Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 530 Capture the Presbyterian House

Although Li really wanted to stay in the corner where the flow of time was equal to that of the City of Light, to appreciate the wonderful life of classmates between the boss and His Majesty Edwan;

But now she has to pull herself out and mobilize all her computing power.

The situation on Emperor Star is developing in the worst direction.

That is to say, there is a struggle in all aspects between the conservatives and the young faction, and according to Li's observation, the power accumulated by the young faction is higher than that of the decadent conservatives.

Perhaps, the young faction of the Sherman family, represented by Director Ino, had been preparing for this day for a long time.

Or, these conservatives, who themselves are about to collapse, can't win any wars at all.

Law switched to the working state, and summoned more than 30 clones, responsible for processing various information from all over the empire.

The empire's defense system across the entire territory maintains a low-efficiency operation and continues to purify the empire's network environment;

But now, with regard to the ongoing conflict between the young faction of the Sherman family and the conservative faction, Li showed a non-active wait-and-see attitude, and she seemed to be waiting for something.

Waiting for the young to replace the conservatives and become the new power core of the empire to complete the self-innovation of the imperial system?

Or, does Li not want to intervene in the infighting of these 'non-Levi descendants'?

The law is constantly integrating this information.

What made her feel quite interesting was that the titular ruler of the Sherman Empire—the big stupid emperor, Myron Sherman, was lying in the soft embrace of several maids at the moment, and he didn't care about the conflicts outside. .

What he meant was that no matter who of you is in power, Lao Tzu will be the emperor.

‘Should I report this coup to my boss? '

Law looked around the corner.

Molly, who was on duty inside, seemed to be sick at the moment, and her body kept twitching.

That is the continuous visual dislocation brought about by the difference between the two time flow rates.

Just wait for the result.

I hope that this coup will not fundamentally tear the empire apart, because that will cause Levi to wake up in advance.

If it was just an ordinary regime change, under normal logic, Levi would not wake up for such a trivial matter.

With a light touch of Li's finger, a new projection wall appeared in front of him, showing the situation of more than 30 areas, the most important areas of which are:

Sherman Palace;

Headquarters of the House of Elders;

Imperial Army Headquarters;

The outer airspace defense force stationed area of ​​Emperor Star;

The headquarters of the cult of empire development.

And Law's eyes were locked on the core personnel of this coup d'état, the head of the Sherman Empire's Dimension Ascension Laboratory, Ino Sherman.


Emperor Star, Imperial Palace Module, Tentacle Organization Command Center.

Daphne is still expressionless, her eyes are very sharp.

She was wearing a long red dress, a knitted coat, a pink bow tie on her slender fair neck, and a light makeup on the face that countless men and women in the empire admired day and night.

Who would have thought that the famous singer of the empire, among the current generation of princes and daughters, who has a very distant right of succession, has already reached the center of power at this moment.

And there is a higher probability of taking another step up.

Daphne actually didn't want to place all her bets on Director Ino.

When Director Ino held the second roundtable meeting before, what Daphne thought was to use her father's status as emperor to gain more political capital in the middle ground between the conservatives and the young.

But her father, who was great in words, chose to back down at this critical moment.

An extremely cowardly retreat.

Just want to restore the imperial power?

Daphne then had to choose between the two factions.

——Standing in the middle in this situation, that will be the first one to be crushed to death.

In fact, she doesn't have much choice, she can only follow Director Ino, because the tentacles organization is partly controlled by Director Ino, and the more than ten actual controllers of the tentacles organization are because of Director Ino, Only then did he choose to be loyal to Daphne.

On the front screen, one after another hovering cars drove out from the surface of Emperor Star and the underground city group, and galloped towards the direction of the Elder's House.

There are 150,000 fighters in the tentacles, and it is no problem to control the headquarters of the elders' house.

With the supercomputer assistance of the control center, it is not a problem to mobilize these personnel.

"Your Highness! Ninety-two percent of the elders' traces have been locked."

Daphne thought for two seconds, then glanced at the time: "Let the corresponding group move forward immediately, and directly exercise control over the top 20 elders. There is no need to wait for orders from above. Take these elders to the Legislative Court first. .”


Daphne asked: "There is absolutely no room for any problems with the Great Elder."

"I'll go and watch it myself," the middle-aged maidservant of the "History Teacher" responded, bowing her head and leaving quickly.

Daphne folded her arms, standing in the command center with a slender figure, but she looked like a sharp sword out of its sheath.


