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An An was also a stubborn child who refused to admit her defeat. Her eyes were swiftly turning around to think about the way to fight back, or when Jin Han made a sound to help her out, she suddenly had inspiration, "I'm still young, but you are better than I'm older, you look at Jin Han, who is as big as you, but already has an unmarried wife. Why are you so sorry to fall behind him too much?"

This time Zhuang didn't know what to say, even before An An took the initiative to pull Xiao Cheng into the water because he thought An An would show mercy to his brother, so he directly locked Xiao Cheng's neck and said to An An, "Your brother does not The same is the case, why do you ask too much of me?"

Then Da Zhuang knew how naive he really was. An An laughed unwillingly after hearing Da Zhuang's words, "Brother, did you hear that, and your brother thinks you should find a sister-in-law for me as soon as possible Oh."

Xiaocheng was even more indifferent to this, and she didn't even have the desire to answer. It was enough to sweep An'an casually enough to make her tremble and shut her mouth weakly.

As a group of people were talking, Wei Xingzhi arrived in a hurry. He had originally come to Gu Chunzhu, but when he saw An An in the garden, he couldn't help turning around and turned towards An An. From afar, he looked at An An and a group of handsome young men talking and laughing, and two of them were raw faces he had never seen before, and he was a little sullen in his heart.

Before entering the line of sight of several people, Wei Xingzhi specifically stopped to sort out his clothes, and then squeezed his eyebrows to activate his facial expressions to ensure that he could see An'an in the fullest state, and also wanted to put a few other people on. Compare them all and prove to An An that he is the best.

But following his little book, he didn't quite understand the twists and turns around here, very puzzled to see where his young master made a face, scratching his head and asking, "Master, what are you doing? And you Didn’t you go to the general’s wife? Why stop in the garden and make faces?"

When Wei Xingzhi heard the book, he slapped it on the back of his head with a slap, "Can't you be a stupid boy to learn to be more transparent? And you still have to take care of my younger master, and you can honestly follow without talking. ?"

The book came to this slap and was not angry, he smiled and covered his mouth, intending to ensure that he would never speak again. At this time, Wei Xingzhi also bravely courageously walked towards the pavilion, and Shulai bowed his head obediently behind him.

"An An, Xiao Cheng, Jin Han, why are you free to get together, what a good day today? And these two are..." Wei Xingzhi walked into the pavilion with a gentle smile, and first sat politely into the pavilion A few of them greeted each other, but as long as they watched carefully, he could see that his line of sight had always been around An An.

When the people in the pavilion saw someone coming, they stood up and met together. Xiaocheng also thought very briefly that Wei Xingzhi introduced the two big brothers, "big, big, full, and small."

Wei Xingzhi became more annoyed when he heard this. Since these two guys are Xiaocheng's, they must be An'an, and their competitors are really endless. Suddenly lifted in such a breath, Wei Xingzhi's chest hovered, so that he seemed to be breathless.

However, he still has his own restraint and pride. He still politely greets the two with the appearance of Wenrun, "I am Wei Xingzhi, a friend of Xiaocheng and An'an. Since the two are Xiaocheng's children, they will grow up in the future. That’s my brother. Come and find me any place that will be useful to me in the future.”

In fact, An An Xiaocheng and Jin Han both knew what Wei Xingzhi was, but Xiaocheng was too lazy to drop Jin Han and wanted to save Wei Xingzhi some face. Only An An looked at Wei Xingzhi with a very surprised look, and finally couldn't help but pierced him directly, He didn't even give him a face in front of anyone else, "Wei Xingzhi knows you are taking the wrong medicine? I was so panic when I smiled."

"An An, I am normal. Is it wrong to treat me politely when I see new friends?" Wei Xingzhi's smile became brighter and the corners of his mouth deeper, but he secretly clenched the back molar, and his heart was also whispering An An dismantled him. .

"But you're not such a person. It's your temperament to hug everyone very familiarly and say your own words." An An said that he really imitated the appearance of Wei Xingzhi when he saw Jin Han. The arm was also looped directly around the big shoulder next to her.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xingzhi really couldn't help it. He stepped forward and pulled An'an's arm, forcibly squeezed between An'an and Dazhuang, and said to An'an with a cold face, "Don't you know, men and women, why are you so intimate ."

An An stared at Wei Xingzhi inexplicably, and wanted to push him back to stand next to Da Zhuang, but Wei Xingzhi didn't let her fail to realize, "What are you crazy, Da Zhuang and I are full of fun, but from small to big Friends, what's wrong with being intimate!"

"It just can't!" Wei Xingzhi and An An stared at the small eyes, and their eyes were really full of burning flames. The big one was awkward, and Jin Han didn't know that the two would be so fierce. Against the ground, only Xiaocheng used to think that he didn't even want to give more.

Da Zhuang was the closest to understand the tension between the two people. He simply picked up the side plate and put it between them. "Don't be angry when you come, eat something to dispel the air. This was done by An An himself. Things."

When Wei Xingzhi heard Da Zhuang's words, he immediately turned his eyes to look at the things in Da Zhuang's hands. Knowing that Wei Xingzhi had never received such good treatment before, he never came to An'an to cook a meal for himself. So the suffocation in his heart became even heavier,

He frowned while covering his chest, and finally couldn't help but said with a sour voice, "An An, you have so much hair, and you are so good with your hair, I have never enjoyed eating it by myself. What."

In the end, Wei Xingzhi looked at An An with a grudge and added, "How can I say that I didn't meet you earlier, and I became a child?"

Hearing that several others here almost knew what was going on. After all, the sour taste after the vinegar jar was knocked down had filled the entire space. So Feng Shui took turns, and at the same time, Da Zhuang, who was initially teased, also took the opportunity to stare at An An with a teasing look, making An An uncomfortable.

Wei Xingzhi said it was not enjoyable. After opening his mouth to speak, An An covered his mouth with his hand. An An warned him to stop talking. And Wei Xingzhi was addicted to the feeling of An'an's soft palm on his lips. Although he didn't receive An'an's warning eyes, he was also like An'an's wish to stop speaking.

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