Vorpal Rabbit and Fortress Uncle

Lesson 827: The False Sword




The Black Letty crowd clashed against the wall with a strange voice. Even though they were stronger than the rest of the Fake Letty, they were still far from the real thing. Above all, it is fatal that no technique can be used.

After all, the three of them were able to defeat me and White Moon alone.

"I'm sorry, I have to go first."

”Gruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu '

"Thank you for your advice. Then go to sleep."

Spears were thrust into the worn-out chest of Black Letty, causing her to cease functioning altogether. After the quiet dome, I jumped into the back road.

"Come on, what's next..."

Leaving the passageway, he jumps into a big space again. As soon as I entered there, I noticed the smell of raw blood on my nose.

I accidentally covered my face and looked around while covering my mouth with my arms. Then I noticed that something was standing in the middle.

"Hey, hey, isn't this awful?"

"--fufu, I've been waiting for you, Mr. Ledge."

In a vast underground cavity, a circle of flowers blossomed. The thick red and black tentacles secrete lint and mucus, and on top of that, the thick petals open wide toward the ceiling.

And there was her in the place where there was supposed to be a bull.

Is there anything like a retrofit machine?

A sharp, pointed horn of a demon. Flowing, wet, feather-colored black hair. He wore black armor and had a huge black sword in his hand.

Toka's oni-type humanoid body, its upper body, was adhered to the primitive organism "fetal flower of the flesh".

Apparently, this plane is absorbing the tissues of the "fetal flesh and blood flower," and the bond modification was not able to reject it.

"What...? Well, I don't know."

As is no longer commonplace, the fake tokas speak fluently. I was surprised to hear that, but I was immediately convinced.

Model - The oni bathes in the blood of a protozoan and takes it inside. Thinking carefully about its nature, it is similar to the nature of the primitive organism "fetal flesh flower" housed in the botanical garden.

Perhaps T-1 used the research data stored in the botanical gardens when developing the modules.

"But Toka... that plane is fast." I can't move, so it doesn't make sense. "

Talk while holding a spear and a knife. False Torka gave a beautiful smile and lifted the tentacles at his feet.

No problem. Everything in this room is between me.


For a moment. A thick tentacle flies towards us all at once. Similar to muscle fibers, it is tightened by applying force and exerts hardness like steel. Each tentacle is like a sword.

This isn't a tightrope!

While passing the impending tentacles to the scaffold, I headed to the flower that would be the main body.

I'm cumming!


The protruding spear was blocked by the black sword held by the fake tokas. I thought the main weapon was a tentacle and the sword was decorative, but it seemed like I could handle it properly.

This plane was in very good condition with no noticeable trauma at the time of recovery.

The fake Toka speaks with a spare expression, whilst ignoring all of my confusion.

"Toka, you used your emergency stop ampoule to get yourself back to death."

Toka dived into the DWARF base very often in the [Shiraku-an]. Initially, the goal was to collect points to redeem modules, but after completing it, we only tried to fight stronger enemies. Therefore, if she was satisfied, she would have used the emergency stop ampoule to return to death because the way home was troublesome.

The sidewalk is going around and coming down on me.

Besides, her (my) battle was very simple. ― ― I was able to reproduce it immediately.


It was like my spine was frozen. I reflexively stop the attacking hand, kicking the tentacle and jumping backwards.

The next moment, the fake Toka's black sword shook and slashed through the air.


"Fufufufu! Focus on one shot and exceed the enemy's reaction speed to make it a must." It's a very, very good technique. "

Thick tentacles roar and approach. Pierce the spear and deploy the drone while evading the rod-jumping procedure. Sniper aimed and fired. The bullet spins at high speed as it spins around the head of the Fake Torker.


"Tsk. Dexterous imitation..."

A thick tentacle interrupts the bullet from the side before it reaches the head. The reaction speed was also sharp.

But it's a waste.

"What do you want?"

I tried to slash my tentacles, but my flesh instantly regenerates. There is a shallow accumulation of simulated blood under the tentacles and on the ground. By absorbing it, they are supplying nearly infinite energy.

