Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 178 Tons of Bitter Wine

Although the preliminary examination was successfully passed, the follow-up impact of the insect plague still continued.

The Sherman Empire took the opportunity to launch an attack on the New Federation. The two sides engaged in diplomacy and bombarded each other, and it was about to turn into a real all-out war.

The interstellar discourse power, which was originally dominated by the New Federation, has been regained by the Sherman Empire due to the continuous impact of the bug burying incident.

At least many medium-sized countries have maintained neutrality between Sherman and the new federation, instead of following the new federation like before.

Luofeng after his little fight with Chongzi, the people inevitably fell into panic, fearing that Chongzi would make a comeback.

Panic is the greatest enemy of social order.

In order to appease the people, Yang Ming discussed with Edwang and then they split up.

One focuses on domestic security and the other focuses on economic development.

As a medium-sized country, Luofeng's airspace is not too big, but it's definitely not small either.

For the people of Luofeng to sleep soundly;

In order for Luofeng not to be overwhelmed by the panic after the insect disaster;

The massive regional self-inspection activities kicked off.

The event was initiated by the military and is expected to take one month. The four major defense fleets will carefully inspect each barren planet, and regularly publish detailed planetary safety reports through the royal family's official website.

At the same time, the Luofeng Empire military announced in a high-profile manner:

It will take ten years to build a comprehensive planetary monitoring and defense system;

Formation of the fifth and sixth defense fleets;

Vigorously develop effective killing weapons against Zerg.

By the way, Yang Ming found some expert consultants to popularize Zerg knowledge to the public through portal websites, live broadcast platforms, and radio channels.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Let everyone know about the Zerg and the continuous war between human civilization and the Zerg in the galaxy every few hundred years, which will naturally help to eliminate panic.

After a few sharp axes fell, most of the panic in the Luofeng Empire dissipated.

By the way, Yang Ming has already started planning for the 'Pest Plague Tax'.

It's not that he's looking for opportunities to be greedy for money. Boss Yang, who owns Miss Molly and Dark Star, has no idea about money at all.

What he wanted to do was to give Luofeng a stronger and more comprehensive fleet.

The fleet could not be formed overnight, and the current military strength in the Luofeng Empire has only undergone a small upgrade after unifying the warlords who were originally independent.

If you want to make a big leap, you must have enough time cost and public support.

This insect plague was indeed an excuse for the Luofeng Empire to expand its army reasonably, and this move also received the support of the Sherman Empire.

What should I do after having a powerful fleet?

Naturally, it is to expand the territory, incorporate the population, first annex the military alliance of the three small countries around it, and then include more administrative stars towards the periphery.

Therefore, from this point of view, Yang Ming hopes that a full-scale war will break out between Sherman and the New Federation, but it is best to push back the timing of the outbreak of this war.

Luofeng Empire is not ready to expand now.

Yang Ming was in charge of domestic security, and Edwang continued to gain a sense of presence on the international stage.

Edwan followed closely behind the Sherman Empire, gently accusing the New Federation of being responsible for the pest plague.

——He didn't dare to speak too harshly, and he didn't dare to directly put pressure on the new federation. He just expressed his attitude, so as to mix up some aid and benefits from the Sherman Suzerain.

Then, Edwane started to play the safe card.

The video of Luofeng and his allies' fleet annihilating the 'Mighty Zerg' became Edwan's trump card to attract investment.

Today's Luofeng Empire itself has excellent military strength, a stable political environment, and strong foreign aid from the Sherman Empire, but the economy here is still in a downturn and contains huge business opportunities.

The two were busy for four or five days, trying their best to minimize the impact of the insect infestation.

Yang Ming attended the memorial service for the fallen soldiers of the Luofeng Empire.

In the private memorial ceremony, a major stood in front of several generals and took off his hat to salute together.

Among the hundreds of senior military officers present, only the dozen or so recently promoted showed shock.

After the memorial service, Yang Ming pulled Gudun Maha, Darbich, Philemon, and three allied military representatives together for a small meeting.

Yang Ming briefly encouraged them, and then began to check the accounts of each army.

The generals present, except for Gudun Maha and Fei Limeng, are all Yang Ming's sons, so there is naturally no problem with their accounts.

And Gu Dunmaha has also restrained a lot in recent years, and the accounts he produced are pretty good.

But it was Philemon's turn...

There was a subtle change in the old general's expression.

Yang Ming wondered, "General Philemon, are you short of money?"

"Oh, of course not," Philemon stood up nervously, and explained with a frown, "but the military expenses of the Royal Guard Army have always been directly managed by the royal family, and there is usually a shortage."

Yang Ming frowned slightly, several generals headed by 'Leon' Dabic quickly got up and bowed their heads in silence.

Gu Dun Maha looked around, and felt that if he didn't stand up, he would be a little underhanded, so he stood at attention obediently.

