Vorpal Rabbit and Fortress Uncle

Lesson 858: The Boss Appears

Hello everyone! I'm always crawling by your side and being a live reporter of Next Wild Horse! We are currently at the stone tower in the southwest of the Armored Fish Falls. This is where the Operations Branch of the first important information record sealing base of this Special Development Directive is located!

A cat-shaped girl in a suit is shown on a large screen display in a white studio. She holds the microphone in her hand and shows the square opened by cutting down the trees. Around an old stone tower in the center, tents line up, and researchers with intelligent skills move in a hurry.

After a quick glance at Operations, the camera focuses on the tiger again.

"Since the main body of the Divine Nuclear Substance Transportation Operation has arrived not far from this Operations Branch, there seems to have been some movement there. The local reporter's communication has been cut off, so I think we'll be on our way as a backup!

The camera swayed and the tiger suddenly jumped over the branches of the trees. Her threesome tail shook heavily, but her tiny body was stable.

"It's as smooth as ever, isn't it?"

The type of man on the table as a host in the studio - a humanoid admires the reporter's agile movements.

"You look like a tiger, and you're a lightweight warrior, but you're a top-notch prowess." A field of this magnitude would not be an obstacle. ”

Strangely, the answer to the boasting is the type of woman who shakes her afro-haired face - a golem that is six times the size of her face. It also has the body of the aircraft itself, and the man who moderates it looks like a type - fairy.

"As expected of Bohemia Boa Boa, a leading information band [Laplace box]." We also know a lot about our reporters. ”

"Fufufu. It's a pleasure to compliment you."

There is a momentary gentle laughter in the studio.

Hey, stop stop! There is something wrong with it. If I get any closer, a strange pop-up will appear. Yeah, can you telephoto the camera? Okay-- "

The tiger who was scratching the branches suddenly stopped the crews that followed. She instantly sends instructions to the photographer and the video stops for a few seconds.

Is something wrong?

"The reporter who was waiting at the scene also had lost communication." It would be foolish to think that there is nothing. ”

"I see, the stone is Bohemia Boa Boa."

The video comes back while the studio is in conversation. In the video with the change of angle, Tiger was holding the microphone with a nervous face.

Erm, do you hear everyone in the studio? Have you received the footage?

This is Studio Bombfire. Communication is good.

"Yes! Yes, we were on our way to the stone tower where the main body of the Divine Nuclear Substance Transportation Operation was scheduled to come out to the ground." However, a mysterious calculation problem suddenly appeared about 100 meters before the stone tower. It is judged to be an abnormal situation and stays behind that point. "

"Oops, that's tough." Do you see the scene? "

Now that we've switched to the telephoto lens, let's check the scene as soon as the autocalibration is finished

Repeat with screen focus voiced and fixed. After the scene had shifted for a while, a clear image appeared again.

Autocalibration is complete

Roger that. --Uh, Mr. Bombfire in the studio, do you see the footage?

Yes, I can see clearly.

Now, let's zoom in while activating the perspective function and see how the scene looks like.

The camera starts to zoom at Torajan's signal. The trunk of a tree covers the screen, but takes a few seconds to melt away and photograph the landscape behind it. There was a long runway that opened up the woods, a pioneering plane that lifted black smoke, and a swarm of dead investigators and Gremlins.

Whoa, what is this?! Looks like there was a battle with the Gremlins on the scene! Is it the "Shooting Star" that was supposed to transport the Divine Nuclear Substance that was smoking there? The jet engine seems to be damaged! Nearby is probably Ledge's tent in [Shiraku-an]! If you look closely, the "green people" are fighting!

To check the situation, the tiger was pulling up in anger. Admitting the situation, the studio was noisy.

“It's more urgent than I thought! I can send reports and information everywhere!"

"Get ready for the commissioner!" Make the most of your combat gear! ”

"Ugh, Grandpa! Contact the Old Man's Information Control Office!"

In particular, Bohemia Boa Boa, where Ledge was seen on the screen, was in a state of leaping. She kicks up the chair and sends instructions to the band members standing in the back of the studio. Soon, personnel with several pieces of equipment took over the studio and began to analyze the information.

"There's a lot of green people." Does that mean you're being serious, too? "

"The machine magician is also doing it quite grandly." What are the other members doing? "

"The tent is probably a" Scaly Cloud "." Damn, don't make any more modifications. "

"Give an approximate performance estimate from the appearance. Check the database and see what's happening with Neva.”

The personnel of the Ledge Information Response Office quickly began to analyze. As a result, it was the crisis level of the situation on the ground that was ejected.

"This is Kitz." Old man, it's level four! "

Level 4!? Damn it, the Raid Bosses are teaming up with the Cabal!

A simple white studio is filled with vast equipment, and an urgent voice flashes. In response, the number of viewers and comments counted on the distribution site are also rising rapidly.

◇I'm a listener.

Old man, it's been a long time since we had level four.

◇I'm a listener.

Was it Koshua-Etagnoy?

◇I'm a listener.

I still don't know if the individual's movements will be the overall risk index.

◇I'm a listener.

It's like the Gremlins are rampaging on the ground.

◇I'm a listener.

It looks like it's over if you stick it in with no plan. For now, let's solve the arithmetic drill.

