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At noon, the hot sunlight passed through the dense branches and the open Xuanjue, and then it was possible to place two bright light plates inside the house. Finally, it was completely blocked by the maid's closed window. But the people who walked happily pushed the door open and let the warm sunshine fall into the room.

"Mother, good news!" Gu Chunzhu said happily as he walked towards the old lady Su.

Mrs. Su has not seen Gu Chunzhu so unpretentious for a long time, with a smile on her face, joking, "What is the news that makes our General Lady so happy? Is it because the pie is falling from the sky or Xiaocheng finds his wife Alright?"

Gu Chunzhu, who was still full of blood and excitement, couldn’t help crying when he heard Mrs. Su’s words, and calmed down at once. “No, but Xiaocheng found his wife. I’m sure to be the first to tell you that I’m old. The sister-in-law's family will be able to arrive in Beijing in about mid-June. In addition, I would like to invite you to the old support, how can we entertain them.

When Mrs. Su was still thinking, she jumped out with An An Lima beside Gu Chunzhu and said excitedly, "I must prepare some new clothes for them, and then arrange for them to live in a particularly large and beautiful yard! I will also take them around The whole capital, invite them to eat the most famous food in capital."

Gu Chunzhu smiled at An'an's proposal and nodded her forehead. "I think you have wanted new clothes for a long time and wandered around in Beijing." Sure enough, she was a female Mo Ruomu, and An An embarrassedly held Gu Chunzhu. Indirectly admitting Gu Chunzhu's words, by the way, I also obtained new clothes and opportunities to go out and sway through coquettishness.

"Mother is the best!" An An cheered and stood side by side honestly waiting for Gu Chunzhu and Mrs. Su to discuss a specific charter.

After careful consideration, Mrs. Su said slowly, "As far as I know from their family, they will definitely not mind how we entertain them, as long as we show our sincerity. So according to my just coming to Beijing Judging from the experience of the times, it is best not to arrange too many servants in the yard, some cleaning will be done."

"In addition, the furnishings in the house don't have to be tossed and magnificent, it's enough to be clean and simple, and the rest should be as comfortable as possible." This is not to discriminate against the big and poor family, but it is a very realistic one. The thing is that there are more valuables at home, and they will still be a little uncomfortable.

Gu Chunzhu nodded, thinking for a while, and then said, "Then I put more flowers in the house, as long as the house is well-decorated, it can still be beautiful, and the mood will be much better."

As for An'an's proposal to make new clothes, Gu Chunzhu was finally prepared to put it aside as An's careful thought, otherwise you would be a gift to send new clothes as soon as people come, do you look down on people?

Then Gu Chunzhu discussed the details with Mrs. Su, and the three went to decorate the courtyard together. Gu Chunzhu controlled the whole, and An An ran into and out of the yard in order to help, while Mrs. Su stood by and watched from a place that was not obstructed. After seeing the sudden impermanence of her world affairs, she didn't know how many people survived the small village after the flood. Then she had to ask Fusao.

The time soon came to June 10, and Gu Chunzhu also completely renovated the small yard arranged for the Da Zhuang family, just waiting for them to move in. In addition, Gu Chunzhu specially arranged a few people to guard on the outskirts of the city, and ordered them to come back to report to her as soon as they saw Da Zhuang and his party, and she dared to pick them up early. See them earlier.

Every day Gu Chunzhu stays in the General Mansion and waits for news, but no news has been heard for several days. Every day I feel like I'm riding a roller coaster. From the expectation in the morning to the loss in the afternoon, and then to myself in the evening so that I can renew my spirit and continue to look forward the next day.

Finally, on the day of June 16th, the person who sent the response to the city quickly hurried back to the general palace to report to Gu Chunzhu, "Madam, the person you are waiting for has already appeared. It is estimated that when you walk to the city gate, they will just meet them. meet."

Gu Chunzhu scrambled to tidy up things, called Granny Su and An An, and took Yingying and Xiaoling together to rush to pick up the big family. On the road, she also encountered Xiaocheng, who was also picking up people when she heard the news. However, in order to hurry, they did not stop the carriage, but just slowed down and chatted a few words, then rushed to the suburbs again at full speed.

The family of Da Zhuang met Gu Chunzhu and Xiao Cheng not far from the city gate. When Da Zhuang and Da Man were driving, they were suddenly stopped by two carriages that seemed to be rich or expensive. A little panicked, and thought he was causing something, somehow and scared.

Da Zhuang also quickly pulled the reins to stop the carriage, fearing that the carriage went down. Daman also turned around to call his parents out, fearing that his pedestrian would not respect him enough and would anger the nobles in front of him.

Xiaocheng first got out of the carriage, and then rarely raised the corner of his mouth to give Zhuang Zhuang standing in the front a warm hug, "I haven't seen Zhuang Zhuang in a long time, welcome to Beijing."

"It turns out to be you. Isn't the other carriage the maid of Chunzhu? Just now you suddenly stopped in front of me and it really scared me." Da Zhuang said with a laugh after reacting, it seemed to be abandoning Xiao Chengyi The touched embrace was not enthusiastic enough, and in the past gave Xiaocheng a tight hug.

In a few words about Xiaocheng and Dazhuang's reminiscences, Gu Chunzhu had helped Mrs. Su get off the carriage, and Fu's sister-in-law and Zhao Dafu also came down from the carriage and approached them. The plain sister-in-law Fu Fu didn't expect that even when she came to the capital, the family of Gu Chunzhu was dispatched in unison, all came to pick herself up, and she couldn't even speak with excitement.

How much of this is due to the emotions of not seeing an old friend for a long time, and how much is so touched by Gu Chunzhu's status change that he still values ​​his feelings is unknown. However, she didn't wait for her to return to God, and Xiao Achievement had come to her to give a gift, "Auntie hasn't seen you for a long time, how are you doing these days?"

Fu's sister-in-law also knew the identity of Xiaocheng and An'an, so now Xiaocheng, who is now the emperor's grandson, greeted herself, Baiding, and she had some legs shaking. She turned pale and hurried to salute Xiaocheng, but was stopped by Xiaocheng raising a hand.

At this time, An An also walked in front of Fu's sister-in-law and smiled and lifted Fu-sister-in-law to let Xiaocheng secretly breathe a sigh of relief. She said a little bit wrongly, "Auntie don't be polite with me and my brother, but you look at me and As my brother grew up, could the deep friendship between us be easily defeated by identity? Are you looking down on me and my brother?"

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