Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 263 Never seen such a brazen person

Boss, is this... crazy?

In Dongfeng.

Looking at the beautiful girl version of the Valkyrie Po Whirling carried back by Yang Ming, Lu's beautiful imitation face was full of puzzlement.

However, Yang Ming had skillfully thrown Posuo aside, grabbed a new type of lightsaber, and in front of Lu, poked holes in various joints of Posuo with great effort.

This will ensure that Po Whirling will not be able to move for the time being.

"Lu, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up, jump back to Luofeng continuously, get out the No. 2 life ship we prepared before, and get it to the edge of Luofeng, as far away from the main administrative star as possible."

"Oh... oh! Good! But this..."

Li opened his mouth.

What just happened?

Could it be that the boss has always been short-sighted, but this time he saw Po Whirling's appearance clearly at a close distance, and then felt some kind of impulse?

Although the boss is indeed in a period of emotional emptiness, but this is too...

Not right either.

Law was reviewing the information that suddenly appeared in his master mind.

The information came from nowhere, but it contained technology far beyond her comprehension, and it was all about biology and bioenergy.

Law has now determined that something must have happened in the dimension that she could not directly observe just now.

It's useless to think about it, just ask the boss later.

The Dongfeng has recovered two 50-meter-class gunboats, and the mechanical warriors in the tail compartment have also been released from combat status, and the remaining drones have begun to destroy each other.

There is nothing wrong with leaving the wreckage of the drone. Ritsu has erased all information in advance, so that people will not think that the white ghost has been active here.

The Dongfeng began to accelerate towards the nearby gravitationally stable zone.

On the outskirts of the devastated town, a camera slowly raised somewhere, as if a mechanical life was looking up, watching them go from a distance.


"Boss, have you reached an agreement with the Faya people? If you don't kill Posuo, they will help you become an ancient god life body like Posuo."


"Boss, you are indeed crazy," Lu said with shock all over his face. "Aren't you beating yourself up with meat buns? Po Whirling is their experimental subject, and then you turned yourself into an experimental subject."

"So I am sure that the other party will most likely not refuse."

Yang Ming squinted and smiled.

He raised his legs triumphantly and solved the serious problem in his heart. At this moment, he just wants to go to the night market of Ilanduo Star to relax and make his own small contribution to the economic construction of Ilanduo Star.

Law looked dumbfounded.

"Boss, I still don't understand."

"First of all, when the Faya people showed up, I knew that I couldn't kill Posuo."

Yang Ming shook the nutritional drink in his hand.

"The reason is very simple. The Faya people look at us like they look at ants lying on paper.

"Why is the high-dimensional civilization invasion event, compared to the bug plague and the omnic crisis, occurring less frequently and usually having less impact, but it is listed as the first natural disaster?

"Because we cannot fight against high-dimensional civilization, this is the most basic logic."

"That's right," Lv nodded, "So boss, you choose to endure?"

Yang Ming smiled and said: "It's not forbearance, but after recognizing the reality, I found a way to get some benefits. I took advantage of my pioneer status, and the other party didn't need to care about these things with me. The details they don't care about are me. room for benefits.”

"But, becoming an ancient god, genetic evolution... Is this good for you, boss?"

"Cell clusters are infinitely regenerated."

Law visibly frowned.

Yang Ming said indifferently: "Just this benefit is enough for me to bear the risk of losing control. Moreover, among the technologies given by the Faya people, there should be how to keep me human rather than ancient gods."

"But boss, if you take this step forward, it is likely to shake your self-perception."

"Look at her, she is an example."

Yang Ming pointed to the medium-sized transport ship outside the porthole, behind the floor-to-ceiling windows, the whirling body floated quietly.

The transport ship is right in front of Dongfeng's gun barrel, and they can destroy Posuo at any time.

Yang Ming asked: "What do you think, is she an ancient god or a human being?"

"Ancient God, she desperately wants to devour the boss."

"No, she is a human being," Yang Ming whispered, "She has been a human being from the very beginning, and she has never been lost."

Law: "Even if you are my boss, your argument must be supported by sufficient evidence to convince me!"

"When I was fighting her for the first time, I saw her exquisite lingerie with floral borders," Yang Ming said, "It's a very cute bra, and it's worn under her tights."


"Well, that doesn't mean much, boss."

"Do you think the ancient gods have a sense of shame like humans? Why did she add a layer of underwear to the tights that should be vacuum?"

"It may also be that both ancient divinity and humanity exist, but the proportions of the two are different," Li explained calmly, "and boss, when you are facing Zerg, you enter that special fighting state, ancient divinity would be more than human."

Yang Ming asked: "Then explain, what did she do at school before she was sure she was about to be besieged by us?"

"Uh, maybe it's just a whim, just wanting to do something."

"She longs for it," Yang Ming said indifferently, "From my understanding, she wants to experience the life there, before it is likely to be dismantled by me with the main gun."

