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On the other side, while Gu Chunzhu was still busy cleaning up the yard, Xiao Cheng An'an, a group of teenagers who were young and handsome, were walking, chatting, laughing, and wandering around the bustling capital city. They ate from the west to the east, and finally settled in a famous and expensive restaurant.

This is also that everyone is spoiling An An, and she did not go to the big and elegant to follow her mind, but after the meal was served at the entrance, An An found that she had completely overturned this time. This expensive restaurant is still the most expensive dish, let alone compared with Gu Chunzhu, it is greatly inferior to that made by the cooks in Daya.

"How do you tell them to maintain long-term operation, and still have such confidence to maintain such a high price?" An An was puzzled by this question and asked quietly near Xiaocheng's ear, Yu Guang still did not Forget to sweep around, make sure that no restaurant or people who love this restaurant will hear her.

Xiaocheng didn’t try any of the dishes. Since he had moved out of the General’s Palace, he didn’t eat Gu Chunzhu’s dishes often, and his appetite was raised by the Prince’s House to normal levels. It is higher than Ann. After careful consideration, he replied, "Probably because of their special ingredients, these are hard to get seafood on the table."

An An didn’t respond to this question for the first time. It was because Zhuangzi would get some seafood from time to time to send him to the General’s Mansion. He used to think that this kind of misunderstanding caused her, so after hearing Xiaocheng’s answer, her first reaction Yes, "Is it hard to get seafood?"

"You can often eat seafood because the mother is very powerful, and the general's power is also very strong." Xiaocheng explained a little, he added that Anan was eating the dishes on the table hard, and added, "If you are Don’t eat it if you’re not satisfied, and we’ll go eat it later.”

"Don't you say these words so blatantly, I don't want to draw hatred to my restaurant for nothing." An An hurriedly observed the surrounding environment and was relieved when he was sure it was safe.

In the end, more than half of the dishes on the table were eaten by the two big and full people. How could they have had the opportunity to eat seafood before, so no matter what others say about the dishes on the table, you can eat it yourself Happy. Later, An An saw that they ate so deliciously that they couldn't help but use more dishes. It can be seen that the magic of the two people's eating status can even stimulate the appetite of the visitors.

After eating this meal, An An proposed to go back to rest, and everyone agreed. And they broke up at the gate of the General's Mansion. They were so big and ready to help clean the yard. Wei Xingzhi also sent books to give them directions. Wei Xingzhi kept running with An An. Xiaocheng was not very satisfied but temporarily tolerated it, because he was also going to talk to Su Wangqin first and then come back to drive away Wei Xingzhi.

It was also a coincidence that Su Wangqin returned to the General Mansion at noon and saw that there was no one at home. Fortunately, Ms. Liu was still busy loading up meals before leaving, otherwise he really had to worry about what happened at home. Then he also learned what happened today from Mom Liu's mouth, he decided to stay at home in the afternoon and wait for Gu Chunzhu to return.

Before waiting for Gu Chunzhu, Su Wangqin first waited for Xiaocheng. Xiaocheng opened the door and went straight to the subject, asking, "How do you think about An'an's marriage? Dad, what do you think about Wei Xingzhi?"

"Why did you suddenly ask about this? Is it that the prince is going to engage in moths and move his brain to An'an's marriage? Because Xuan Yuanxian's last attempt to allocate An'an Xu to the Yi prince was really in Su Wangqin's heart. Under the deep branding, Xiaocheng made him clap angrily as soon as he said it, and started to walk out when he got up, looking for Xuanyuan Xianyuan.

Xiao established the horse to stop the angry Su Wangqin, "It’s not such a dad, but something happened in the afternoon that made me have a different view of Wei Xingzhi." Then, Xiao Chengli put the afternoon scene of An An and Wei Xingzhi outside the pavilion. As well as his own analysis, he told Su Wangqin in detail.

Su Wangqin had stopped and relaxed a little, but when Xiaocheng said half of his anger had reignited, and it was burning more intensely than before. His forehead was swollen with blue teeth, and he gritted his teeth, saying, "Well, he's Wei Xingzhi! Even if my daughter is concerned, it's not so honest, Xiaocheng is gone, we'll drive him out of the general's palace."

This idea coincided with Xiaocheng's next plan. Xiaocheng followed Su Wangqin and found An'an and Wei Xingzhi without any opinion. At this time, Wei Xingzhi was entangled with the sleepy An An, and An An closed his eyes very perfunctoryly and nodded. It is estimated that he had to ask what the two had said, and neither of them could answer.

After Su Wangqin and Xiaocheng passed by, they were inserted very hard between the two, separating Wei Xingzhi and An An from each other. Wei Xingzhi simply said hello and asked unclearly, "You seem to be a little unhappy with me, did something happen?"

"Why are we not happy about you, but you see that An'an is trapped and you are still a little bit of it?" Su Wangqin decided to give courtesy to the soldiers and said politely to Wei Xingzhi, and secretly decided to wait and order After the porter, the dog and Wei Xing knew not to enter the gate of the general's palace.

Wei Xingzhi really thought that Su Wangqin was concerned about his daughter and was not satisfied with his old talk to her, so he smiled and prepared to leave. Xiaocheng thought that his father was really good, so he let Wei Xingzhi leave. Su Wangqin and Xiaocheng took the initiative to send Wei Xingzhi to the entrance of the General's Mansion. When Wei Xingzhi was sent away, Su Wangqin immediately communicated his decision to the next people.

Gu Chunzhu is still unaware of Su Wangqin's private decision, and the big three have arrived in the small courtyard and are talking to Gu Chunzhu.

"The book is really good. The small yard I found was cheap and good. The most wonderful thing was the small open space in the back." Gu Chunzhu smiled and praised the book when he saw it, and brought Ms. Liu at noon. A box of snacks was given to the book.

After the book came to accept the thanks happily, he left happily, and Wei Xingzhi had already told him well, and when he had finished delivering it, he would go directly back to the Guo Gong Mansion without going back to the General Mansion to find him.

Soon after, Gu Chunzhu also said goodbye to Fusister-in-law's family, and after returning Luo Xinlan to Xiufang, he returned directly to the General's Mansion. When she arrived at the general's palace, Xiaocheng also waited for her not to leave.

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