? The Black Hole Interstellar Pirates have an additional little master, who is still a black-haired cub. This makes every pirate member very strange, but they dare not say anything more.

      What's more, they all know that the boss has a hobby of collecting black-haired female cubs. Although they don't understand why, those who don't try to figure out the thoughts of their superiors are not good subordinates. They often pay attention to such cubs when they usually go out, but unfortunately they haven't noticed any of them.

    Sydney walked back to her current residence unknowingly. Looking up at his present gorgeous house, he couldn't help but recall the past.

    Since she became the "little master" of the pirate group, Huo Yue has become better and better to her, smiles more and more, and even develops to the point where she has to do it herself .

    While enjoying the warmth, on the other hand, her heart was very uncertain. Looking at the partners who have lived together in the same big house for two years, the anxiety in my heart is even more unabated.

    She didn't know the reason why Huo Yue suddenly valued her so much, but she guessed that it had a lot to do with her being able to communicate with the star beasts. What would Huo Yue do if there were people with the same abilities among these little cubs?

    The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. She had to do something to avoid future troubles.

    She began to cry like Huo Yue about the grievances she suffered in the past two years, saying that other people in the yard beat her, that some people did not like her, and that some people robbed her. Huo Yue believed it without the slightest suspicion, and sent all the cubs she indicated to another place. Although Sydney felt guilty for a while, after feeling the love of Huo Yue for her, this kind of prank went out of control. .

    Until the end, she was the only cub left in the entire black hole star. What makes her even more proud is that she is still an alpha, because when Huo Yue got her body report and saw the alpha female, she was so excited, He hugged her gently as if he had relieved some heavy responsibilities and said, "You have suffered, but you will be fine in the future."

    Yes, she really hasn't suffered since then. Sydney stood in front of her house for a while, but she still didn't go in. Anyway, after going back, only she and the nanny robot will stare at each other.

    Sydney turned a toe on the ground, planning to go to another place. That Huo Li also said that she brought precious fruit to lie to brother Yue, and this time she must expose him!

    Sydney with a purpose left those past and troubles behind, and ran to the warehouse where the fruit was stored.

    This kind of strictly guarded and forbidden place has only Huo Yue in the entire black hole star, and she has the right to enter, although she only has the right to access, and cannot bring out more than ten fruits at a time.

    Sydney was also dissatisfied, after all, Huo Yue had always instilled in her the idea that she was the little master of the entire black hole star, but every time he was rejected by him on the grounds of "underage and unstable body" .

    Everything she wants to do is limited by this reason, Sydney is sometimes so annoying that she has 20 years to be an adult.

    Sydney did not expect that this time there would be fruit that I had never seen before. The bright white fruit is surrounded by beautiful patterns and is stored in the most conspicuous position, forming a sharp contrast with the haphazardly piled fruit. Sydney reached out and took the white jade fruit and put it under her nose to smell it, it was really fragrant.

    Forget it, this time I will not look for Huo Li for the sake of brother Yue, Sydney happily hugs Bai Yuguo and leaves the warehouse, leaving helpless guarding the pirates, this little boy The ancestors really don't know how much trouble they have caused them.

    The fruit is the key point of the captain, but let them stop the little master? Stop dreaming, they still want to live on this black hole star.

    Ye Ji walked alone in the well-ordered living area. His residence was very close to the pirates. I don't know whether to rest assured of him or their safety measures, but he has no restrictions on walking. The passing pirates greeted him enthusiastically when they saw him. Although Ye Jiyi ignored them, the pirates just whistled and walked away. Weird.

    Ye Ji didn't go far before she found that she had reached the end of the living area. It seemed as Huo Li said, the place is very small.

      This time he would never hide his identity like this again and do these stupid things. Really looking for trouble for myself.

    Flicking her hair, Ye Ji was about to leave without turning her head, but she felt the door behind him suddenly open, and she looked sideways to see a half-sized cub holding a very familiar fruit in both hands Go forward happily.

     Feeling the sight, Sydney shuddered, hugged the fruit tighter, and looked at it intuitively. This person is even scarier than Brother Yue, this is Sydney's first impression.

      But Sydney thought that the person she had never seen was going to rob her of the fruit she wanted.

    "What are you looking at! Who allowed you to look at me like that!"

    Tsk, what a fierce brat. Ye Ji frowned, but he was actually murdered by a cub, and he wanted to go back to his cub for comfort. Without looking at her again, Ye Ji strode forward.

    "Stop! Who let you go?"

      "what's up."

    What a arrogant tone. Sydney blinked, as if nothing was wrong, but she was too bored, and then this good-looking person just bumped into her muzzle.

    "I won't let you go! Come and play with me!"


    "I'm not free." Saying that, I will go forward again.

    "You are not allowed to leave!" Xue Li ran to Ye Ji to stop him.

    I didn't expect this little boy to run quite fast. Ye Ji walked around her without even looking at her.

    "You! Don't you know who I am!"

    I don't care who you are, you are not a little princess anyway. Ye Ji muttered in his heart, sure enough, if you don't take the nerd out, you will encounter bad things.

    "Stop for me!" Sydney followed Ye Ji panting, why didn't she listen to her. This is the first time she has met such a person since she became a "little master".

    "If you don't listen to me, I will tell Brother Yue." Sydney's voice has been lowered, and there is a faint cry.


    "You! Woohoo, I'm going to tell brother Yue that you bully me, you ignore me and don't play with me, woohoo, I want brother Yue to throw you to Kachaxing. ' Sydney wiped her tears and threatened him loudly.

    How do these pirates educate their cubs, why are they crying? And throw him to Snapstar? Ye Ji's forehead twitches when she hears this star's name now, and she is very irritable. This guy is so annoying, don't you see that he is very busy?

    Like his Derpy, when he is busy, he sits next to him and plays with himself obediently, not disturbing others but also very reassuring. In this world, only his little nerd is the cutest.

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