As the comment section begins to thrive, the situation also moves in the field. Lettie and Toka appeared and started fighting the Gremlins. After a while, we get a flashlight into the studio.

"It looks like my old man got some kind of order from the union!"

"Confirm the item. Hurry!"

"Meteor Shooter has scrambled from the airfield!" The load is unknown, but the direction is the old man! ”

"Chase, chase, chase!"

There was something noteworthy about the network of information that Next Wild Hose had spread all over the place. At the direction of the director, everywhere moves in a hurry.

Shortly after, a huge explosion resounded on the screen.

"What is it!?"

Hoo-hoo!? I-I think something exploded in the sky! Oops, Mr. Reggie has moved. Somewhere in the woods-- oh, something's falling out of the container. That mark belongs to the "Damascus Union!"

The camera looks into the trees and sees the container falling behind it. Ledge and Letty opened it, and the silver metal plate was firmly visible.

"It's a reflective structure wall!" Old man, let's do something! "

"Collect the information and upload it!"

“No wonder what happens!”

The studio no longer possessed the body of a moderate information show. Personnel in the rear, who shouldn't be on camera, also rushed around in a hurry.

◇I'm a listener.

It's getting interesting.

◇I'm a listener.

[]/(exp, adj-na) (uk) overbearing/overbearing/overbearing/

◇I'm a listener.

I thought your old man called for a bombing.

◇I'm a listener.

You can bomb your old man without asking.

◇I'm a listener.

Reflective Wall Structure is What

◇I'm a listener.

If you look at it, you'll see.

◇I'm a listener.

It's a chunk of inchi physics.

The comments section is also in full swing.

The local photographer continues to think of Ledge as a missed opportunity and sends his movements to the studio. Based on this, various aspects of [Laplace's Box] were analyzing and predicting the information.

"What the hell are you doing..."

"The end of the event will be decided..."

Silver iron plates are placed on the ground as everyone watches with a sticky saliva. On top of that, Letty rode on and began to move strangely. Apparently, it was Ledge's instruction to act, and I understand what the studio means, but I don't know what that means.

Letty's motion continued in the silence. Later, Ledge took the case containing the Divine Nuclear Entity and the studio became like a beehive again.

"You have taken an important item!"

"Find out what that movement means!" Decipher Is there a Skill Kunst here?!

"I see! That's the movement of the object interference bug!"


In the screen, Letty begins to tremble. The gradual acceleration of the movement does not seem to be a very natural behavior. Additional personnel will rush into the studio to check the movement.

“Definitely, that's an object interference bug. Using the force of the moving motion, I'm gnawing at the object at my feet."

"What's going to happen?"

I don't know, maybe that reflective structure wall is the liver.

Now, what are we going to do next? Everyone looks at the Ledges. Not knowing that tens of thousands of viewers were watching, Ledge bends her back holding a case containing a divine nuclear entity. And then Letty hit him with a hammer.

And I flew ahhhhhhh!?

Hurry up and catch the camera! Don't let it get away from the screen!

While the video blurred, he chased the ledge flying on the ground at high speed. As everyone was stunned by his movements, his trajectory suddenly changed at right angles.

It's up!

"Who is it? Amy!"

Mirror Majesty's List!

The information is updated. But I can't even keep up with it.

Mirror Majestic Stream, Three Sides, [Reflecting Mirror]

A lip-reading staff member follows Amy's words.

"I'm not on that list!"

You're here to awaken a new skill!?

Scream-like voices fill the studio, and Ledge and Amy rebound and blow in each direction. The glowing trajectory was like a comet, and they had no choice but to watch it in astonishment.

The director returns early after seeing the ledge fly at a speed close to the speed of sound.

"Reporter attached to the submarine unit, get out!"

"I'm ready. The footage will change!"

The video on the display is switched. Ledge, which the camera was chasing from the horizontal, was approaching directly in front of the camera on the new screen.

Evacuate! Evacuate!

It's going to rain!

The scene was already chaotic. Suddenly I thought that something was shining in the corner of the sky, and the rounded old man flew in at a high speed.

Deployed on a sandy beach, the troops begin an emergency evacuation in an attempt to avoid damage from the old man coming down from the cliff.


The roar of a cannon. The water column rises high in the sky, and the white sand rises.

The submarine crew stands idly by. There, a wet Ledge emerged from the sea holding the case of the Divine Nuclear Entity.

Old man?

It's the old man...

"Master, the old man from the sky......"

Sometimes it's sunny, old man?

Why, old man?

The scene was bewildered.

It is natural.

But that is not the end of the situation. Ledge looks over at them and unfortunately cuts his sword with one hand.

I'm sorry, I've been hijacked.

---- What about you?

The next moment, Ledge's plane collapsed like a thread. And when he got up again, his gentle expression disappeared.

“Spread the word by any means necessary! The old man is the boss!"

Raid bosses have appeared along the coast! The old man is going to run rampant! "

Pull all combat personnel as far as I know!

If you're not good enough, you'll destroy a few towns! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The investigators were desperate that day.

The boss appeared at the final stage of the 5th Special Exploration Command; Ancient Magic Reading.

Its name is the Explorer Ledge.

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