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After getting the letter, Zhong Zhu'er thanked Gu Chunzhu with a lot of gratitude, and then got on the carriage arranged by Gu Chunzhu and returned to Longfu.

Due to the change in the attitude of Dragon Mother and Dragon Boss to Zhong Deng'er, no one of the maidservants paid attention to Zhong Deng'er, which led to the fact that Deng Mother and Dragon Boss didn't know Zhong Deng until Zhong Deng's return from the General Mansion I left Longfu in the morning and even went to Gu Chunzhu.

The carriage sent Zhong Deng'er to the main entrance of Long Mansion. The porter was surprised to see that Zhong Deng'er, who was supposed to be in the mansion, came back from outside the mansion. He also quickly reported this small situation to Long Boss.

Boss Long was shocked for a moment, and then he was furious. He was very dissatisfied with Zhong Deng'er running around at this time, and was even more annoyed by the weak defense of the government. Zhong Deng'er went out and nobody knew.

"Go and bring Zhong Deng'er to the flower hall!" Long boss ordered to the butler, and the butler quickly ordered him to find Zhong Deng'er.

After returning to Dragon Mansion, Zhong Zhuer'er also hurried to find the boss of Dragon. After all, as soon as the matter was resolved, she could see her child as soon as possible. So when the housekeeper found her and asked her to follow him to meet the boss, she followed with great joy. This weird performance also made the housekeeper a little stunned, and kept Zhongzhener strange in his heart.

"Master, Aunt Zhong is already here." After the steward took Zhong Deng'er to the flower hall, he directly retreated, leaving only Zhong Deng'er and Dragon Boss opposite. At this time, the boss Long wanted to coldly accuse her, and then scolded her fiercely, but Zhongzheng Er didn't give him this opportunity, and rushed directly to him with excitement.

"Master, Mrs. General has forgiven me! You will withdraw my punishment. I really know what I am wrong." Speaking of Zhong Zhu'er, he handed the letter from Gu Chunzhu to her boss, "I'm afraid you don't believe it. The General Lady asked me to forward you a letter."

Boss Long took the letter silently, and scanned it quickly.

Indeed, as Zhong Deng'er said, Gu Chunzhu said in the letter that she didn't feel anything about Zhong Deng'er, so she forgave Zhong Deng'er, and she also hoped that Dragon Boss would give Zhong Denger another chance. What was revealed between the lines shows that Gu Chunzhu was very indifferent and calm about what happened in Longfu.

After reading the letter, Boss Long collected the letter properly and put it in his arms, where it was close to the heart. There was a strange emotion in Zhong Zhu'er's heart. The thing mixed with sadness and jealousy soon disappeared and was very light. Her more thoughts were still looking forward to Long Boss's next response.

"You now understand the difference between Mrs. General and other ordinary women, and who else will let you off with such an atmosphere." Long Boss glanced at Zhong Denger contemptuously, and he didn't want to look at her again, directly Get up and say, "For the sake of the General's wife pleading for you, you should visit the child for two hours a day."

"Thank you lord! Then I will go to see the children first." Although Mr. Long didn't completely withdraw the punishment, he didn't even let Zhong Deng'er raise the children himself, but Zhong Deng'er was already very grateful, which was better than not seeing it directly. . She thought about making changes slowly so that sooner or later she could bring her son back to raise her.

"Well, you go." Zhong Deng'er went to see his son happily. Boss Long touched the letter in his arms and planned to go to the study and take a good look at it alone.

The study room was deserted, the boss Long sat alone in the seat, and Gu Chunzhu's letter was turned over and over by him. He read it carefully several times, and even he was able to recite almost all the contents of the entire letter.

He finally stopped looking, staring blankly in front of him, still holding the letter tightly in his hand.

His eyes were melancholy and depressed. In fact, he always had a little hope in his heart. As long as he didn't talk about breaking himself, he could still be with Gu Chunzhu. Perhaps Gu Chunzhu no longer likes Su Wangqin that day, and it may not be necessary to change to him. By then, he can accompany Gu Chunzhu through the ups and downs.

But the letter was a bit of a wake-up call for his sweet dreams, and Gu Chunzhu was too indifferent between the lines.

Boss Long thought, Gu Chunzhu can have even a little bit of anger, so that he can comfort himself. Gu Chunzhu still has a little affection for him. That little anger is a proof of jealousy. He still has a chance.

Finally, Dragon Boss carefully folded the letter again and kept it in his secret box. And this night he also had a dream, the kind of dream that made him unwilling to wake up.

In his dream, he seemed to have returned to many years ago. He still lived in the town but he already knew Gu Chunzhu, Gu Chunzhu who had not yet married Su Wangqin. The two met at a Qiqiao Festival night market event. He helped Gu Chunzhu, who was separated from his family, drive away the gangsters who came to harass. Then he also accompanied Gu Chunzhu to put a river lantern.

At that time Gu Chunzhu's beautiful face and beauty made him intoxicated. His side face seemed to glow under the weak light of the river light. That kind of beauty was not like what mortals can have. Later, he sent Gu Chunzhu back to the village, and the two hadn't met each other for a while.

However, he fell in love with Gu Chunzhu at first sight, so he found an opportunity to meet her in the village and finally found many opportunities to communicate with Gu Chunzhu. Soon the two went from acquaintance to acquaintance, and even fell in love.

Finally, he couldn't help confessing to Gu Chunzhu, and that day was a beautiful sunny day, even in the evening the sun was so beautiful. The rolling sun hung in the west, dyeing a large cloud of pink, and half of the sky was also dyed orange-red.

He and Gu Chunzhu stood under the tree for a moment. He pressed Gu Chunzhu into his arms by pressing on the trunk. Then he told Gu Chunzhu that he loved her. Gu Chunzhu bowed his head shyly, and gradually turned his head invisible. He laughed happily as a fool, and then took the courage to take Gu Chunzhu's hand, and the two held hands and walked in the sunset.

As they walked, they both looked up at each other excitedly and shyly, and then quickly turned to the beginning, and so on. The two of them stepped on the tail of the sunset and did not know how long they had walked and how far they had walked. No one had stopped them from paying attention to them. He even felt that the two could go all the way to the sky.

But the dream was short-lived after all, and the boss of the dragon also opened his eyes at the moment when the night came, and those eyes were full of nostalgia and regret. He unconsciously shook his empty hand, the soft and delicate touch was no longer, and in fact the kind of gentleness he had never had from the beginning.

As good as the dream is, how tragic the reality is. Boss Long smiled bitterly silently, and raised his arms to cover his eyes, and also covered the tears.

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