Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

After Xiaoshun took all his money from Su Susan, he was away for a while. Unfortunately, he only knew how to spend money and didn’t know how to make money. Even the wealthy people in the sky would be exhausted by such a waste of money. . First of all, after getting the money, he didn't want to go back to the county, but returned to the capital and settled in an extremely luxurious inn.

He chose the first-class guest room of the luxury inn with a large sum of money, and he had a nice meal. On the first day, he successfully spent half of his silver. So the next day he also knew to converge a little bit, and quickly found Yazi to rent a small yard for a month, and then there was only a little money left on him, and it would be possible to hold bread for a month.

I only enjoyed the luxury rooms of Shanzhen and Haiwei on the first day, but fell from the floating clouds the next day. Such a huge drop is not uncomfortable for Xiaoshun. Sitting in the yard he rented, he began to fantasize. How could he easily make money? And there is an answer that comes to his mind almost at the same time as the question-General House.

But Xiaoshun was just kicked out of the general's palace. He thought Gu Chunzhu could not want to see him again, let alone give him a lot of money. His excited head seemed to be poured into a pot of cold water, and the whole person shrivelled, paralyzed on the bed, and a paralyzed body was hollowed out.

But it is impossible for a guy who wants to get something for nothing to dispel his ill-deceived so quickly. As long as he tastes the sweetness at first, they will not give up this kind of life like a parasite. The same is true for Xiaoshun. He instantly thought that he could spend money to get into the general man's house, and then he could successfully enter the general mansion.

Xiaoshun spent his last bit of money and successfully bought the people who sent the firewood to the General's Mansion. When the day was just dawning in the morning, he followed the woodman and entered the General Mansion from the back door.

The general’s man was also very energetic. When the little fellow who sent the firewood saw Xiaoshun, he stopped him cautiously and glanced up and down at him, "How come I have never seen this Man, why did it suddenly appear today?"

Because the general government chose a long-term person to send some necessary supplies, such as firewood, charcoal, rice noodles, etc., naturally, they are very familiar with the delivery people. Although Xiaoshun spent many days in the General's Mansion, he was always kept in the guest room, and there were always a few people he had seen, so this little servant did not know him, otherwise he would only drive him away the first time. .

The delivery man is also a "honest person". Since he received the money, he will do everything well. He then said without blinking, "This is my distant cousin nephew. I just took him when I came to Beijing. Come help me meet the world by the way, and ask you to be accommodating."

After talking about the delivery, the man delivered a small piece of broken silver to the little man with great interest. His heart was very painful, and his eyes were tightly stuck on the silver in his hand. Xiao Xiao, however, did not accept his flattery and money, and generously allowed Xiao Shun to follow, but repeatedly emphasized that the sender must be optimistic about the people he brought.

The delivery man suddenly nodded his head with brows and smiles as he should, quickly withdrawing his hand and hiding the silver in his back, fearing that he would take the broken piece of silver if he moved slowly.

Xiao Zu naturally saw the ridiculous little action of delivering the wood, but he claimed that he was a servant of the General's House and should be full of compassion for the people, but just secretly smiling as if he had not let the two people go and work elsewhere. .

The wood-deliverer brought Xiaoshun into the general mansion according to the agreement. After entering, Xiaoshun secretly found the guest room according to the route in his memory. Unfortunately, the road from the guest room to the flower hall or the route to the hospital where Gu Chunzhu was hospitalized. Without much memory, he was successfully lost in the garden of General University of Noida.

Xiaoshun hid for a while on the rockery and rushed into the back of the trees. In order to hide from the little maids and servants, and successfully found out Gu Chunzhu's current trend from their words. It turned out that Gu Chunzhu went to see Mrs. Su first after getting up early in the morning, and still staying there for breakfast.

He followed two bowls of servants who didn’t know what it was. He successfully touched into Mrs. Su’s small yard, and then he went over the wall in order to open more doors, and then evaded all the way. Anyone found out and came to the dining room where Gu Chunzhu and Mrs. Su ate.

Taking advantage of the unprepared maid at the door, he rushed in and appeared in front of Gu Chunzhu, smiling happily, "Auntie Niang, how have you been? Recently, I missed you for not seeing me for many days."

Gu Chunzhu waved to the maid chasing behind Xiaoshun to signal them to go out, and the maids then pressed their panicked hearts out of the door with their heads bowed and respectfully. Gu Chunzhu frowned at Xiaoshun, who appeared unexpectedly and asked, "How did you get into the General's Mansion?"

At the same time, Gu Chunzhu was also angry at the general's increasingly lax guards. After this incident, she must hit the stick gatekeeper and the guards. Even any cat or dog can easily and quietly enter the General's Mansion, and successfully comes to his own.

"I naturally have my channels, this is not the point, the point is whether the uncle is willing to accept me? I must listen to the uncle's words, everything is the first uncle." Xiaoshun avoided this sensitive question and looked at her face. Begging Gu Chunzhu, and lip-smoothing to say anything to please Gu Chunzhu.

Gu Chunzhu was disgusted by Xiaoshun's extremely greasy favor, and quickly raised his hand to stop Xiaoshun's endless words, "Enough, if you say one more sentence, I will order someone to close your mouth and then launch it to hit ten more. A few boards!"

Xiaoshun Committee closed his mouth aggrievedly, standing honestly on Gu Chunzhu's side, staring at Gu Chunzhu with a look of grievance and expectation. Gu Chunzhu had to admit that some people even disgusted her even if they existed. She impatiently slapped flies on Xiaoshun's arm like a fly, "I know what you want to do, but I tell You, nothing is possible."

"Why, you guys who are my closest and dearest deserve to help me, grandma, do you think this is the reason?" Xiaoshun looked at Gu Chunzhu, there wasn't much possibility here, and suddenly Mrs. Su's idea . He thought that Mrs. Su was still the old Mrs. Su who loved Mr. Su very much. After all, she loved the house and Wuwu, pretending to be innocent and pitiful, and begging her for pity and love.

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