Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 269 The Wrath of the Empire

Jump gang, charge, and capture the bridge.

This is Yang Ming's way of fighting.

Relying on Yang Ming to invade the opponent's flagship, the new commander who took over the battle, the "Empire Total Territory Defense System", successfully invaded the command system, interfered with the firepower system of the new federation ships, and blocked the communication between the ships.

The two sides were fighting fiercely. The empire's first battle group had lost one-third of its ships. At a moment when the disadvantage was extremely obvious, the right-wing battle group of the new federation suddenly fell into chaos.

Regarding the broadcast of the white ghost, it appeared for the second time on the entire ship of the first battle group and the third battle group of the empire.

One person jumped into the gang and attacked two ships alone.

This kind of broadcast is actually not normal.

The entire battlefield is full of bloody battles, and it cannot be said that the significance of the white ghost's battle is higher than that of an ordinary soldier in an ordinary post.

It can only be said that the results achieved by the white ghost are relatively important.

Moreover, these two broadcasts are a measure used to boost the morale of the empire's generals after the comprehensive research and judgment of the 'empire defense system'.

The motivational effect is also quite good.

The first battle group, which was originally in a desperate situation, has increased the efficiency of each position by about 5%, its own firepower has slightly increased, and the operational efficiency of the battleship array has increased significantly.

Yes, the morale of human soldiers is not a decisive factor in space fleet battles;

But in times of desperation, this morale can arouse the fearlessness of human soldiers and improve some combat efficiency.

At this moment, the situation on the field has not reversed, and the loss of the empire's first battle group is still increasing, and as the first batch of shield ships run out of energy, the first battle group will usher in a greater blow.

The new Federation's "Eye of the Sky" dreadnought, which had been activated with its protective plate before, emitted a bright beam of light.

The empire paid a heavy price of more than 60 warships.

But because of the efficient scheduling of the command center, more shield ships had already been deployed in front of the dreadnought ship of the empire.

The dreadnoughts of the first battle group started their fourth charge!

It gave up all protective energy and shut down all self-protection mechanisms.

After charging and shooting this time, the firepower system of the Imperial Dreadnaught Ship will be completely paralyzed, and there is a small probability of spontaneous combustion!

But now, the Imperial Dreadnought has locked onto the Dreadnought placed on the right flank by the New Federation!

The right-wing battleship group was paralyzed due to the command system, and its own shipboard system was rewritten. After switching to full manual operation, various mechanical failures emerged one after another, and the operation efficiency became very slow. It was impossible to protect the Sky Eye dreadnought ship at all.

The white ghost's jumping gang, under the calculation of the "Empire Total Defense System", triggered a chain reaction.

In the first battle group, more than 30 heavy battleships suddenly switched their firepower, and they completed a charge of their main guns in the chaotic battle. At this moment, they all aimed their barrels at the Sky Eye Dreadnought with a modular defense system. ship.

Their fighting intentions are extremely obvious!

Fighting to scrap a dreadnought of the empire, but also to take down a dreadnought of the new federation!

Only in this way can the New Federation truly be hurt!

The new federal warships concentrated their firepower on the imperial dreadnoughts, but around the imperial dreadnoughts, there were shield ships and heavy protective ships, and even a few transport ships blocked several strong firepower points of the new federation!

More than 30 heavy battleships opened fire at the same time, and the landing points of the ion beams coincided perfectly, and the energy was completely released.

The shields of the two shield ships were melted, and the protective shield of the right-wing Sky Eye dreadnought trembled constantly.

The Imperial Dreadnought suddenly opened fire!

This timing was earlier than expected by both parties. The power of the dreadnought's main guns did not exceed 60%, so there was no guarantee that it would be able to break through the dreadnought's shield.

Dark blue light traverses the starry sky!

Yang Ming, who was fighting fiercely in the third battleship, couldn't help looking up through the porthole.

Can it be broken?

Yang Ming couldn't help but sweat.

But a few seconds later, a scorching white ball of light appeared at the shot site of the Sky Eye dreadnought.


No difference!

Energy control is extremely precise!

Seven or eight shining light spheres appeared in succession on the Sky Eye Dreadnought, and the entire ship began to disintegrate and explode.