Yang Ming asked: "Ed Wang doesn't even have a wife, does the palace need to spend so much money?"

Philemon pondered for a while: "The royal family is not only the current majesty, but also some widows of the former emperor. In fact, according to the rules set by the founding emperor, the resources enjoyed by the royal family today have seriously exceeded the standard, but this is already a matter of convention. .To be precise, it is a part of the royal family’s expenses, allocated in the form of royal guard army military expenses, and then issued.”

Yang Ming nodded, sank in the chair and kept thinking.

"Look for an opportunity to remind Edwan that the royal family can save this part of the money to support the economic construction of the fifth administrative star."

"Okay," Philemon heaved a sigh of relief.

But Gu Dun Maha said: "Master Yang Ming, there is something, maybe I should remind you."


"His Majesty Edwan now trusts you very much, but this trust is destined to change over time."

Gu Dunmaha said in a deep voice:

"No emperor would allow powerful ministers to exist."

General Philemon frowned and looked at Gudun Maha, who just bowed his head in silence.

Just a general on the ground, Gu Dunmaha didn't care a bit.

Dabic also took advantage of the situation: "You really should consider this issue."

Yang Ming nodded slowly, and said with a smile: "Okay, there is no need to discuss this issue, we have all the military power, and Luofeng's fate is up to us."

He thought carefully and added two more sentences.

"Edwan is my best friend, the emperor of this country, and the face of the Sherman Empire.

"He has a dream and I'm helping him realize it.

"I don't like politics, he doesn't like military affairs, so we can complement each other, and the imperial power can't tolerate powerful officials... Guess what Edwan's dream is?"

Philemon said: "Renovate the monarchy."

"This is a secret, as long as you know it in your own mind."

Yang Ming summed it up simply:

"In short, no matter how Luofeng's future politics evolves, as long as it is based on people's livelihood, benefits the people, maintains sustainable development, and is generally within the controllable range, then there is no need to intervene and control the fleet well. Politics is up to us at any time. "



Inside the integrated supply ship of Dark Star No. 1.


Amid the clanging sounds, the regular members of Feinan and the temporary members clinked glasses together.

026 drank two cups of liqueur favored by Sherman nobles, and his little face became flushed.

Obviously, the metabolic capacity of the liver is slightly insufficient.

Ritsu used a mechanical guard with a bow on his forehead as his 'body' to participate in the reception, and what was in the glass was not sweet wine, but high-grade engine oil and lubricants.

Hera's mood obviously recovered a little.

With the shielding device made by Li, Hera has been temporarily isolated from the Zerg and can move freely.

She just came from the No. 2 base to participate in the small celebration organized by Yang Ming.

There were only four 'people' participating in this celebration - the secondary ancient god life body, the mechanical thinking body created by the high-dimensional civilization, the biologist who was mistaken by the Zerg for a new type of queen, and the semi-mechanical transformation body.

Now, Hera already knew almost all of Yang Ming's secrets, so it was naturally impossible to leave Yang Ming's sight for half a step.

But Hera decided to express her thoughts after careful consideration.

"Ming, can I enter your No. 2 base?" Hera asked softly.

Yang Ming, who was tasting the wine, was stunned for a moment, wondering, "It's dark out there, what are you doing there? Why don't you look at the stars and the moon in the spaceship."

"Sense of security," Hera said softly, "Looking at what you did in Base No. 2, I will have less psychological burden when conducting bug experiments."

The corner of Yang Ming's mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly emphasized: "I'm not engaging in an omnic crisis, these are all mechanical thinking bodies, each with a one-button headshot device."

Hera shrugged:

"Put my lab in Base No. 2, you can come to see me anytime you want.

"We are not limited to good partners for emotional exchanges, and I want to carry out some experiments against insect swarms, and transform the previous experimental results into military and civilian equipment.

"I thought about it carefully for a few days, and got out of the valley of my previous thoughts.

"We are all human, as long as we believe we are human."

Yang Ming was a little speechless, and frowned at Hera.

Hera looked at Yang Ming calmly, her gaze was still so clear, but firm under the clarity.

Yang Ming frowned and said: "In this case, we will spend very little time together, and it is impossible to go to the No. 2 base too often."

"You should be able to understand what I mean," Hera said, "We're going to reduce the number of dates, or we're going to stop dating, Ming."

"Am I broken up?"

"You can understand that, but we haven't lost each other, you are the only partner I can accept."

Hera took the initiative to grab Yang Ming's palm and said seriously:

"You and I both have our own ideals to fight for. Maybe we don't have to be tired of being together every moment like ordinary couples. We don't have the time.

"And... a bug infestation caused by our date, I don't want to go through that kind of thing a second time.

"I long for you, but I must restrain myself.

"When you miss me, I will use my greatest tenderness to comfort you and help you wash away the tiredness of the interstellar journey.

"Is this okay?