"But boss, none of these can cover up the cruelty of her wanting to devour a living person directly, which is something that humans don't have."

"So," Yang Ming put his hand on Lu's shoulder as if he was facing his buddy, "you have to carefully demonstrate the things sent by the Faya people, do more preliminary experiments on the dark star, and then give me a Get started."

Law whispered: "There are still the locations of the remaining ancient god cells in the information, and they are still preserved in a research institute of the Empire, in the Emperor Star Circle."

"That's not in a hurry."

Yang Ming looked out of the porthole, staring at Po Whirling.

"I still can't use the ancient god cells directly. To be on the safe side, I will talk to Po Sua first, and take her power, so that I can adapt to the improvement of physical strength step by step.

"When she can't pose a threat to me, when I can completely suppress her, then she will become the target of being devoured.

"And whether she can survive depends on whether I let the ancient divinity surpass my humanity."

"Boss, are you using her as a storage battery?"

"You can understand it this way," Yang Ming said with a smile, "Come on, go and call Xiao 26 over, let's discuss the Faya civilization together, I got some very interesting information today, the Faya civilization has finally revealed to us his corner."

Law immediately agreed.

In fact, what she admires most about her boss is that he has a very strong curiosity about the unknown, and he can always take action to satisfy her curiosity.


"The first group has completed the leap."

"Repeat, the first group has completed the leap."

On the border of the New Federation, more than a dozen guiding lights appeared in the barren and empty space, and warships began to appear around the lights.

They seemed to suddenly appear in the 'picture', the silver-white light film wrapped around the hull quietly dissolved, and the protective shield was fully opened.

Lieutenant General Thomas, the imperial general who made great contributions to the fight against the swarm, is now standing on the bridge command platform of the flagship of the dreadnought ship.

He got a medal and an honorary title, but he didn't have time to go home to see his parents, wife and children, and set off on the journey again after getting ready.

"General, no enemy warships have been detected."

"Perform clearance steps to meet other groups."


Thomas simply ordered, and then focused on the various data in front of him.

The so-called clearance is to clear all enemy detectors and hidden mines in the nearby airspace to ensure the safety of more subsequent warships.

When the enemy is a human fleet, the combat environment and tactics will become much more complicated, and the intelligence work of one's own side is not as good as the enemy's, which is a huge disadvantage.

In Thomas's view, this is a disadvantage that is very likely to pose a fatal threat.

Therefore, he assumed that his every move was under the surveillance of the other party, and he was always vigilant.

And this is also the main reason why the military department formulated this tactic - using double the enemy's main force to directly push the star star.

'There is no room for carelessness. '

Thomas reminded himself so.

"Repeat the clearance command for the whole ship, and clear the meteorite belt in the airspace on the left. Don't just scan it with the detector and think it's all right."


Lieutenant General Thomas sighed softly.

Beside him is the abyss, and if he stumbles, he will be smashed to pieces.


Inside Dongfeng, Lu and 026 hid on the sofa in the corner, looking at the projection screen in front of them.

What the projection screen shows is the situation in the transport ship hundreds of meters away.

In the middle of the picture, Boss Yang is wearing an exoskeleton mecha, with the hilts of two Goddess Happy swords on his waist. The barrels of laser cannons can be seen on the edge of the screen, and where all the barrels point to is a girl in a tattered dress lying on a single bed.

Yang Ming was waiting for Po Suo to wake up.

"It's amazing self-healing ability," Lu admired in a low voice, "The boss poked a lot of penetrating wounds on her body before, and now they are all healed, and there is no scar on the skin."

026 also admired in a low voice: "This skin looks really smooth."

"No, no, your skin is slippery, let me touch it."

"Ah! Be serious! I'm digesting the knowledge my boss taught me... Hahaha! I hate it! I'm going to unscrew your mastermind!"

The two 'people' laughed for a while, and finally ended with 026 begging for mercy.

Panting, she sat down on a duck, continuing to think about some key words that Yang Ming just said.

Soaring thinking, soaring collective thinking, virtual brain enveloping the entire galaxy, manipulating information to modify the surface layer of rules, time discontinuity, there may only be a small number of real Fayas, and the individual Fayas may be the sum of thinking of a huge collective ……etc.

"Ah, the head is going to burn."

026 sighed dejectedly:

"I'll just honestly work for the boss. Are these things really something that a maintenance worker like me who hasn't even studied in a university can understand?"

"Give up, mortal," Li said with a smile, "I can't explain these problems clearly for the time being."

"Wake up!" 026's eyes lit up, "The Valkyrie has opened her eyes! Turn up your voice!"

The volume bar of the projection screen rises slowly

The girl whose eyes were newly locked on the projection screen was a little blank at the moment, as if she had woken up, but her brain was still in bed.

Her laurel wreath of thorns was dangling on Yang Ming's fingers.

The girl turned her head to look at Yang Ming, and asked in a hoarse and weak voice:

"You won't devour me?"

