Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 105 The dream taken away [Third update! Please vote! 】

The true identity of this 'grandmother next door' who was suddenly given for nothing seems to be revealed.

When Yang Ming came to Luofeng Empire, he asked Lu to do a detailed investigation, and Lu reported several major forces that existed in Luofeng Empire.

The reformist faction of the royal family, represented by the second prince Edwan, gathered a large number of ministers.

Conservatives in the royal family, this is the stubborn feudal force with the old emperor at its core, and the eldest prince can barely be regarded as this type.

The New Industry Federation, which is dominated by foreign capital, has now existed in name only, and the main members have almost run away. ——With his old lady group, Kolev can now exert a considerable influence on this organization.

Not to mention the military, the general has become a group of businessmen.

Up to now, Yang Ming has not found any specific traces of the one who was suppressed by the royal family many times and constantly tried to launch a revolution to overthrow the imperial power. The leader of the rebel army of the fifth administrative star was backed by the new federation...

Free Revolutionary Party.

This old professor of economics is a member of the Liberal Revolutionary Party?

From the perspective of ideological emancipation, there are great possibilities.

Yang Ming's eyes became a little sharper.

He deliberately said wrongly:

"Let me guess... You live in seclusion in the underground city, a former professor at Ilando University, with high academic prestige... You are a reformer of the royal family, right?"

"I am against the existence of the royal family."

The old professor said calmly, as if he had already secured his victory:

"The organization I founded more than 20 years ago was later dubbed the Freedom Revolution."

Windsor was obviously frightened, and tremblingly said: "You, are you a rebel?"

The old man's expression was full of loneliness, and he smiled apologetically at Windsor.

The old man said: "The friendship between us is real, Windsor, I like to chat and play with you very much."

"Oh, this..."

Miss Windsor was having difficulty breathing.

Yang Ming glanced at Lu, who had already activated all-round shielding.

Yang Ming asked softly, "You founded the Liberal Revolutionary Party?"

"I, and the other nine teachers from Ilando University," the old professor sighed softly, "We have a passion in our hearts, we want to work hard to change this country, and we are ready for all sacrifices. "

Windsor's pretty face turned pale, and she couldn't help approaching Yang Ming.

Yang Ming patted the back of her hand, signaling her not to worry.

The old professor sighed:

"We initially wanted to set off a wave of revolution on Ilando, but because of insufficient preparation, we hit a wall one after another, and then went to the administrative star with a relatively small number of people. At first we only had dozens of people, and later we had hundreds or thousands of people."

"Has the royal family suppressed you?"

"The royal family didn't care about us," the old professor smiled wryly. "They just issued some notices warning us that doing so was illegal, and our initial actions were basically online protests, sending leaflets, and putting up slogans."

Yang Ming was a little speechless.

This fucking is also called a revolution?

Windsor whispered: "As far as I know, the royal family really didn't care about the Liberal Revolutionary Party at first. There are actually many similar organizations. The royal family is afraid of the international infamy of brutal rule, so they usually turn a blind eye and close one eye. Sometimes even There will also be some benefits."

"After we have been active for a few years, things have changed," the old professor sighed softly, "We thought it was the arrival of hope, the dawn of dawn, but unexpectedly it was the beginning of a nightmare..."

026 asked: "Is it the New Federation? I read the news that the New Federation has been engaging in spy warfare."

"Yes, they funded us twenty years ago, gave us weapons and equipment, and helped us train our fighters, but they took away our command and spread their ideas of freedom within the organization without thinking about Luofeng actual situation."

The old professor sighed again and again:

"Things gradually changed.

"They conspired to launch an armed uprising on the fifth most barren and more populous administrative planet.

"We old guys got overwhelmed, it's not a situation we want to see, a lot of people will die that way, and it can't be done without the fleet to support us.

"They promised that a powerful fleet would come to support them. As long as we occupy the fifth administrative planet, there will be hope for this country.

"We were silent because we also felt at the time that they were right and the bloodshed was inevitable.

"It's ridiculous that after the outbreak of the first uprising, those people who came into contact with us from the New Federation suddenly left. There was no fleet in the sky as they promised, and there were only attack boats from the Luofeng military...thousands of people Slaughtered, we lost most of our comrades.

