Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 1064: Xiaocheng's arrangement

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Not waiting for Xiaocheng to express all his feelings about learning, Gu Chunzhu raised his hand to signal that he didn’t need to say, “I agree with everything you said, so I know how deep your brother’s feelings are, and I just let go of what I just said. It happened, let's talk about your arrangement for Master Zhuang."

On the one hand, Xiaocheng’s last words were emotional, and more importantly, as Gu Chunzhu said, it was for Xiao Ling’s extrication, and he finally succeeded in achieving his goal, so he responded to Gu Chunzhu’s words, "I came to the general this time." The government is in this position, and I have told Taifu that Da Zhuang will follow me to learn."

"Taifu actually agreed? But haven't you already stuffed Jinhan as your companion? Will it be broken if you have another companion now?" The group of people who followed Taifu were all The descendants of the figures with heads and faces in Beijing, although not expressly stated, agreed that each person can only bring one companion, Gu Chunzhu was worried.

However, the conventions can't resist everyone's desire to learn from Taifu. At the same time, because most of the companions can't play the role of a book boy as a waiter. Of course, those descendants will have a different mind. Under the influence of these factors, another rule was born. A companion can bring a little fellow.

"So Jin Han is my companion. Da Zhuang can let Jin Han take him as his little servant. But with this arrangement, he can only stand hard and stand by. He can be exhausted, and he is so knowledgeable. Fu learns more than he can learn from his husband outside." Xiao Cheng explained to Gu Chunzhu in detail, Gu Chunzhu sighed Xiao Cheng's thoughtfulness in his heart.

"Since you have thought so thoughtfully, then I have nothing more to ask, and I can rest assured that my son is doing business." Gu Chunzhu smiled comfortably and patted Xiaocheng's shoulder with encouragement.

Xiao Ling, who was neglected when the two people chatted, couldn't understand, but he seriously looked up and listened to the two people, and his focused and scorching eyes also captured the intuition of Xiaocheng. Xiao Cheng smiled and should give Gu Chunzhu's encouragement, then looked down at Xiao Ling hiding beside him, "Is Xiao Ling boring? You can practice by yourself."

Xiaoling nudged Xiaocheng's clothes and shook his head firmly, "I won't go, I want to follow Xiaocheng's brother."

"Well, if you want to leave, tell your brother." Although Xiaocheng was still expressionless and gentle, Xiaoling smiled happily and nodded to him.

Gu Chunzhu watched the two of them talk intimately and warmly, and then said sourly and unintentionally, "The feelings of your brothers are really eye-catching. Usually Xiaoling is not so affectionate to me, so I can also Yingying happily played together."

Xiao Ling could not feel the twists and turns in the middle, which literally meant to understand that Gu Chunzhu was boasting about herself, but the middle sentence seemed to say that he was not enthusiastic about her, and he was completely confused as to what to do. Reaction, can only turn around and ask Xiaocheng for help.

Xiaocheng touched his furry head to appease him, and then said to Gu Chunzhu, "We all love mothers. Xiaoling behaved just because I couldn't see me many times."

"Okay, okay, don't be so serious about making a joke." Gu Chunzhu waved his hands and suddenly laughed again. She felt that the two seriously serious children who teased themselves were really fun. Xiaocheng choked on speechlessly, and there was nothing to say. He only rubbed Xiao Ling's head to comfort himself.

"By Xiaocheng, did you receive the new Qiuyi I sent to you before?" Gu Chunzhu skipped the joke after smiling and seriously cared about Xiaocheng's daily life in the Prince's Mansion.

"I have received it, thank you mother."

Gu Chunzhu nodded, and when she still wanted to say something, Wang Kun, who left when she didn't know when to reappear, reported, "Madam, Mrs. Qing came to visit and said that she had important things to discuss with his wife and Master Xiaocheng. "

"Xiaocheng, don't you make an appointment, why did you come to visit Mrs. Qing Qing in the General House?" Gu Chunzhu asked Xiaocheng in surprise, after all, this Mrs. Qing also did not come to the general for some time. The government also ordered Xiaocheng out. This speculation was denied by Xiaocheng shaking his head.

"That's because you didn't see Mrs. Qing, she came here?" Gu Chunzhu then gave birth to a second suspicion. Xiaocheng shook his head in tears and continued to deny this second guess.

Xiaocheng was afraid that Gu Chunzhu’s mouth would come up with strange guesses, and immediately ordered Wang Kun to bring people to the garden, and then said to Gu Chunzhu, "Don’t you guess here, Madam Qing, also in the Prince’s House. It’s not surprising to know that I came to the General’s Mansion today, so let’s meet her directly to talk about her so-called important things.”

Gu Chunzhu recognized Xiaocheng's statement, and then thought that Xiaoling was still around, so the maid who took care of Xiaoling took Xiaoling away. Xiaoling was still reluctant to pull Xiaocheng's clothes and refused to let go, but Xiaocheng coaxed a few words, and promised to play with him for a while before letting Xiaoling leave the garden step by step.

Mrs. Qing came down to the garden under the leadership of Wang Kun, but the important things in her mouth were so powerful that she couldn't manage her own expression. After a while, she smiled and sorrowfully walked all the way to Gu Chunzhu and Xiaocheng. After Mrs. Qing came, the three of them sat down on the stone benches on the garden side.

Mrs. Qing didn't wait for Gu Chun's bamboo shells to open the door and said, "I came to see you and Xiaocheng very urgently and importantly this time, so I won't make those condoms anymore."

Then she took a deep breath to cheer herself up and put her right hand on her stomach when she didn't know.

I saw that she was kind of gloating and spitting it out clearly, saying, "Guess who has good news in her belly?"

Gu Chunzhu was a little shocked by this. Mrs. Qing was 32 years old. For the time being, she had already let Shangshan give Xuanyuan a medicine for her son and Hu Zi, and Hu Fei also promised that he had not given him the poison? Is Mrs. Qing bold enough to cheat? Or did Shangshan finally hesitate to give no medicine, and now Xuanyuan has recovered himself?

Mrs. Qing chuckled her lips gently without waiting for Gu Chunzhu. With her natural beauty, she looked like a two-eighth girl. She laughed enough that she said: "It's Mrs. Garden Kite! Prince! This hat is green." Mrs. Qing and Gu Chunzhu have been together for a long time, but they have also learned a lot of fresh words in Gu Chunzhu's mouth.

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