The gun barrel of the Empire Dreadnought exploded suddenly, and multiple areas spontaneously ignited.

At this time, the 'Empire Total Territory Defense System' made an extremely bold decision. Ships left the dreadnought's surroundings one by one, and all the remaining energy was supplied to the protective shield. With its own powerful protective energy shield, the dreadnought directly Rush to the forefront of the battlefield.

This is a large shield ship!

And it can attract all the ships of the new federation to fire and attack in a short time.

The command system is set up on this dreadnought ship, and several generals and a group of senior officers are sweating coldly.

No matter how thick the skins of the dreadnoughts are, they will be breached in two to three minutes when they reach the front of the array...

At this moment, several pieces of news spread throughout the empire's first battle group.

[The high-speed formation composed of the light ships of the third battle group will enter the edge of the battlefield in one minute, and will begin to pose a threat of firepower to the enemy. 】

[The second, fourth, and fifth battle groups of the empire will simultaneously jump towards the area behind the planetary storm in three minutes, and the sixth battle group will soon appear outside the third battle group. After three minutes, it can form a defense against the new federal main fleet surrounded. 】

[Noble troops in the empire are gathering and ready to support the front line at any time. 】

"The New Federation Fleet has started laying mines, they are about to retreat!"

"Don't let them go!"

Lieutenant General Thomas shouted, and then he looked at the girl standing quietly in front of him, because his voice could not be transmitted at all.

"Lieutenant General Thomas."

The girl turned her head slightly, staring at Thomas from the corner of her eyes, her voice was cold and toneless:

"The tactic of encircling the enemy in exchange for the first battle group is extremely stupid. The battle loss ratio is close to one to one. It is a mistake in the military command, and the military should review it."

"Yes," Lieutenant General Thomas gave a military salute.

The girl looked at the starry sky ahead, and the ships of the New Federation seemed to be ready to retreat. Although the space was a little unstable, the light beams pulled by the distant starry sky made them complete the transition almost simultaneously.

The firepower of the first battle group let go of 80% of the opponent's ships, and concentrated firepower to attack the remaining ships that jumped later.

Hundreds of ships of the New Federation were bombed at the same time.

At this time, Lieutenant General Thomas glanced at the radar data and frowned tightly: "The front of the third battle group still has six minutes to reach us...not a minute..."

"There are a group of enemy spies inside the battleship. I just used these spies to deliver false information."

The girl said calmly:

"The list of spies in the army has been sent to Your Excellency. There are more than 16,200 people in total. Please execute them on the spot."


"I have no right to decide the decisions of human generals, I just give my own suggestions. Goodbye, General Thomas."

The girl nodded slightly, her figure flickered slightly, and disappeared immediately.

Lieutenant General Thomas stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and then saw the few remaining New Federation ships ahead.

A warship of one's own side requested an order to fire, and in a new communication channel, the familiar shout of the white ghost came:

"Don't fire! It's me! The operating systems of these ships have been hacked by me! The battleship I'm on is the newest model battleship of the New Federation. I have captured their commanders and technicians, and I can disassemble the latest technology of the New Federation. !"

Lieutenant General Thomas breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately issued a ceasefire order.

Afterwards, the general withdrew from the chain of command and looked out the porthole.

The wreckage of the battleship and the corpses of soldiers floated in the cold and empty space without any sound.


When the 'Empire Whole Territory Defense System' withdrew from the command system, Lu immediately regained control of the Dongfeng and restored contact with Yang Ming.

At that time, Yang Ming was standing on the bridge of the captive ship, studying some new gadgets independently developed by the New Federation, such as the oval control panel, which seemed to be much more advanced than the square and round rudders.

The bridge was full of officers and soldiers lying here and there, most of them passed out, and only a few reformers had their heads blown off.

Dozens of mechanical guards have also returned to the state of parts before leaving the factory.


Yang Ming was taken aback by Lv's crying voice.

"what happened?"

"That senior's computing power is so powerful! I don't look like her from the same era! I don't want to live!"

Yang Ming: ...

Although both mechanical thinking bodies share the resources of an empire, there is still a big gap between the empires.

Moreover, the Sherman Empire has been developing for tens of thousands of years, and they were almost at this level tens of thousands of years ago. The level of advance and retreat in these tens of thousands of years has been going around in circles. It is nothing surprising that the mechanical thinking body has invincible computing power.

