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Xiaoling and Yingying let Gu Chunzhu agree that they would give birth to a younger brother and sister, and made Gu Chunzhu a big blush. She coaxed the two children with the teasing eyes of Mrs. An An and Mrs. Qing, "Will you play for yourself? And the younger brothers and sisters are born not only can not accompany you to play, but also take care of you, are you afraid?"

"We are not afraid! We can help Dad and Niang take care of their younger siblings." Ying Ying and Xiao Ling replied in unison, with full expectation in their tone.

Being entangled by two children, Gu Chunzhu finally only agreed temporarily as a delay, she thought that both children must not remember for too long. The two little guys who didn't know Gu Chunzhu's inner thoughts agreed with Gu Chunzhu, so that they didn't let them go, and then ran to haunt Xiaocheng.

Mrs. Qing didn't say a few words to Gu Chunzhu, all her thoughts ran to An An, and she was always concerned about An An's current situation. Gu Chunzhu saw that he had nothing to do, so he planned to deal with today's affairs first. But when Mrs. Qing saw Gu Chunzhu about to leave, she hurriedly stopped her. "I didn't have much to do this time. I think that since you have something to do, I won't bother to stay in the house."

"Alright, if you go back and pay attention to the situation there at any time, you can go to Xiaocheng or tell me anything." Gu Chunzhu nodded and nodded and said goodbye to Mrs. Qing.

Upon seeing this, Xiaocheng simply left with Mrs. Qing, and the two children who were most reluctant to follow him all the way to the door of the general's palace. Gu Chunzhu was not worried that the two children also followed the door. She squatted down and hugged a carriage that prevented them from chasing Xiaocheng. When Xiaocheng's carriage disappeared at the corner of the street, Gu Chunzhu found the familiar figure sharply.

That seems to be Ling Xiao?

Gu Chunzhu waited for a while, and the pedestrian was getting closer and closer, which also allowed Gu Chunzhu to confirm her conjecture. The person who came was Ling Xiao, watching him follow a soft sedan all the way, and frequently turned his head to look at the soft sedan. Gu Chunzhu knew that the sedan must be a peony. Even she has a guess that Peony should be pregnant.

After all, Ling Xiao's lawyers are more famous every day, and there are countless people who come to the door. In such a busy situation, Ling Xiao can take the time to accompany Peony to the General Mansion, and the carriage that is not sitting is a soft sedan. It must be particularly nervous that Peony is afraid that she will knock. Peony herself is not such an arrogant person, that is, her new condition makes her expensive, such as pregnancy.

"Mother, you're about to let me go. I want to go back to the garden to play." Yingying didn't feel low for a while after Xiaocheng left. She accompanied Gu Chunzhu and looked at the boring streets for a while, then she became impatient. Like fleas on his body, he twisted around Gu Chunzhu's arms.

Xiaoling probably felt Yingying's restlessness, and her mood was slightly floating, patting Gu Chunzhu on his arm, "Mother, let me play with Yingying, we will not run around."

At this time Gu Chunzhu also confirmed the person, and ordered An An who came out to give away the two children, and he continued to wait at the door. The soft sedan needs people to carry away naturally, which is not as fast as the carriage. Gu Chunzhu changed several positions at the entrance of the general's palace before waiting for Ling Xiao and his party to arrive.

The soft sedan stopped at the gate of General Palace, Ling Xiao greeted politely, and worriedly and eagerly gathered in front of the sedan door, holding the hand of Peony who was about to come down, and kept talking in his mouth, "How are you, Peony?" Don't wait for me to help you, you are the most precious person in the family now, you have to be careful about everything."

Gu Chunzhu didn't care about Ling Xiao's disregard. Hearing what he said was a three-point affirmation of his own thoughts. Now I just have to wait and ask them.

"It's not such an exaggeration, don't worry." Peony obediently made Ling Xiao carefully support her, still comforting Ling Xiao who had been extremely nervous since she knew she was pregnant. It wasn't that she laughed at Ling Xiao, he was really too funny, which made her feeling a little bit worried and opened her up a lot.

When the couple came to the front, Gu Chunzhu raised his eyebrows at Ling Xiao and smiled, "Yo, why did Ling Ling, who was not in the coach's office today, accompany Peony to the general's palace? "

"It's not that Uncle Auntie is going to visit Ling House, we thought about how to let the elders run as a junior, I will spare time to accompany Peony to find you." Ling Xiao waited for Peony to stand and face Looking at Gu Chunzhu, he rediscovered his demeanor, and smiled back at Gu Chunzhu's words.

"Okay, I think you are so nervous all the way to Peony, but you are pregnant?" Gu Chunzhu saw that the last topic failed to elicit his own key questions, so he opened his hand and asked directly.

Ling Xiao heard a silly smile on her brows, suppressing her urge to frown, Ling Xiao nodded restraintly, "That's why the uncle really observed meticulously."

"My praise, my praise, I just boldly assumed to be careful." Gu Chunzhu smiled very modestly, and then greeted Ling Xiao and Peony to go in and sit down, and thought there was still a short distance to go in, then the soft car was re-started. Come in handy. So Peony, who had just got off the sedan chair, made it back to the sedan chair. Fortunately, Peony had a good temper and changed people. I was afraid that she would be playing with her.

Along the way, Xiaoxiao shared with Gu Chunzhu the whole process of discovering that Peony was pregnant. The couple was expecting to be pregnant, so at the request of Peony, they asked the doctor every three days to check the pulse. Let the doctor adjust the prescription of the body at any time.

At the time of the routine consultation half a month ago, the doctor showed a strange look, but did not tell them the situation with certainty, just let Peony stop taking medicine first, and then come to the pulse check after a little half a month. Happening. At that time, Ling Xiao guessed that Peony was pregnant, but the month still cannot be confirmed 100%.

After going back, Ling Xiao began to pay attention to the situation of Peony.

The peony hasn't changed much in the first few days, but the sunflower water of peony hasn't come this month, and after another three or five days, the taste of peony has obviously changed, and it can't be smelled. Ling Xiao's heart was stable at that time. Needless to say, this must be pregnant.

About ten days later, Ling Xiao took Peony to the doctor to ask for a pulse. This time the doctor happily congratulated, "Congratulations to this old man, your wife is more than a month pregnant."

Ling Xiao rewarded the doctor with a few silver pieces when she was happy, and the blessing on the doctor's face was a little more earnest, and then continued to say her own words, "Your wife's physical condition is better, and the previous conditioning has also worked. So I suggest not to take medicine afterwards, mainly rely on food supplements, but if the harm is too serious, you still have to take a look."

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