Yang Ming didn't answer, but said: "There are clothes that can be changed at the side, please protect your privacy."

The girl froze for a moment.

She sat up slowly, turned her body slowly, and sat on the edge of the bed facing the front in a daze.

After that, she raised her hand to touch the remaining clothes on her body. These clothes seemed to be simulated by some kind of biological conjunctiva, and they dissolved by themselves at this moment, revealing her glowing white figure.

Yang Ming turned his back to her.

026 in the corner of Dongfeng hurriedly covered his eyes, and then... opened his fingers.

Swish, the girl put on the somewhat loose blue maintenance uniform.

Her long hair was slowly gathered, and one of the hairs was bent by itself as a headband, binding the long hair behind her.

"you win."

She spoke softly, her eyes continued to be blank.

Only then did Yang Ming turn around, and the crown of thorns and laurel in his hand stopped spinning.

"Want to talk?" He tried to keep his voice as gentle as possible.

The young girl said indifferently: "I don't have pre-stored cells."

"Really," Yang Ming smiled, "So, if you are dead now, you are really dead?"

"I have been surpassed by you."

"I'm curious about your current state," Yang Ming said with a smile, "Is it because your strength hasn't recovered yet, so can you maintain the human way of thinking?"

She didn't answer.

Yang Ming said slowly: "Every time you die, I can share part of your strength. I keep fighting with the mother worm, and I can also increase that strange biological energy. Gradually, the relationship between us changes from 1 to 20." It became 1 and 10, 1 and 5, 1 and 1.6, before our battle, your strength has not recovered to the peak of the current stage, the power balance between us is actually 1 and 0.6, right?"

Po Whirling said: "Then, you used the battleship."

"My muscles are my strength, and so are my ships and fleets."

Yang Ming put his hands behind his back and smiled leisurely:

"From the first time you failed to beat me, you were destined to have this day."

Po Hua frowned tightly.

She stared at Yang Ming: "If you devour me, you will gain great power and become a true god."

"God? This is a bit, a bit embarrassing. I never think that an individual can become a god. I only believe that civilization can enter the god level."

Yang Ming calmly changed the topic:

"Have you had direct contact with the Faya civilization?"

"Faya?" She had doubts in her eyes.

"Did you hear some voices?"

She just looked at Yang Ming quietly.

Yang Ming shook the crown of thorns and laurel in his hand: "It, where did you come from?"

The mother-in-law was silent.

She seemed to be trying to regain some strength, and a desire to devour appeared in her eyes, but soon, this desire receded, and she began to think again.

After about five or six minutes, Po Sua still spoke:

"After a cellular remodeling, it seems to be a product of my evolution."

Yang Ming snapped his fingers in his heart.

Sure enough, the Faya people would not communicate with her directly.

I was able to talk directly with the Faya people, except that the risk of military action really pushed the thinking body into a hurry, and the identity of the forerunner and the omnic Twilight candidate also helped a lot.

In this way...

Wouldn't it be easy to fool around?

Yang Ming sighed softly, used the acting skills that had been exposed by the Faya people, and put the laurels aside.

He said slowly: "Po Whirling, you can actually suppress the side of the ancient god, right? Do you know why I didn't kill you?"

Po Whirling shook her head slightly.

"I am alone."

Yang Ming's eyes were slightly red, he took a breath, turned his head to look out the window, and said slowly in a deep, emotional voice:

"We are all alone.

"There are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way, and the current human civilization has a population of more than 2 trillion, but I can't find another living body similar to me.

"His transformation experiment pushed you, me, and us directly into the abyss of loneliness, and we all advanced, groped, and searched for the meaning of existence in loneliness.

"I really want to kill you, to get rid of you for my own protection.

"Whirling, my lightsaber was only a few millimeters away from your brain, but I couldn't do it because I knew that if I killed you and devoured you, in this vast universe, I would fall into an eternal void. Lonely."

He looked up at Po Whirling, at the girl.

"Can you be my partner? Only a living body similar to me."

The girl stood there in a daze, pursing her lips slightly, her empty and lifeless eyes had ripples, and the waves in her eyes were gently rippling.

She lowered her head again full of disappointment, staring at her palm prints, wondering what she was thinking.

In Dongfeng.


026: ...

"Lü, why is our boss so thick-skinned?"

"It can prevent lasers and is used to protect the brain."

"I believe it."

In the transport ship, after half an hour of silence.

Suddenly, Po Whirling's body began to tremble slightly.

She looked up at Yang Ming, nodded calmly, and said in a low voice:


Yang Ming was startled.


Before Yang Ming could react, the girl's body suddenly collapsed, turning into strands of finely divided ashes, leaving only a group of pink cells the size of a fingernail.


The cell mass made a sound similar to a heartbeat.


[ps: Once again, Amway Wandering Earth 2, a domestic sci-fi film and the face of the film industry, go to the cinema if you can, it's definitely worth the money! 】

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