"And the new federation gave us new assistance in the first place—they condemned the Luofeng Empire's tyranny over the free people diplomatically, and defined the Luofeng Empire as an empire ruled by brutality.

"After that, countless capital and businessmen flowed from the Sherman Luofeng camp to the New Federation and its allies."

The old professor smiled wryly:

"The fifth administrative planet has become poorer and weaker, and the lives of all people have been affected."

Yang Ming said calmly: "The new federation is making big gains with a small amount of money. With the activities of a few agents and a small amount of funds, it has destroyed the rising momentum of the Luofeng Empire's economy and taken away part of the transnational capital."


The old professor sighed:

"After the failure of the first uprising, some of us old guys were at a loss, but the agents of the new federation reappeared, and traitors appeared among us.

"Soon there was the second and third time... a few of us chose to leave the Liberal Revolutionary Party that I created twelve years ago, and it has completely become a tool of the new federation.

"Our ideals were shattered, not by royal repression, but by the new CIA."

There was a long silence in the room.

"Forgive me, even if your ideals are not shattered, they will only end in failure."

Yang Ming said slowly:

"In a sense, Ni is not a qualified leader.

"Revolutions are bound to bleed, and it is impossible to rely on sit-ins and protests and international solidarity to achieve real success, otherwise all kinds of problems will be left behind.

"The revolution must be thorough, decisive, and uproot the old order. A comprehensive revolution brought about by the awakening of national consciousness can reshape the soul of a country. Leaders must have the courage to fight against powerful regimes inside and outside with blood.

"Because of the continuous development of technological production technology and the widespread use of mechanical soldiers, the cost of the revolution is increasing. Now if you want to launch an armed uprising, it is useless to kill the entire planet."

After Yang Ming finished speaking, he couldn't help sighing softly.

The old professor had some appreciation in his eyes: "It's really surprising that you can comprehend this at such a young age."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "You suddenly confide these things to me now, because you want to get in touch with the Second Prince through me?"

"Yes... yes," the old professor frowned at Yang Ming.

"Let me think."

Yang Ming tapped his fingers on the table, and continued:

"For you to take the initiative to go to Edwan, it must be to get some support from Edwan, or to pardon your previous crimes—sorry, I mean the crimes in the eyes of the royal family—right?

"In exchange, you should give an important piece of information, but this piece of information cannot be the list of the Liberal Revolutionary Party."

The old professor's expression changed subtly, and he was afraid to look directly into Yang Ming's eyes.

026's big eyes were filled with anxiety.

She felt Yang Ming's aggressive aura at the moment.

"You are too smart," the old professor asked with great interest, "Can you guess what information it is?"

Yang Ming said indifferently: "A full-scale rebellion is about to break out on the fifth administrative planet. The New Federation has instigated rebellion against the Luofeng Sixth Fleet on the periphery of that administrative star, and the third prince will participate in it."

The old professor frowned slightly.

She knew that if she didn't speak again, Yang Ming would be able to deduce all the information through the slight changes in her expression.

The old professor whispered:

"I want to talk about two things.

"First of all, I want to meet His Royal Highness Edwan, I can go anywhere, including the prison.

"And then, I want to remind you that the new federation will set off a full-scale rebellion on the fifth administrative planet. Most of my like-minded old friends were bought by them, or they were originally from the new federation. But I There are also some cronies who are willing to provide me with information.

"The Neoliberal Revolutionary Party is no longer fighting for the freedom and well-being of the people. According to the information I have, the current high-level officials only want to split the country, establish their regime, and exploit wealth from the people."

The old man's voice paused for a few seconds before continuing:

"In the past few months, I have seen everything the Second Prince has done.

"The feudal royal family we have always opposed is desperately saving this country; the freedom and democracy we have always insisted on are desperately dismembering this country. Although this is an accident and an isolated case, it is ironic enough.

“Isn’t it precisely because of our love for this country that we want to initiate institutional reform?

"We don't want to see it sinking under the royal family's exploitation, and now, our dreams are completely shattered.

