Chapter 16 Drag Racing

“By the way, Miss Elusha, what kind of magic are you using?”

Lucy looked at Elusha’s beautiful face, and suddenly remembered that she didn’t know anything about Elusa, only knew that the female witch with crimson hair in front of her was called Elusa, so she asked Elusha curiously.

“Just call me Elusha.”

Elusha fed Ye Chen a mouthful of lunch, turned her head to Lucy and replied, but before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a hobby on the side.

“Elusa’s magic is very beautiful, it will come out with a lot of blood, it’s the other party’s.”

“Would that be beautiful….”

“I think Gray’s magic is more beautiful.”


Gray heard Elusha’s praise and directly cast the ice shape magic, and then, a crystal clear ice goblin tail badge appeared in Gray’s hand.

“It’s so beautiful, no wonder you and Natsu are so bad, one is fire, the other is ice.”

“By the way, Ye Chen, what is your magic?”

Lucy looked at the badge in Gray’s hand and said in admiration, and then asked Ye Chen.

“Mine? My magic is summoning magic, summoning beasts that do not belong to this world, each beast has extremely terrifying power, the gold of the lion before, you have already seen, that is my fifth beast. ”

Ye Chen said that he belonged to the power of the fourth true ancestor, which is also Ye Chen’s external information, that is, the so-called summoning magic, as for the power of the fourth true ancestor he received, in addition to Ye Chen himself, Makarov knew.

As for the matter of the system, Ye Chen was directly rotten in his stomach, so he didn’t plan to tell anyone.

“Dependents? It feels somewhat similar to my astral magic. ”

Lucy marveled as she took out her star spirit key.

While several people were chatting, the train soon arrived at the nearest city’s train station, Onibas Railway Station, where Tetsunomori is located.

“Fortunately, Lalabai hasn’t started yet.”

Since she knew that Lalabai was the so-called group curse killing magic, Elusha’s inner guilt made her spirit highly concentrated, and now she saw the Oribas train station, which was still crowded, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

“I said, Natsu, are you okay? We’ve got out of the car.” ”


Natsu, who was supported by Gray, was still in a state of motion sickness at the moment, and he didn’t hear what Ye Chen was saying at all.

At this moment, the sound of pedestrians talking attracted the attention of several people.

“Did you hear that the ancient Osibana station was hijacked by a group of men with a large scythe, and it is said that it is the people of the dark union Tetsunomori who are entrenched in the vicinity?”

“Fortunately, it’s not here, speaking of which, why did the people of Tetsu no Mori hijack the station? If it’s for money, wouldn’t it be faster to go directly to the bank? ”

“Who knows, probably the bank has powerful magicians sitting in the town, and the people of Iron Forest can’t beat it, so they don’t dare to go.”

“Haha, that is, the so-called bullying of the soft and afraid of the hard.”

“Haha, that’s right.”


Since they looked at each other, Elusha immediately reacted, and immediately prepared to rent a magic guide four-wheeled car from the rental shop of the magic guide four-wheeler not far away to go to the ancient Osibana station.

“What are you still in a daze!”

“Hurry up!”

Elusha paid vigorously and prepared to drive the magic four-wheeled car to the ancient Osibana station to stop Tetsu no Mori.

“I’ll do it.”

Ye Chen grabbed the SE spark plug that Elusha was about to tie on his right hand and said.

“Elusa, your magic power is not much, let me come, with my magic power, even if you drive at the highest speed for a day, it will not have an effect.”

Seeing Ye Chen’s concerned eyes, Elusha’s heart warmed, and then nodded.



Ye Chen tied the SE spark plug to his hand, and then beckoned several people to get into the car, Natsu was already dizzy, there was no power to resist, and was directly helped into the car by Elusa, Lucy nodded, and also followed the car, only Gray looked at Ye Chen with some hesitation.

“That, I said, Ye Chen, should you drag racing again?”

“What do you say?”

“I knew I only had one request, don’t fly again!”

“Hurry, I have counted!”

“ε=(ο`*))) Alas. ”

As if he had accepted his fate, Gray got on the magic guide four-wheeled vehicle with a look of death.

“Gray, what’s your expression?”

“You’ll find out later.”


“Hey, hey, sit tight, let’s go!”

Ye Chen saw that the three people and a cat all got into the car, and directly started the magic guide four-wheeled vehicle, and then, the magic guide four-wheeled vehicle was like an arrow off the string, and it shot out instantly, and the strong push back force pushed the defenseless Lucy whole person onto Gray, making Gray eat a soybean curd.

“It’s still such a mess.”

Elusha knew how crazy Ye Chen was driving, so she had already sat firmly, casually grabbed the tail of the dizzy hobby in the carriage, and sighed.

“Elusa, we seem to see two of you, ah no, it’s three, no, right, four? Five? ……”

Harpy was also completely dizzy at the moment.

Under Ye Chen’s crazy racing car, the entire magic guide four-wheeled car was about to be driven by Ye Chen’s smoke, and not long after, it was reversed to the destination of this trip, Guosibana Station.

“So fast! Vomit~! ”

Lucy got off the train, looked at the ancient Osibana station in front of her in surprise, after all, she still couldn’t withstand the tumbling of the stomach, and directly lay on the ground and vomited.


Gray was no better, and he also held the car and kept vomiting.

“Next, let me see! Vomit~! ”

Even the powerful Alusha couldn’t stop it at the moment, and after patting Ye Chen’s shoulder, she directly turned to the side and vomited.

“Really, it’s not okay with such a little speed, I don’t even have fun.”

Ye Chen looked at the three people helplessly, what, why the three? Because Natsu has completely fallen into a deep coma, it seems that he will not be able to wake up in a short time, and as for Harpy, he is foaming at the mouth and still lying in the car….

After recovering a little, Elusha took a few steps to the station staff.

“Let me ask you, what’s the situation now?”

Elusha asked in front of the staff who were holding a loudspeaker to maintain order.

“Who are you?”

The staff saw Elusha and asked subconsciously.


Before the staff could react, they were knocked unconscious by a mallet from Elusa, and then turned to another staff member.

“How’s it going inside?”


The second staff member was also confused, and was knocked unconscious by Alusha’s hammer again.

“How is it inside?”



“Is she the one who can answer her right away?”

“This is Elusa.”

“I asked, the military team has stormed in, but the other party is a whole magician guild, in my opinion, the military team is less fierce.”

“Let’s go, Elusha, it’s not that I look down on the military, except for those few magic troops, ordinary troops have no chance of victory in the face of the Magus Guild.”

Ye Chen nodded, and then took the lead into the inside of the station.

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