Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 173: Ilanduo's pest control battle!

"These damn bugs!"

Dabick growled.

His two mixed fleets are constantly jumping backwards, and each ship quickly escapes the firepower net woven by the insect swarm.

Individual adult insects are like small gunboats. In a vacuum without material cover, the energy dissipation rate is relatively small. When these adult insects squeeze out energy bombs with the tip of their abdomen at the same time, the total amount of energy formed is also very terrifying.

Under the short exchange of fire, the energy shields of several main battleships at the forefront were smashed, and the hard top of the hull could not support for half a minute, and the crew could not escape at all.

This is still a bug that has no intention of fighting. ——The super-large Zerg battleship composed of an unknown number of bugs was traveling towards deep space with a super-strong acceleration.

Now, only three of the sixteen 5,000-meter-class Zerg battleships are fighting with the third and fourth defense fleets of the Luofeng Empire!

Darbic has obtained the monitoring data.

The 30,000-meter-long Zerg warship was composed of about 16 million bugs of various types, which contained huge biological energy, and had a complex cavity structure in the center.

Sixteen 5,000-meter-long Zerg warships, each composed of about 3 million bugs.

Use insects as ships and insects as cannons.

Take a 5,000-meter-long Zerg warship as an example. When they are deployed, there will be overwhelming ordinary adult insects, among which there will be 30,000 to 50,000 fifth-order far-fire insects equivalent to a small gunboat, and two to three times the number of shield beetles. Form an offensive and defensive combination, and the rest of the special bugs—electromagnetic bugs, magnetic field bugs, gravitational bugs, ship-breaking bugs, etc., all have a number of 5,000 to 10,000.

What is the concept of 50,000 gunboats?

The most advanced space carrier of the New Federation can keep 1,600 unmanned attack aircraft on the battlefield at the same time.

This kind of high-density firepower unit makes our own human fleet have no firepower advantage!

The forces deployed by Dabic at this moment are simply unable to defeat two such warships head-on!

Fortunately, Darbic had been reminded by Li long ago, and he hadn't thought of a deadly battle from the very beginning. When the giant Zerg warship appeared, he had ordered the auxiliary warships to retreat; as soon as the enemy's firepower network was deployed, most of the ships had already started simultaneously. jump.

Jumping and escaping is also a marching event that Dabiqi often practiced on weekdays.

But even so, more than a dozen star cruisers and three shield ships were destroyed, and more than 10,000 Luofeng soldiers died in battle under the Zerg artillery fire.

Dabic suddenly felt a little heavy.

In the battle with the New Federation, his mentality was calm. As an omnic, he commanded the battle while lamenting the artistic attainments of human cannibalism.

but now.

When his human subordinates were smashed to pieces in the firepower of the Zerg, a wave of anger swept Dabiqi's head.

He wants revenge!

These damned, dirty, garbage bugs who only know how to devour have no emotion at all, and are dominated by the instinct of reproduction!

Darbic shuddered.

He is already about to activate the forced calm system.

This powerful Zerg could not be dealt with by the Luofeng Empire!

"General! The three Zerg warships that were fighting with us began to regroup!"

"General! According to the detectors we left behind, three Zerg battleships have left the Zerg brigade...they are heading towards the direction of Ilandor!"

"The Zerg can sense the gathering points of non-human life forms!"

"General! The three Zerg battleships are starting to jump!"

Darbic's mind was buzzing.

The group of bugs they avoided rushed towards Ilando?


Force cool system to start.

Dabic's eyes quickly recovered, and his expression became gloomy again:

"Send the order! The whole ship is ready, jump to the first star immediately!

"Send the process of our battle with the Zerg to General Gudunmaha. The division of the Zerg should be for the purpose of involving our military power, and inform General Gudunmaha that our fleet will join forces with him to attack the Zerg! "


Dabic opened the fleet control panel he made, and quickly mobilized the formations.

The supply ship replenishes the energy of the battleship nearby.

The soldiers were mobilized for a short time, and all the team members in the ship were equipped with weapons to deal with the battle in the ship that may occur at any time when facing the Zerg.

Air defense sirens sounded on Ilando.

One after another, the royal defense ships launched into outer space to support them.

Three advance fleets appeared in different directions in the outer airspace of Ilando. Although the number of ships was small, the role of this advance fleet was to divide the transition areas of their respective main fleets and avoid mutual interference.

These are the allies of the three small countries near the Luofeng Empire, and the chief generals of these allies have long been Dabiqi's partners.

If Yang Ming held a meeting of generals under his command now, there would only be one purebred human attending the meeting.

— Gurton Mahal.

At this moment, Gudun Maha's old, skinny face was full of gloom.

He methodically read the order sent by Master Yang Ming, showing his 'powerful' ability to mobilize the battle situation, and arranged a long and narrow pocket formation outside Ilanduo.