On the outskirts of the Emperor Star, the thirty-six medium and large formations of the Emperor Star Defense Fleet have been surrounded by a larger number of fleets directly under the Imperial Army and responsible for the defense of the Emperor Star circle.

At this moment, there are more than 16,000 warships stationed on the periphery of the planet Emperor Star alone, and confrontation between the two sides has already begun in some areas.

The emperor's star defense system has been fully activated, and the modules on the surface have begun to open their area shields.

The order in most areas of Emperor Star was not affected, because no media dared to report on this kind of thing, and the people working in Emperor Star were unaware of this confrontation.

At this moment, the two round tables are operating simultaneously.

A round table was set up in a virtual conference room under the starry sky. More than 30 elderly people sat behind the round table with gloomy faces, and dozens of generals stood behind it.

This is the conservative conference room.

The virtual conference room where a round table is located is set on a piece of blue sea. More than 20 figures are sitting around the round table. Men and women in white coats.

This is the meeting room of the Young Boys.

But now, the content of the projection screen they are staring at is almost the same.

The confrontation outside the Emperor Star;

The movement on the surface of Emperor Star.

In the conservative meeting room, an old man slammed the table down:

"Is Yinuo really going to rebel! Akaqi! Look at your wonderful son!"

"Hmph," an old man said coldly, "He has forgotten what I taught him. He is obviously influenced by the ideas of the New Federation and other regimes, and his brain is burnt out from scientific research!"

"The surface of Emperor Star is almost out of control. Our dear Emperor, seems to have handed over his power to Ino."

"It's Daphne, under the dual authorization of Ino and His Majesty the Emperor, Daphne has gradually gained control of the Tentacle Organization, and has a very good relationship with the managers of the Tentacle Organization... We have underestimated this little guy .”

"It turns out that Daphne not only has a great figure and face, but also has a good mind."

"Are you evaluating your great-great-granddaughter?"

"Oh, hahahaha, I almost forgot."

"Everyone, the current situation is not as optimistic as we thought," said the old man in the middle, "They have put on a confrontational posture, and they also have considerable power in their hands."

"They want us old men to take responsibility for this defeat."

"I told you not to fight Luofeng!"

"Eno even proposed before that we should abandon the battlefield of the New Federation and put all our strength into Luofeng. If we really do this, how heavy will our losses be? How can we win in the New Federation?"

"So, what do we do now?"

The old people were thinking hard.

One person said: "Don't forget our goal this time. They bypassed us and opened up a small conference room. We need to let them know that this is absolutely not allowed."

"Ino must be executed."

"Execution, isn't it too much? After all, he is a more prominent family talent in the next generation."

"The rules can't be messed up. If he breaks the rules, he must be punished."

"I am Yinuo's father. I support the execution of Yinuo. Everyone else will be punished accordingly."

"Then let them act now?"

"I suggest that you inform His Majesty the Emperor and send a formation directly into the atmosphere of the Emperor Star, and then send elite troops into the Imperial Dimension Ascension Laboratory to take people. First control Ino, and then talk about other things."

"Ino and the others control the Emperor Star Defense Fleet and the ground defense forces, and there may be conflicts."

"Don't be afraid of conflicts. Now they have started to trouble the elders of the presbytery. I really don't know if their brains have been irradiated. What's the use of these elders? They are just our vassals."

"The elders are our tentacles that affect all aspects of the empire. They should want to get more chips in their hands."

"We are the highest existence in the empire. We control 90% of the empire's conventional military power. Even if there is a conflict, can he still use the Emperor Star Mecha? The Levi Fleet does not participate in political struggles. The rules of the Sherman family, I really can't think of any way for them to reverse the situation."

All the old people smiled.

Director Ino's father sighed, and laughed along with the old people around him.

at the same time.

In the virtual conference room where the Young Boys are.

Director Ino's main seat was empty, and everyone sitting here looked elsewhere.

They kept passing on news, and did not discuss any agenda, but used this place as an intelligence station for information exchange.

"How's Admiral Thomas going?"

"Steady, Admiral Thomas and the other six admirals will not participate in the following incidents, and the fleets they can affect will also stand still. At the very least, it will delay the process of coming to Emperor Star."

"There are seven princes who haven't responded to us yet. The private fleet in their hands has suffered heavy losses after the last battle, so don't consider their strength for the time being."

"Twenty-eight government departments including the Foreign Affairs Bureau and the Ministry of Finance have already started to act. The ministers will wait outside the palace to see His Majesty."