Fake tokas raise their eyebrows.

"Why does this plane (I) have only one sword?" If I had a hundred, I'd be stronger. "

Countless tentacles wet with blood stand up to protect the flowers of the Great Ring in the center. They bring out strength and blood vessels, transforming them into flexible and tough blades.

If I had a hundred swords, I wouldn't have any enemies.

"Ahhh! You've got a lot of extra wisdom!"

Each of the impending tentacles was a great sword. Having even traced the skill of battles, she handles them skillfully and unfolds an uninterrupted storm of slashing.

Initially, as she said, everything in this room was intermittent. No matter where you run, you can't avoid everything.

"Don't lick me. I know everything about you from one to ten."

So don't run away.

Throw what you had prepared while talking. The clear bag is torn, and the white fine crystals flying out of it are splattered widely. It rained on the impetuous tentacles, and...


The screams echoed.

The tentacles withered violently as they whispered white steam. The Fake Toka took down the Black Sword. I suffer from severe pain.

The "flower of the fetal flesh" is weak in salt. Pure purified salt crystals violently destroy cell tissue without cell walls, making it impossible to maintain body structure. ”

You, you yeeeeeee!

She threw away the mask, dyed her pupils bright red, and the fake tokas barked. Salt is effective in "fetal flesh flowers", but if the amount is small, it will increase ferocity.

"Well, well, don't be so impatient." You won't be able to use your moves after all. "

Even though I took a shower with salt, the amount is small. There is enough pseudo-blood thinly accumulated in the wide cave at the foot of the fake tokas. Instantly regenerates the tentacles and approaches us.

However, there is no intelligence in the movement so far. It's like a nursery play, where you can play with primitive instincts and impulses. There is no mess to avoid it.

"Let's keep our heads cool. Let's break our stomachs and talk."


I jumped between the tentacles and approached the main circle of the Fake Toka. Smiling at her, she tears off the thick petals with a knife.

A sloppy, amberish liquid poured out. It burned the body of the fake tokas even harder.

Agh!? Agh! Gurgi, dasge...

"It's too late to beg for life."

The "fetal flesh flower" is a carnivorous plant. Inside the flower, there is an intensely acidic digestion liquid. Its strength is such that it cannot be reproduced by most [dispensing] skills. Of course, if it leaks from the inside of a flower that is not protected by mucus, it will harm itself.

Since the size of the botanical garden is correspondingly small, the amount of digestive fluid is not very problematic, but it would be difficult if it were grown so large. The digestive fluid that flows out of the wound burns itself and spreads the wound.

Could it be that I felt a violent pain because I was forced to combine it with a mechanical doll? Or maybe I felt pain when I was in flowers, but I didn't have the means to express it.

Ity, ity, ity

"I'm sorry, I can't die."

With constant breathlessness, he approached the fake tokas that moaned like waves and tried to finish them off. The tentacles have already melted and the flowers have withered. From the waist combined with the flowers, pseudo-blood bursts out and the skin is reddened.

She pointed a spear at the eight-foot hook ball that continued to glow weakly in her chest and asked suddenly before piercing it.

“Tell me one thing before you die. Who made you?"

That's what caught my attention. I always thought the modified planes were made by the Gremlins, but their intelligence level was high for the Fake Letty and Fake Torka. Despite the more skewed shape of the mechanical guards' retrofit machines, they have been restored to almost identical accuracy to the real mechanical dolls.

In response to that question, the fake tokas laugh with their mouths bleeding.

If you want to know, you can go deeper. A white ray of light shone through the deep darkness. ”


The fake tokas swell up rapidly, leaving behind meaningful words. Bright red skin, ballooned, and exploded.

With the pseudo-blood spewed out all over my body, I accidentally dazzled my face with the smell of it rotting rapidly.

"Shit, what a souvenir."

Even if I wipe it on my clothes, I can't take it all off. I give up and look back bloody.

"White Moon.... Why are you taking a little distance?"

When he calls the white moon by the wall, he stares at me in the distance. I don't like the smell of blood. He's a complete mess.

I have no choice but to walk. Behind it, the white moon also followed.

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