Boss Yang said perfunctorily: "Okay, I'll add some masterminds to you."

Law gritted his teeth, and decided to show his anger: "I want to update the server infrastructure! I'm going to Dixing circle to steal the data of the most advanced servers!"

"Go steal, steal more, we made our fortune by stealing technology."

Yang Ming laughed.

Without his telling, Li has already started looking for the technical information he is interested in in this battleship.

Outside the porthole, the imperial warships moved forward slowly and began to sweep the entire battlefield. Several medium-sized landing ships also rushed towards the captured new federal warships.

In fact, it was the mechanical thinking body of the empire that took care of the other three ships around.

But for this credit, the other party directly assigned it to Yang Ming.

And I don't know why, Yang Ming was worried that this wave would expose the existence of Law, but in the follow-up contact with the empire, no one mentioned the mechanical thinking body or his assistant.

The other party is not in a complete program state?

Yang Ming was also a little confused about this.

But the first time I had direct contact with this guy, I felt pretty good.

Then, that question became a big problem for Yang Ming again.

The parasitic thinking body of senior Levy is still active. Is the founding emperor of the Sherman Empire and the former examiner who personally destroyed the entrance of the omnic Twilight hiding on the planet really dead?

An empire with Levy is like an empire that has found its soul.

That's the real galactic overlord.

The landing ship and the new federal battleship were officially connected and absorbed, and groups of imperial soldiers rushed into the ship.

On the remaining three battleships, the soldiers encountered confrontations of varying degrees, and there were still a large number of active federal soldiers inside. The two sides fought hand-to-hand, and the scene almost got out of control.

The battleship where Yang Ming was on was quiet at the moment.

The two teams of imperial soldiers marching towards the bridge looked at the corpses and battle marks along the way, and the brilliance in their eyes became more and more fanatical.

That man made a move!

He almost saved the fleet by himself!

—Of course, this is just an exaggeration.

Li, who is in charge of the boss's communication authority, reminded from the side: "Boss, Lieutenant General Thomas sent an invitation to invite you to his flagship, that is, the dreadnought."

Yang Ming raised his eyebrows: "Has the state of the dreadnought recovered? Is the fire extinguished? Will it explode?"

"It's stabilized."

"That's good," Yang Ming shook his head, and stuffed the 'toy' he snatched from a certain child into the armor's butt pocket, "I'm ready to broadcast live at any time, if the empire wants to capture me alive, I will directly fight back .”


Law earnestly agreed.


The bridge of the dreadnought is really big!

Yang Ming looked at the bridge like a grand theater layout, and couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

When will he be able to build the Dongfeng to this scale!

The battle had just ended, the first battle group had suffered heavy losses, and the dreadnought ship was close to being scrapped, so it was no longer able to continue participating in the next battle, and the bridge at the moment was extremely busy.

The orderly shouted loudly:

"Captain Hunton has arrived on the bridge!"

The technicians and military officers who were busy everywhere subconsciously stopped the work at hand, and their eyes fell on Yang Ming's position.

Yang Ming hugged the helmet in his arms, and gave the imperial military salute to the general standing on the elevating podium.

Lieutenant General Thomas couldn't help heaving a long sigh when he saw Yang Ming, and then returned a military salute to Yang Ming.

Many officers around saluted with clenched fists, and some young people were eager to move, as if they wanted to give Yang Ming a hug, or cheered to throw Yang Ming high.

Of course, they can't.

Imperial military discipline is strict.

Lieutenant General Thomas' podium quickly fell, and the general stepped forward to meet Yang Ming.

"General Thomas!" Yang Mingzhong smiled angrily, "I can finally really see you."

The general had a sad face at the moment, but he still forced a smile, grabbed Yang Ming's palm, and shook it vigorously.


the general whispered.

Yang Ming hurriedly said: "I am an imperial soldier, general, so you don't need to thank me."

General Thomas said quickly: "Thanks to your brave and fearless team-hopping battle and invading the enemy's flank command system, our battle group was able to preserve the main combat force. I have fully reported this credit to the military and the elders' house. If they are unfair or biased against you, I will do whatever it takes to help you get the reward you deserve."

