A bottle of python seeds was thrown into the sea. What that meant was that the situation was understood by the investigators before they could take action.

"All units, evacuate! Evacuate!"

The players gathered on the sandy beach in front of the fort and ran away like scattered spiders. The python, which swallows the water of the sea and grows indefinitely, comes up to shore to chase them.

"Burn it down! Use any mechanic bomb, incendiary bomb, or flamethrower!"

Screams from the scene.

Like Letty and the others, the players who were watching the situation on the fort begin to fire their Attribute Attacks one after the other to help them escape. Machinist flamethrower bullets and engineer flame radiation rain down on the python, burning its lush leaves and vines. The situation gets more confusing as white smoke from burning raw grass rises around the area.

"--" Burn down the flaming devil of the red lotus, burn down the scorching ritual. "Burn the wilderness and cover the wilderness with fire!”

A gigantic fire rises. Raising the roar, he crashed directly in front of the wave-like python and pushed it back. It's a massive surgery approaching the level of several TB. The chanting takes the form of a chorus of several people. At the center of it was Mel, the leader of the "Seven Sages", a fairy girl with flaming hair.

"Push back! Burn down the roots of the python!"

Her overthrow of the situation has also sparked confused researchers. The city defense equipment installed on the fort moves and burns the python. In particular, the wide-area incendiary shells fired by the tactical sniper cannon were extremely powerful, pushing the green waves back to Ting.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

"Old man is nothing!"

The reversal of the situation gave momentum to the researchers. They hold up their weapons and head for the Ledge, where they are still standing quietly by the water.



Suddenly, sharp bamboo jumped out of the white sand one after another. It pushed the researchers who ran out of nowhere one after another. And when he saw them as if they were a camel of appearance, he set his foot on two legs. One by one, the bamboo sticks out of the ground, and they attack mercilessly.

"From the ground! What the--"

"Bamboo chastisement." Underground stems stretch out over a wide area, and sharp bamboo emerges from various places with vigor. Because it is difficult to control the range, Mr. Ledge should not have used it. "

"...... Mr. Wade, you're quite familiar with this, aren't you?"

Who do you think manages the botanical garden?

Wade explains the amazing Letty. She had unwilling but deep knowledge of the plants that Ledge had donated to her. In addition, she has other important sources of information.

Besides, Kamil insisted that you kick that idiot's ass.

I see.

Rather, they are the main source of information on the "Bamboo Prison." Kamil, who is entrusted with the management of the villa farm, knows a lot about plants that Lettie and the others don't know. The information was also widely shared with the administrators.

So, how do we get rid of that bamboo?

I'm pretty tilted to my growth rate, so I should die soon. In the meantime, if lots of little white flowers bloom..... "

Wade said that and turned his gaze. After that, countless buds appeared in the bamboo that protruded from the ground, and it swelled and flowered like powdery snow.

"Another strangely beautiful thing..."

Ledge-san, I've been putting a lot of emphasis on the arts.

Just looking at the many players skewering and applying makeup with white flowers is very beautiful. But I can't be very optimistic when I look at the situation.

When that bamboo disappears, will Letty and the others head out?

That's right.

It was when Lettie and the others showed up and started putting up self-buffs.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"



Suddenly, the fort shakes heavily from its feet. The vibration was so violent that if it wasn't caught on the railing, it could be thrown out.



Especially lightweight lactos and wades float in the air. Lact grabbed Amy snugly, and Wade, who was about to be thrown, stretched out his hand to lettie.

What is it?!

"Oops! I'm getting away from this fort." We're all going to fly! "


While the confusion spread, Letty made a quick decision. As she did so, she held Wade and kicked the handrail as she called out to her surroundings. That judgment was a watershed.

Wow, ahhh!?

"Oh, help me!"


The fortress, which was built robustly, collapses into countless pieces of rubble. The craftsmen with the last finishing touches were pale faces.

Countless thick roots popped up from the cracks in the fort, wrapping around a solid structure and breaking it down. Rattling and roaring, the white dust rolled up and the fort lost its shape.

That 's-- [Dragon Root Tree Circling the Earth Vein]!?

Do you know that, Wade?

"It's a dangerous plant that I managed in my botanical garden. Although the body is a very small shrub, it spreads very strong roots on the ground and destroys boulders. Even the continent is destroyed overnight by primitive protozoa."