"I have always believed that system reform can solve most of the problems in this society, oh...young man, what are you doing?"

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

Yang Ming took the watch and went to the outside room, and quickly ran back, continued to pick up the knife and fork, ready to eat a big meal.

"Edwan will come over secretly in half an hour, you can continue talking about these topics...I'm not interested in these."

"This, this is too hasty," the old professor's expression changed.

Yang Ming smiled and held up the juice:

"I'm only good at military affairs, not economics. Edwan will be very happy to see you. Prison beds will be reserved for traitors and lackeys, not patriots like you."

"That, wait!"

The old professor's expression was slightly embarrassed:

"I put some sleeping pills in your juice, that, so that... I can leave in time, you understand, right?"

Yang Ming calmly put down the juice.

These old foxes are indeed not as pure and kind as they say they are.


Unexpectedly, this old professor of economics really has a lot of information.

The full-scale rebellion of the fifth administrative star was eight galaxy days later. The current party leader of the New Liberal Revolutionary Party declared the independence of the fifth administrative star. The main force of the regime.

Fallen Wind Royal Family...

On the surface, the Luofeng imperial family did not have a full-strength fleet that could be directly mobilized.

On the way back to the star cruiser, Yang Ming and Lu kept discussing how to fight the next battle.

Yang Ming didn't want Gudun Maha's Fourth Fleet to lose too many ships, which would be equivalent to depleting his strength.

"Boss," Lu said softly, "I'm actually a little confused."

Yang Ming wondered, "You can't tell what?"

Law clicked his tongue lightly: "From the perspective of the people of the Luofeng Empire, it is better to let the rebellion win in an all-round way, or let the emperor continue to rule."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "I've said it before, if Luofeng's revolution started from the anger of the people, it would be just. If it was controlled by foreign forces, it would be bloodshed and meaningless."

"Okay," Lu said softly, "I don't reject imperial dictatorship.

"Edwan is a big reformer in his bones. Put him on the throne, and he will be able to abolish the imperial dictatorship step by step."

Yang Ming narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"Now I want to know what the third prince is doing when he goes to the fifth administrative planet. As a prince, does he want to become the leader of the Neoliberal Revolutionary Party? Also, to further verify this information, we can't believe what they say. "

Law: "Boss, I'm going to monitor the captains of the Sixth Fleet."

"Remember to save more computing power for Po Huan," Yang Ming said worriedly, "That's the real crisis."

Soon, Li brought back a recording.

This is an encrypted call between two captains of the capital ships of the Sixth Fleet.

"My God, the third prince has really come over."

"Is he a fool?"

"It should be fooled by the agents of the new federation, and let him come to pick up military exploits and please the old emperor."

"The third prince has no idea what will happen here next. The new federation has really completely controlled the country. When the third prince makes a televised speech and announces the independence of this planet, the Luofeng imperial family will be finished!"

"That's it. This is more proof that we made the right choice. This country is dying."

"Hey, let's leave when we finish the money, it's enough for us to enjoy the rest of our lives."

"Oh, I don't know how many people will die."

Yang Ming turned off the recording casually.


The eldest prince is a royal conservative;

The second prince is a reformer of the royal family;

The third prince is a royal idiot.

"Let me think about how to achieve the greatest victory with the least sacrifice."

Yang Ming looked at the star cruiser that was getting closer, and kept rubbing his temples:

"It would be perfect to let Gudun Maha take over the Sixth Fleet, this guy has prestige in the army, and he also has a trusted team.

"We need to keep an eye on Gudun Maha from now on, and we can't make him think wrong."

Law reminded: "Boss, the Sixth Fleet is a relatively powerful fleet in the Luofeng Empire, because it has always been dispatched to suppress rebellions, and their equipment is the best. It has seven star cruisers, two light battleships, and The only thousand-meter-class heavy battleship of the Luofeng Empire. ——This ship is also a retired warship of the Sherman Empire, and its firepower is very domineering."

"How much rice?"

"Kilometers, General Wager Road."

Yang Ming's eyes burst into hot light: "From now on, it's called the Valkyrie Wanban."

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