Yang Ming grinned.

Smiling like a naive young man.

"General, are the losses serious?"

"The loss of personnel is estimated to be around 520,600 people, one-third of the main battleship has been lost, the dreadnought has also lost its combat effectiveness, and two-thirds of the auxiliary battleship has been lost."

Lieutenant General Thomas sighed:

"The first battle group needs to be corrected and supplemented, and it needs to break away from the normal advancement strategy for the time being.

"But this is already a blessing in misfortune. If it weren't for you and... oh, yes, come and sit here first."

"Thank you General."

Lieutenant General Thomas was very keen, and when he realized that some things might not be mentioned to the outside world, he immediately closed his mouth.

The general was still very busy. Just in the process of being seated, he signed several documents, issued more than a dozen orders, and made two temporary personnel appointments.

"Hendon...can I call you that directly?"


Lieutenant General Thomas said: "In this battle, we made tactical mistakes. This is an inescapable responsibility."

Yang Ming asked, "General, will you be punished?"

"After the war, there will be a unified calculation and trial," Lieutenant General Thomas narrowed his eyes slightly, "I did not make the plan this time, I was just the executor of the plan, and I fell into the trap of the new federation, and I am not the main responsibility ...don't worry about me."

"That's good," Yang Ming sighed, "It's just an encounter, and the two sides have killed and injured over a million people. This is war."

"Yes, this is war," Lieutenant General Thomas said, "When the new federation implemented the bug burying plan and finally detonated the bug burying site, they should have thought that the anger of the empire would one day burn to Minter City. This airspace has been occupied, and Minter is ahead!"

Yang Ming thought carefully: "Mint City is not easy to capture, it gathers all the forces of the New Federation and many small countries."

"Nine thousand ships," Lieutenant General Thomas said in a low voice, "their forces gathered there are on the order of nine thousand normal fleets."

"Then don't we now..."

"The six major battle clusters you see now are only the conventional military forces mobilized directly by the Imperial Army, and do not include the basic defense forces in various places." Thomas shook his head lightly, "The war potential of the Empire has not been fully activated. This time External propaganda is the power of the whole country, but in fact it is also trying to confuse the other party."

Yang Ming counted with his fingers.

The six major combat groups of the military;

The strength of the private army of the great nobles that has been assembled in the rear has reached the size of 3,000 medium and large fleets.

If the armed force directly controlled by the emperor is the sum of the two, or even a little more, then the total number of medium and large ships that the empire can go to war at this moment should be... 20,000.

If it is a protracted war, the fight is still about national strength and the shipbuilding capabilities of both sides.

Thomas turned on the shielding mode, and said in a deep voice:

"That's right, His Majesty is very angry now, the invincible legion of the empire has suffered setbacks, which has made His Majesty feel ashamed.

“Originally, we planned to hold a battle here to destroy the New Federation’s two thousand to three thousand main warships, so that we could force the New Federation to sign a compensation treaty.

"But now, we have to change accordingly."

"What does the military mean now?"

"Mint City cannot be destroyed directly, because that will cause most countries in the galaxy to unite against us. We are a benevolent army under the leadership of His Majesty."

Thomas's eyes under his sharp eyebrows showed a bit of coldness:

"We want to destroy their defensive fortresses, annihilate their main fleet outside Minter City, and find agents to split this federal country.

"In the future, there will be doubled the number of troops to reinforce here from within the empire."

Yang Ming:......

Grass is a plant.

Is this to directly wipe out the military power of the New Federation?

"And you, Hanton," Thomas whispered, "in order to reduce the casualties of the imperial soldiers, we need your power."

Yang Ming pondered for a few times: "We are old acquaintances, general, so I don't have to be secretive. What can the military department give me?"

"Honor, military rank, title of nobility, marriage quota for a powerful prince and princess."

"Can you change this last one? I haven't had enough fun yet, no, my understanding of marriage is not very deep yet."

Yang Ming frowned and said:

"I want two things from the Imperial Institute, a clump of cells, and some high-performance supercomputers."

"Okay," Lieutenant General Thomas stretched out his right hand, "Come to the combat meeting with me later. These federal guys will never understand the price they will pay for today's ambush!"

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