Isn't that the guy!

That's right!

Lettie, Toka, and Amy land on the ground with the falling debris as their scaffolds. In front of them, the fort assembled by large numbers of men literally disintegrated.

"Anyway, the situation is pretty bad. With the destruction of the fort, we can barely use the city's defenses, and Ledge has taken the lead on the battlefield.”

Totally, I've developed a lot of really troublesome plants.

Fortunately, the "Dragon Root Tree Circling the Earth's Vein" seems to have been weakened accordingly, and as Wade said, it did not extend to the whole continent, but stopped about. As usual, the main body of the Ledge hasn't moved a single step from the spot, and the player who survived in the process is rescuing the people left behind under the rubble and transporting them under the support mechanic.

However, the investigators' expressions were dark. Even though I was absorbing the Divine Form entity, I was shown such overwhelming power by just one investigator. The city's defenses, arranged with special permissions from the keeper, were also left in the junk without showing any activity.

Their hearts were broken by the brutal destruction of the battlefield.

"If Mr. Ledge takes it seriously, will you be so one-sided..."

Lettie and the others couldn't hide their agitation.

Normally, this tragedy appeared the moment he removed the limiter of reason, watching them from a gentle, step-by-step place. Since the power of the divine entity has not yet been manifested, it has been proved that this tragedy can also be produced by Ledge alone.

Can Lettie and the others win this?

If you don't win, you're going to have a lot of trouble.

"I'll win. I'll take Mr. Ledge's neck."

"Well, Ledge is fighting too, right?" Then you can win. "

Lettie's friends responded to the slightly weaker Lettie.

Yes, it's true that Ledge turned against them, but it's also true that Ledge is still on our side.

Our victory is not about destroying that ledge. If only Ledge's regular backbone program could buy us some time to beat the virus program. ”

In Letty's arms, Wade says.

All they have to do is wait for Ledge to wake up again. It's all about making time for it.


Well, that's when Letty nodded.


Suddenly, a high-pitched voice resounded. Physical pressure, no, the invisible slashing and masking sound waves slashed the python that showed signs of resurrection, the chariot bamboo standing on the ground, and the dragon root tree into dust.

Lettie and the others looked back at the source of the sound.

On top of the lofty rubble, a blue flag stood, pregnant with the sea breeze and flying wide. Much taller than her height, and with a large flag was a girl in silver armour. Pink gold hair is roughed and eyes glance sharply at the surroundings.


The blue flag is spread out.

There, a silver hawk was painted, gently stretching its wings.

In the absence of the commander, the deputy commander's girl exclaimed that such a thing was something. He screams at his brothers and sisters with more metal collar-shaped stiffeners in his throat.

"All hands back in position! Prepare for the fifth type of rapid charge!"

Under her command, the mighty knights rise from beneath the rubble. The dust blows in the wind, and the silver armor shines. A fierce hawk flaps its wings and inspires them. The mechanics began to chant. Large spears, like unusual pillars, were carried from behind. It was a joint effort of several knights who set the tip on the ledge. At the forefront was a knight with flowing flax-coloured hair. Dressed in a black rubber suit and wrapped in a blue cape. Her long spear was shining at the tip.

Their will was not thwarted. It's because it's the strongest.

If they wake up and are called to rise, the knights will rise again and again. His spirit was unyielding, his body strong, and his weapon unbroken.

"Everyone, go on with me! Piercing Tsurugi, Charge Deepest, [Silver Winged Tenma]!"

A divine silver wing appears on her back. It enveloped the knights who stood behind it, and everything came together. They are not the strongest because they have the strongest (...) of (...) at their peak. They are generally the strongest. It is not the strongest of the pieces. As a group, as an army, they were the strongest.


The flag of Eye is swung down.

At that signal, they all ran off together. The footsteps are mighty, and the hearts of those who break their knees tremble. They are not frightened. They have no fear.

"Watch out!"

Lettie cried out in dismay.

Bamboo shoots out from the beach one after another. However, all of them slipped through the knights as if they were out of hand. The Knights' lunge didn't slow down.

Neither python nor python can intertwine them. The tough vines don't make sense either.


Overlapping collision sounds. Water splashes and countless spears pierce the ledge. In addition, Christina's long spear pierced Ledge's chest and held it high.

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