The surface palace has been covered by the energy shield, and the defense system has been fully activated.

There was a powerful energy reaction underground.

The palace cannons are at the ready.


A piece of news was continuously gathered on the Feinan, which was constantly galloping and jumping.

Yang Ming had already closed his eyes to rest, recharging his energy.

Law is constantly sorting out the data records sent by 026, which are the precious results of Hera's research in the past two or three years.

What kind of experiment attracted the Zerg's attention?

After detailed calculations, Li has ruled out the two possibilities of 'the transport ship's protection system is missing' and 'Hera itself attracted the Zerg'.

After Hera was infected by the bug sample, she lived a stable life in Au Xing for eight years, and no Zerg cared about her at all.

Her status in the swarm is just equivalent to a basic worm, and it is still a relatively weak basic worm.

The root cause of attracting these Zerg is most likely related to the bug samples captured by Hera's research.

Two years ago, the New Federation carried out the insect burying plan with the intention of destroying the Luofeng Empire. Yang Ming and Lu found out in time that they had sent two transport ships full of insect eggs to the territory of the Sherman Empire. Eggs, used as samples for Hera studies.

Since then, Hera's research has advanced by leaps and bounds, overcoming many difficulties.

The direction of Hera's experiment has always been [the way to realize the communication between space Zerg individuals], and recently, Hera began to adjust the focus of the experiment under this topic.

After she was able to affect the Zerg samples, she began to try to control the bugs and send commands to the bugs.

Is it because of this?

The law carefully calculated and continued to accept and store these data.

She looked at Yang Ming who was sleeping lightly with his eyes closed, and sighed softly.

The boss is also a hard worker and never idle for a moment.

There is a slight disturbance in the flow of information.

The Sherman Empire sent an inquiry to the Luofeng Empire. They discovered the pest crisis within the Luofeng Empire. The powerful border fleet of the Sherman Empire has begun to prepare and leave. It is estimated that it will arrive at the capital of the Luofeng Empire within twelve hours. star periphery.

twelve hours...

Following Yang Ming's example, Lu gave a middle finger to the territory of the Sherman Empire in the thinking space.

Bah, just say so if you don't want support.

Two hours later.

There are seven fleets with a total of 1,200 warships of various types gathered on the periphery of Ilanduo Star.

This is all the power that Yang Ming controls now.

Twelve flagship-class battleships;

Twenty-one kilometer-class battleships;

Nineteen large shield ships;

One hundred and sixty-two star cruisers and heavy gunboats above the 400-meter class;

More than 400 light and medium gunboats;

The rest are supporting ships such as supply ships, detection ships, support and maintenance ships, and transport ships.

800,000 soldiers from four small and medium-sized countries are currently filling metal battleships, fully alert, waiting for the outbreak of war.

This is their first time facing the swarm.

Because of the bug burying plan of the New Federation for the Sherman Empire, young people in the main civilization of the Milky Way in this era have begun to pay attention to and understand the Zerg, and face up to these old enemies of mankind.

Many people may feel intimidated.

Many soldiers also wondered if they died in this battle, would the government take good care of their families as agreed.

Many military officers were frowning, wondering why they were not making money safely and securely, but wanted to participate in this kind of life-threatening war.

when the swarm appears;

When three 5,000-meter-long giant cavity battleships appeared within the detection range of the deep space exploration ship, they transmitted the images to each ship;

Humans stared at the swarm in silence.

Some of them bowed their heads and retched because of the dense swarm of insects, and some raised their hands to cover their foreheads, saying something that violated science and praised religion.

But when the voices of the generals sounded;

When the order to launch a general attack on the Zerg at all costs falls;

The officers roared at the top of their voices, and the technicians took a deep breath to stop the trembling of their hands, and controlled the ship systems they were responsible for.

The protective cover is opened, the main and auxiliary guns are charged, the shield ship spreads the defensive net forward, and the extremely fragile anti-jamming gravitational communication system has been fully activated.

The main battleship opened fire first.

Although the energy of the ion beam will be attenuated beyond the effective range, the ultra-range combat is an effective means to give full play to the superiority of firepower.

Golden bodyguards appeared in front of the Zerg battleship, and layers of energy shields spread out.

Half a minute later, the Zerg battleship began to slow down.

Three minutes later, the Zerg warships began to unfold.

Under the domination of the three pseudo-mothers, the three warships formed a dense array within ten minutes. Nearly ten million space zergs, under the light of the red dwarf star and the blowing of the stellar wind, gathered in Ilando Under the guidance of the starlight, launch a death charge towards the densely populated area of ​​human species ahead!

The whole ship opened fire.

Gudun Maha issued a general attack order!

More than 3,000 ion beams erupted at the same time, illuminating the small dark night area of ​​Ilanduo Star.

There were a large number of casualties in the swarm, but the number of casualties compared to the total number of swarms was just a drop in the bucket!

