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Chapter 107th Travel

Wei Xingzhi directly threw a mysterious smile at the book and turned back to continue reading his book. Since he had already decided to ask An An to hang out, he had to ask for leave first, and in order to get the leave he had to work hard these days Studying and passing the teacher's examination will leave the teacher speechless.

The book came to know that Wei Xingzhi saw through his guilty conscience, and did not pretend to be stupid. He actively stepped forward to send water and grind paper for Wei Xingzhi's tea and so on. Who can compare to our young master, so you can be assured of 10,000 hearts. Miss An'an has seen young master, you can never see the crooked melon outside."

"You are very good at the book. Recently, you have used different words." Wei Xingzhi looked up from the book and glanced at the book, complimenting.

When the book came to be praised, I couldn’t help it. While standing behind Wei Xingzhi and punching him in the back, he complimented with proud air, “That’s all because the young master cultivated well. Bring out some culture."

Wei Xingzhi tapped his left shoulder with his finger, and when the book came quickly, he obediently ran to the other side and gave Wei Xingzhi his shoulder. The hand strength of the book has just been hammered to Wei Xingzhi's sore position, Wei Xingzhi sighed comfortably, "The book comes to you, and your hand skills have grown."

"I learned it from the doctor, and I know that the young master has been a bit stiff recently, so I went to learn."

Wei Xingzhi nodded gratifiedly, and he appreciated the book again for some silver. "You can go to the housekeeper to get some silver, and help me send the letter to An An by the way."

The book came to thank the hands in succession for receiving the envelope, and he sent the letter and received the reward.

When I got the reply, An An was working on some new bridal makeup headdresses, which was also her small vault income. It was often placed in the embroidery workshop where Luo Xinlan's mother and daughter helped sell them, and they sold well with wedding dresses. This idea was also inspired when I talked with Yingzi about the style of the apron.

An An grasped the envelope and knew that Wei Xingzhi had written a lot of nonsense this time. It stands to reason that she was bored, but in the end she unknowingly read the entire content. Wei Xingzhi said on the first paper how happy he was after receiving the reply, and then madly hinted that Anduo responded.

Then the second and third sheets of writing paper were writing about his recent life. The food, clothing and housing were very detailed, and he almost did not write about his Lazar. Then the fourth chapter is about how tired the recent study life is, how serious he is, and by the way hinted at a wave, hoping that An An would reply and praise him in his heart.

This last piece of paper was not even hinted, and he directly told An Anduo to reply, and he complained a little about the ruthlessness that An An had never answered before. In the end, the words that asked her to go out to play were still barely squeezed on the side seam. An An almost didn't recognize the few small words.

Do you want to go to the appointment? After reading the letter, An An kept thinking about it. She didn’t care about it before. But Grandma Zheng’s teaching often haunted her heart, and Gu Chunzhu’s attention to her marriage from time to time made her more concerned about her behavior, especially with foreign men. Contact behavior.

However, Wei Xingzhi didn't give her much time to consider. When An An hadn't figured out whether to refuse or agree, and had no time to reply, Wei Xingzhi had already come to her.

On this day, the weather was clear and the wind was calm, and it was a good time to go outing. Wei Xingzhi came to the gate of the General's Mansion in a Wei's carriage. After knowing this news, Minzhi hurried to An'an and said with a gossip, "Miss, Xiaowei Wei has come to you to play, and is sitting in a carriage waiting at the door."

Even at such an urgent moment, An An was still hesitating. Previously, Grandma Zheng taught that she couldn't go so close to a foreign man. If Wei Xingzhi came to the General Mansion to play outside, they wouldn't know that they were playing together, and nothing would happen. But once I went out, there were countless eyes staring outside, who knew if there would be any interested person in it.

If they go out like this, if they are choreographed, their mouths will be unclear. This may be good news for Wei Xingzhi. After all, he can get married to An An earlier, but there are risks. An An and some of his gossip.

But An An hesitated for a long time and went away, because she really didn't see Wei Xingzhi for a long time, and there was a tempting voice in her heart that urged her to go out. An An felt that at that moment, he was not blinded by lard, and went out to find Wei Xingzhi.

Wei Xingzhi was waiting at the door and he was full of expectations from the beginning, and he was full of anxiety. He was originally confident that he wouldn’t reply. It was the default to go out and play. He waited to doubt his excessive self-confidence. Reject?

Finally, the expectant figure still appeared at the gate of the General's Mansion. Wei Xingzhi hurried over and stopped suddenly in front of An An, asking slightly, "An An, are you willing to go out with me?"

"I have all appeared in front of you, what do you say?" An An fluttered Wei Xingzhi and continued to go out at a glance. She regretted seeing Wei Xingzhi, but it was not good to shrink back after meeting each other. It's wonderful, so I didn't want to talk to Wei Xingzhi.

Wei Xingzhi followed with a smirk, and murmured behind An An how difficult it was these days. "You don’t know An An, how difficult it is to ask for leave with my master. He was relieved under the hard bubble, but I had to pass his test to get out."

The master in his mouth was the Ministry of Military Affairs, and he was busy with the affairs. He was willing to teach Wei Xingzhi in the face of the old country's grandfather. The person had always been strict, so Wei Xingzhi had so many complaints and nagging. But he also talked about it. In fact, such a nagging also showed the strong relationship between the teacher and the apprentice.

The book came cleverly to give Wei Xingzhi a message on the side, and sang with Wei Xingzhi to show that it was not easy for Wei Xingzhi to come, "You missed An An, every day my young master was tired and fell asleep, this day is up I had to sleep earlier than the chicken and sleep later than the dog. And I didn't release the paper when I was eating, just to pass the test that Master Shangshu could hardly compare to heaven."

"Okay, you two don't sing a show with me and talk about how it is arranged today." Shulai and Wei Xingzhi were stopped by An An without saying a few words, and An An didn't want to let him know more about Wei Xing. Soft heart. Because she was afraid that her soft-heartedness would make Wei Xingzhi hit the snake and stick, and she would have to wrap up tightly in the future.

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