"The key is on the side of the elders' house."

"What do we want to control the elders' house for?"

"Only Director Ino and Daphne know about this... Where is Director Ino?"

"Don't ask," a grey-haired old man whispered, "do what we have to do and trust Eno and Daphne."

Everyone nodded, and then continued to work on their own.

Half a galaxy hour later.

The two small fleets confronting each other in the Emperor Star space suddenly went off fire, and the two battleships opened fire suddenly, but fortunately no damage was caused to the ships.

The generals of both sides immediately shouted on the public channel of the Imperial Military Department, and confirmed that the operators had accidentally touched them, and they had already controlled these operators.

Then the two sides continued to confront each other and distanced themselves a little further.

Generals and officers are not stupid.

None of them dared to take the responsibility of starting a civil war in the empire, what's more, the orders they received from the higher level were... to exercise restraint to the greatest extent.

One galaxy hour after the fire escape incident, conflicts appeared on the surface of Emperor Star.

The sound of explosions came from dozens of areas, and multiple and small combat forces were colliding fiercely.

Unfortunately, the fighting in these areas only lasted three minutes.

The tentacles arrested the elders and elders stationed in Emperor Star, and transported all the elders to the elders' house at the same time.

A special formation composed of sixteen medium-sized transport ships quickly interspersed from outside the Emperor Star, trying to break through the first air defense identification zone in the outer space of the Emperor Star.

The Emperor Star Defense Fleet immediately dispatched a fleet to intercept and control the transport fleet out of the Emperor Star synchronous orbit.

The formation is required to produce their special military operations certificate.

The fleet of transport ships presented an order signed by the Imperial Army, and the commander of the Imperial Star Defense Fleet announced that the order was invalid.

【Emperor Star is independent of the military system. Any warship that is not part of the Emperor Star Defense Fleet must have His Majesty's will or verbal orders from His Majesty the Great Emperor before they can enter the surface of the Emperor Star. Otherwise, it can be regarded as a direct threat to the personal safety of His Majesty, and they will be destroyed by fire. 】

A supreme commander of the Sherman Imperial Army requested the commander of the Imperial Star Defense Fleet to report to him immediately.

The commander took the initiative to send a communication, emphatically reiterating this decree of the empire.

The two sides reached a stalemate.

The Imperial Army mobilized more than 300 main battleships of various types, which appeared behind the transport fleet;

The Emperor Star Defense Fleet Group mobilized the same number of warships, blocking the way forward of the transport fleet.

At this time, the Imperial Defense Fleet mobilized a small number of triangular mobile fortresses distributed in the outer airspace of the Emperor Star. These fortresses will form part of the Emperor Star Star Cannon when the Emperor Star transforms into a huge mech. When executing the emperor star defense order, it can also be regarded as an advanced and powerful planetary defense system.

The Imperial Army was under great pressure, and the transport ship dispatched to the Emperor Star was stuck near the synchronous orbit.

Emperor Star, deep in the palace module.

The old emperor's big hands gently rubbed the plump breasts of the young maid, and the entire palace sank to a depth of 300 meters below the surface.

There was melodious music floating in the hall, and those beautiful maids were either dancing or playing in the water pool.

Emperor Star, the headquarters of the elders' house.

A hovering convoy quickly landed in front of the main gate, and the doors of four hovering vehicles at the front and rear opened simultaneously. Dozens of young men and women in light blue combat uniforms rushed to the center of the hovering vehicle with full armor, and raised their laser beams. Gun looked in all directions vigilantly, and opened up his protective shields.

Inside the suspended car in the middle, the Great Elder walked out with his face downcast, dropped the e-cigarette in his hand, and was escorted forward by these fighters.

The headquarters of the Elder's House has been wrapped by more than ten layers of dreadnought-class protective shields.

When the great elder walked into it, the fighters on the periphery breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately reported to their superiors.

The Great Elder was held up and walked quickly towards the first court.

Suddenly, the Great Elder's pupils shrank slightly, and he saw the beautiful figure standing outside the No. 2 Gate of the Legislative Court.

"His Royal Highness Daphne!" the Great Elder hurriedly shouted, "What are you going to do! I was illegally detained by them!"

Daphne turned her head slightly, a smile appeared on her delicate and beautiful face.

"I am one of the masterminds behind your illegal detention, Great Elder."

The Great Elder's breathing was a little stagnant.

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