However, the death and injury of the shield beetle caused the protective effect of the swarm to plummet, and the irradiation of laser weapons began to effectively kill the larger zerg.

Suddenly a series of flames appeared in the deep sky.

The deep space torpedo arranged in advance was triggered by the swarm!

This is the killer weapon against bugs!

There is no air medium in a vacuum to generate pressure, and most of the deep space torpedoes adopt the "burst" design. The sharp metal fragments are endowed with strong kinetic energy by the explosion, tearing the swarms of bugs to pieces.

The swarm became more scattered, and the swarms on both sides began to detour.

The far fire bugs began to fight back, and a dense rain of golden bullets swept in. The human fleet, which had adjusted its countermeasures, immediately formed a strong magnetic field, which reduced the bugs' firepower hit rate and greatly eased the energy consumption of their own shields.

The disadvantage of this tactic is that it cannot last long and requires a lot of energy.

But relying on the Ilanduo star, they can use the "battery replacement" tactic to make up for the lack of excessive energy consumption.

Gu Dun Maha gave the order to defend to the death, and the first and third defense fleets of the Luofeng Empire, the two elite fleets of the Luofeng Empire, began to violently block the swarms on both sides.

Drive away, annihilate.

Although the preparations were in a hurry, Yang Ming, who had planned ahead, had equipped Luofeng with a batch of kinetic energy weapons that could effectively kill the Zerg.

At this moment, each of the two fleets had three main formations ventured closer to the swarm, accelerating the shortening of the distance to the swarm, and the rest of the formations suppressed firepower at all costs.

Dozens of special gunboats and transport ships hid behind the main battleship, and opened rows of outer cabins, revealing dozens of silos inside.

Ignite, launch.

A missile carrying a concentrated explosive warhead dragged the magnetic halo and scattered the bombardment towards the front of the swarm.

On both sides of the battlefield, extremely short-lived small stars appeared.

A large number of Zerg were melted by the intense radiant energy.

The swarm was still charging in a roundabout way, but when the 1st and 3rd Defense Fleet Regiment dispatched the second batch of gunboats, the swarm of bugs began to turn around and retreat.

Seeing this scene, Yang Ming finally showed a little smile on his gloomy face.

The nuclear bombs that have been eliminated by the main civilization are still effective against the Zerg.

However, the cost of those missiles is very high. In order to ensure that they can play their value, they must be equipped with thick protective covers, and they can only be used on the premise that one's own side has an advantage in firepower.

Otherwise, the missile would be detonated by the opponent's ion beam as soon as it flew out, which would be almost equivalent to self-detonation.

At this moment, the insect swarm was driven back to the frontal narrow pocket formation, and they were still moving towards Ilanduo.

This is just their trick to mobilize troops.

The insect swarm never cared about the life and death of individuals, only by defeating their mother insects can a group be truly defeated.

"Boss, the coordinates of a pseudo-mother have been determined!"

"Adjust the angle of the palace cannon and lock it."


A virtual button appeared in front of Yang Ming, and he tapped it casually.

The city of Ilando began to experience continuous and slight earthquakes, and a beam of light shot out from the huge crack in the ground, crossed the sky above the city of Ilando, and disappeared into the western horizon.

The cosmic space is lit up again.

A beam of light spread out, and the protective shield laid by the Zerg melted instantly. A large number of Zerg were directly vaporized, and a small number of high-level Zerg became the material for a catastrophic reaction, constantly exploding in the beam.

At the front end of the light beam, a 300-meter-long pseudo-mother revealed an ugly half-human, half-worm body. There was no fluctuation in the eyes, and they turned into residues and disappeared in the light.

One-third of the bug swarm lost combat power.

The light beams went out, the human fleet began to take the initiative to attack, and the swarm seemed to retreat, but they quickly stabilized their positions and continued to charge forward.

That's the order they were given.

Law softly said: "Boss, because of the rotation of the planet, there is no chance for a second shot."

"Well, leave the rest to them. Our side already has the advantage in firepower."

"Yes, boss. It is estimated that the casualties will be very slight, but I have to say that the war really costs money."

Law calmly complained, and said:

"We have to be prepared. The swarms are closely connected. After the setback here, they are likely to adjust their strategies."

"How long do we have to meet 026 and them?"

"Thirty-five minutes."

Yang Ming raised his eyebrows.

Before he could take a breath, on the projection screen next to him, the super-large Zerg warships surrounded by thirteen giant Zerg warships suddenly appeared a little abnormal.

A group of bugs covered with golden patterns flew out of the giant battleship, and quickly built a 'small' battleship several hundred meters long with their bodies.

Now there is actually good news, that is, the examiner hiding in the black box has already made more than a dozen green check marks in a row.

But the bad news is this;

The battleship composed of sixth-order adults has started to accelerate crazily, and is ready for a short-distance jump!

The next chapter will be updated at noon~

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