"I want to build my laboratory in the No. 2 base. I will simultaneously explore the life of Zerg and ancient god life forms. You can also arrange some subjects for me, but I will give priority to the content I am interested in, and you I must also be given sufficient funds.”

After finishing speaking, Hera looked at Yang Ming with some trepidation.

Yang Ming sighed dejectedly, nodded in agreement, and then hugged Hera forcefully.

He likes this woman.

Like her wisdom and reason, like her clumsy and bold.

These two years were his happiest days... well, the days with Miss Windsor were equally happy, but the time spent with the former was too little...

The two began to kiss.

Under the stimulation of alcohol, the kiss became more and more intense.

026 and Lu who were sitting on the side looked at each other, raised their hands and raised their foreheads, one retreated quietly, and the other disappeared immediately.

Fortunately, every ship dedicated to Boss Yang has a lounge with a soft bed and a shielding system.

the next day.

Hera took a shielding device and several robots, and boarded the transport ship back to the No. 2 base.

Yang Ming didn't go to see her off, to show that this was just a normal 'job transfer'.

In fact, Yang Ming knew that there would be very few opportunities for the two to meet in the future, and Hera already wanted to get rid of the status of a couple and become a more pure relationship.

Boss and employee, bedmate and bedmate.

He could understand the pressure Hera was under, but he was somewhat depressed, sitting in front of the Feinan which was being repaired, sullen.

"I can still be broken up," Yang Ming muttered, "This woman is simply..."

Lu smiled and said, "Boss, Miss Hera said, you can go to her anytime."

"But this feeling is obviously different."

Yang Ming opened his palm, with a faint red light flickering in his eyes, he pulled a bottle of beer-like drink over, flicked the cork off, and took a sip with his head raised.

Amid the tons of sounds, Yang Ming's eyes were a little blurred.

He stared at Feinan for a while, when a cleaning robot slid over and sucked the cork away.

Yang Ming sighed: "Hera thinks that she must respect the Zerg... What respect does the Zerg have? We are human beings, and they are enemies. If we meet, we will be done."

"Boss, I have no intention of interfering in your private life," Lu muttered, "but maybe you should really consider finding a normal human being to fall in love with, like Miss Windsor."

Yang Ming stared at Lu.

"What do you understand, a mechanical thinking body? This is love! Love, do you understand?"

Li rolled his eyes aside.

"Compared to this, boss, when are you going to start the next assessment cycle?"

"Wait for two months," Yang Ming muttered, "make up for the time we squeezed out; there are still a lot of things to be busy, and I can't just disappear for three months."

Law asked: "What about the Sherman Empire? You said earlier that you would give them a gift."

"Just let the white ghost send a video to praise the generals in the military," Yang Ming sighed dejectedly.

He kind of misses the days on earth, and he can sing love songs when he loses love.

It's not like now, I don't even have a KTV, I can only get a few holographic entertainment modes, a virtual world, and some mechanical thinking bodies to accompany the singing.

"Is Kolev busy?"

"He went to a neighboring country to open a factory, and the business activities of chemical giants are quite intensive."

"Okay," Yang Ming said, "then the focus of our next work is to build a 400-meter-class gunship with all our strength. Is it too late for us to redesign one? Or find an existing one, preferably with a main gun over 300 meters kind of."

The corner of Law's mouth twitched slightly: "I advise you not to have the idea of ​​building a small dreadnought. The principle of the three teachers is to protect the boss's safety, not directly help the boss to conquer the galaxy."

Yang Ming laughed and said, "How will you know if you don't try it? Go get two 400-meter-class ships, a super gunboat, and a standard star cruiser. Don't forget to keep an eye on the Valkyrie."

"Good boss, this plan is a little more reliable."

Lu's figure flickered and disappeared, leaving only Yang Ming sitting there alone.

Yang Ming exhaled lightly, and raised the wine bottle to Fei Nan Hao.

"Thanks, old man."

He poured out some wine and continued to drink it into his mouth.

The cleaning robot slides by, quickly sucking up the wine and drying it.

Yang Ming hummed the tune of his hometown, and some thoughts came up in his heart, and he crushed these thoughts.

Now he just wants to stay here and go to the so-called business later.

"That, that..."


Yang Ming turned his head to look at the back corner.

026 poked his head, and asked hesitantly:

"Boss, if I have nothing to do in the past few days, can I... just... just can I... go home? I want to go back and have a look, it can be done in half a day... The law will fully supervise me..."

She bit her lower lip lightly.

"Homesick?" Yang Ming asked.


"Is there a place for singing and entertainment near your house?"

"It seems to be there. Although it is relatively poor there, there are quite a lot of entertainment facilities."

"I'll give you two days off," Yang Ming pointed at 026, "The condition is to bring me with you, and let me experience your entertainment methods."

026 tilted his head, a little confused.

Wait a minute, the boss is falling out of love, and he is in a bad mood. If he can accompany the boss well, he can make him feel better...


Opportunity for a raise!

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