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Chapter 1081 Tour Auction House

Gu Chunzhu was ready to go back to the study room to continue his affairs after sending the four children away, but he was worried when he returned. The Qiu exam will soon be ushered in, and students coming from all over the country will be in a rush of snowflakes, so that the number of students in Beijing has also increased a lot in recent days. In case something happens, a few children are afraid to deal with it without experience.

"Wang Guanjia, I'm still bothering you to send someone to follow An An. I don't know how old I feel." Gu Chunzhu stopped to look back and told Wang Kun to send someone to follow them just in case.

An An and Wei Xingzhi and their entourage didn't know Gu Chunzhu's worries at all. No one but A Yinuo noticed that they were following him at a certain moment. A Yinuo originally wanted to ask Wei Xingzhi, but watching Wei Xingzhi smirk and keep looking back at An An's carriage, he suddenly dismissed the idea of ​​consulting with him.

Wei Xingzhi, who was full of love, said that it would be better to guard against it. A Yinuo felt deeply responsible for going out this time, and even sighed deeply for the burden on his shoulders, which caused Wei Xingzhi to drift into doubts. Wei Xingzhi thought that A Yinuo was bored and didn't get angry immediately.

"The prince, you talk about you, you just get bored when you go out, don't follow me from the beginning!" Wei Xingzhi is vengeful, especially the innocent people like A Yinuo who disturbed him and An An. The bad behavior of getting along with time will surely become a part of his infamous revenge.

A Yinuo said nothing, but the sigh in his heart was even heavier. He felt Wei Xingzhi's mind full of love. A Yinuo said nothing, and Wei Xingzhi didn't say anything. Wei Xingzhi could be busy and happy to make an appointment with An'an today.

The carriage quickly stopped at the door of Dasuya. Although Shangshan and Hu Fei have been away for some time, the decline in popularity due to Qiuyao is not very serious. So much so that Wei Xingzhi and An An were barely able to say that the host did not have a suitable position for a while, and Ms. Miao had to ask if they would mind eating in the backyard.

The vulgar and elegant backyard is not an exquisite small yard, or a broken place that is occasionally used to pile up groceries. Both An An and Wei Xingzhi are hesitant. Fortunately, at this time, a guest in the box upstairs finished using the meal, and Ms. Miao quickly arranged An An and Wei Xingzhi in that box.

A group of four people entered the box and waited for the shop little two to clean up their desks, and then sat down one by one. Ayinuo asked curiously after ordering the meal and sent it to the shop little two. "Is this hot restaurant also related to the general palace? The female shopkeeper at the door is extremely polite to Miss An An and Brother Wei."

"Let the prince smile, I just have some money, my maid, oh, that is the wife of the general, she is the boss lady behind the scenes, and she has arranged many of the big and elegant plans, and the big and elegant can have the current achievements. It's because she has a talented talent in management." Wei Xingzhi praised Gu Chunzhu in a quiet voice, and by the way, he also hinted that his eyes are fast and his eyes are bright, so he can inject capital.

"Admire admiration." A Yinuo gave a polite compliment to Wei Xingzhi, who also smiled politely. He knew that A Yinuo's compliments were hypocritical, and he didn't bother to ask A Yinuo's compliments. After all, A Yinuo was a potential rival in his heart. At that time, the prince wanted to marry An An to A Yinuo. I still remember the fresh calendar.

Two Shaodong households appeared in the vulgar and elegant style. The back kitchen chefs quickly and swiftly arranged their dishes, and the second child of the shop quickly brought them to the table. The four teenagers talked and laughed and settled a meal. After a short rest, they came to the main part of the day, which was the trip that Wei Xingzhi had never told An An.

The four abandoned the carriage and led by Wei Xingzhi while walking and eating while walking towards the other side of the street. Although their destinations were unknown to the four teenagers, Gu Chunzhu knew exactly where they were.

"Ma'am, miss, they went to the auction house after the four of them had dinner." After receiving the feedback from his staff, Wang Kun was surprised even when he reported to Gu Chunzhu that he went to the auction house. How did he run out? Did the play finally reach its own site?

"Do they know more detailed information about this place? How did they think of going to this place?" Gu Chunzhu opened this auction house without even knowing An'an and Wei Xingzhi, because he wanted to help Su Wangqin sell some invisible treasures, only Gu Xiaohu and Yuan Qing knew. Gu Chunzhu couldn't help worrying about the fact that a few children knew the details and would provoke the right and wrong.

Gu Chunzhu asked these questions afterwards and his followers naturally had no chance to know. Wang Kun could only bow his head in shame. "Sorry Madam, these questions have not been detected. Please ask Madam to give some more time to investigate. But according to the staff The argument should have been proposed by Wei Xiaogongzi first."

Gu Chunzhu also understands that Wei Xingzhi's arrangement to go to the auction house today is certainly not the news that he suddenly got today, so he just nodded indifferently and asked Wang Kun to hurry to investigate. Then she began to think about whether she would go directly to the auction house to guard a few children. In addition, she hadn't been to the auction house for a long time. It happened to be an auction once a month today, and she should check the situation.

As for how Wei Xingzhi learned about the existence of the auction house, it was actually an accident, and even more rules were said by A Yinuo.

Before he came to Beijing, he was informed by some officials about the existence of the auction house, and even recommended that he come to the auction house to find some good things for the Hui people. So he asked about some rules of the auction house, such as the big auction once a month, the small auction once every ten days, and for example, to pay money to change the brand into the auction house and so on.

Gu Chunzhu had just set off here, and An An stepped into the auction house curiously.

The auction house is not very mysterious, except for the entrance fee, it seems to be a common place. When you walk in, it is a place where you can buy things. There are several counters with some rare treasures. However, the auction house is not limited to all types and it is more expensive.

Walking through the hall in front, just behind a wall is a wide open space, surrounded by burly guards. As for the front of the open space, there is a slightly higher platform, surrounded by countless chairs. It looks a bit similar to the arrangement of storytelling and opera. There is also a circle of guards around the platform, which gives people some nervous feelings.

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