Chunzhu looked at An An funnyly, and An An dazzled her with all her spoils.

Fusister-in-law would go back and said that nobody left her home to cook, and finally Gu Chunzhu sent them to the general's palace with a big wave. After she said that she did not give Fu's sister-in-law the opportunity to quit, she went straight to prepare dinner, and after her compromise, Fu's sister-in-law followed Gu Chunzhu to help make dinner.

Then Yingying and Xiaoling, who heard the news of Xiaocheng, also came to the flower hall to find Xiaocheng. The two of them opened their hands actively to make Xiaocheng hug, and the other held Xiaocheng's legs and looked up at him. Xiaocheng just hugged one in each hand and talked with the twins intimately.

"Brother is hugs right and left." An An was half jealous and half squinted at Xiaocheng and the twins in his arms. She apparently came to greet Xiaocheng first, but she didn't say a few words to Xiaocheng in the end. . Now it's easy for the elders to leave, and the twins come out again to take up Xiao Cheng's attention. Can she be better?

Yingying held Xiaocheng's neck, and her soft side was next to Xiaocheng's side, proudly showing off with An An, "Brother Xiaocheng just likes Yingying better, but doesn't like you." Yingying was always teased by An An before Play also remembers An An's hatred, and now she can finally get back 10%. She also grabs the point that An An cares about.

There was a lot of laughter and laughter here, and Wang Kun suddenly walked in and disturbed the harmonious atmosphere. He said solemnly, "Miss An'an, someone is looking for you outside, it is said that there is something important to report."

An An frowned, not wanting to go, but Wang Kun went on to add, "The coming person is a woman, and the expression is full of anxiety, which is no small matter."

An An thought, it would be better to see this section, in case it was related to Xiaocheng's exam. So she followed Wang Kun to the door, and let Wang Kun wait for her not far away, so as to avoid accidents.

"Miss, this is the letter my girl asked me to send you. I'll go first." The girl walked through the back door and stared at her like a startled bird. An An also started to break into her heart after watching her expression, wouldn't anyone really want to deal with the General Palace at this time?

The man finished whispering in his ears, hurriedly stuffed a small paper ball into An An's hand, and trot away. An An pinched the paper ball in his hand and stared at the man's back for a while before turning back. Wang Kun sent her back to the flower hall in silence before leaving silently.

"Who is looking for you? What's the matter?" Xiaocheng asked with concern after watching An'an return.

An An opened the paper ball tightly clenched in his hand and read it. His face was pale and his hands were shaking. Xiaocheng quickly put down the twins and walked to An'an to take the paper ball and look at it in ten rows. It turned out that the old man was bought by the dragon boss that Chi Yihe took that day and sent it to An'an's girl to send a letter, saying that Chi Yihe was going to do something to obstruct Xiaocheng's scientific expedition.

"How can Chi Yihe mix things into me? Nothing happened between me and him?" Xiaocheng thought thoughtfully after reading it, and did not consciously ask.

"I think I was implicated in you." An An thought of pitting Xuanyuanrong several times before, and then told Xiaocheng.

This matter was too serious. An An, Xiao Cheng, and Da Zhuang hurried to the kitchen to consult Gu Chunzhu. Su Wangqin, who came back later, was very strange to see that there was no one in the room. After asking the young lady, she went to the kitchen to find them.

Gu Chunzhu was furious after listening to it. Although she didn’t know that this matter was Chi Yihe’s own thought, or Xuan Yuanxian made a small move in the back, but those who dared to start with Xiao Cheng must be ready to accept the general’s palace. Anger and subsequent revenge.

When Su Wangqin arrived, he rushed to Gu Chunzhu to arrange an **** tomorrow morning, and asked the reason after the silence.

"I'll go with tomorrow too?" Although the people in the general's palace were also selected by Su Wangqin, he was still not at ease. After all, Qiu Wei was important this time, and he didn't want Xiaocheng to prove himself the first time because he wanted to prove himself because Other people's obstruction and death.

"No, you have to go to the morning dynasty tomorrow, and the soldiers in your hands are always monitored, so you can't do anything." Gu Chunzhu, as Su Wangqin's pillow person, could no longer understand Su Wangqin's thoughts, and refused to follow him personally. After his proposal, he blocked his plan to take a step back.

Since he can’t do anything tomorrow, Su Wangqin can only contribute to some preparations, "Then I will follow Wang Guanjia to select the best soldiers in the house, and increase the **** Xiaocheng and the strong. I’ll have to see it in person."

"All right, and I will deliver it myself tomorrow, so that if something goes wrong on the way, I can immediately think of a countermeasure." Gu Chunzhu nodded and continued.

Su Wangqin actually wanted to refuse, but after facing with Chunchun Gu's firm eyes for a while, he also defeated and turned his lips tight at the beginning. Gu Chunzhu restrained Su Wangqin's hand with restraint and seriously promised, "I guarantee that I will pay attention to safety along the way, and absolutely let the family start safely and return safely."

With no reluctance in his heart, Su Wangqin could only hold Gu Chunzhu's hand tightly, and nodded slightly.

"Mother, I'm going too!" After getting Su Wangqin over here, An An also jumped out and said to follow.

Su Wangqin thought that he could not go, and suddenly looked at An'an sharply, and An'an suddenly felt himself entering the winter in a second. But how could she stubbornly admit defeat, but instead stood upright and Su Wangqin looked at each other to fight.

"I know your brothers and sisters have a good relationship. You can go as long as you want, but you must promise me to obey everything."

"Mother, I promise to follow you!" An An jumped up excitedly.

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