Vorpal Rabbit and Fortress Uncle

Episode 813: Disoriented Disturbances

Suddenly, Chiffon pokes his knee. We rushed to her suddenly. It seemed that her LP was beginning to decline with a ferocious momentum.

Chiffon! Ampoules for now!

Letty took the LP Recovery Amp out of her pocket and broke it. The liquid wetted the white hair of the chiffon and was absorbed immediately.

The effect of the ampoule greatly restores LP, but the decrease does not stop. It was only a life-extending treatment overtaken by a rush.

"Chiffon, calm down. What debuffs do you have attached to it?"

Toka asks, gently rubbing her back. Ariess looked anxious next to her.

"Ahh, hahhhh... it says, 'Disappearing Soul'"

It was a debuff I had never heard of. I turned to look at Ariez, but she also shook her head. I thought it was a reactionary skill, but it didn't seem to be.

Oh no, I can't keep up with the ampule recovery.

Could this be a defect in the model-Yoko?

In the meantime, the LP of Chiffon continues to decrease. Letty's point was worth considering.

I immediately open the window and get in touch with T-1, who works at the villa. But I can't get through.

"Oh shit, that was out of bounds!"

The interior of the first base is outside the range of influence of the communications monitoring satellite group Tsukuyomi. Not to mention the ability to communicate with maids, I couldn't get through to tell from my friends list.

"Mr. Ledge, you're going to die once."

Is that okay?

Grab my hem, Chiffon says.

I don't usually care much about Despena, but this time things are different. She received a powerful buff once a day from Alice, and her [Divination] skill level has risen. All of them will be reset.

You just need to improve your skills again, and that's the best thing to do.

"... All right. We'll cut it up and head over to the update center." I'll meet you there. "

Yeah. See you later.

Along with those words, Chiffon's LP pierced the bottom. She loses her strength and the plane is silent. I wish I could carry this plane, but none of us have that skill. This place is treated like a special dungeon, so the plane won't be able to retrieve it any time soon.

For now, let's go back to Wadazumi.

“That's right, let's do it.”

Return to the ground from the second tier with Letty and the others. Hurry as fast as you can to reach the Wadatsumi City Wall.

T-1, can you hear me?

In the meantime, I'll confirm that the communication has been restored, and I'll contact T-1. She responded shortly after the one-call, questioning her if anything had happened.

"Chiffon became a model-Yoko." So I was using my Divination skill to fight in the second tier of the first base, but suddenly I felt sick and fell. There was a debuff called "Dead Soul", and the LP suddenly decreased, and I was rendered inactive. "


Speaking briefly about a series of events, T-1 was surprised to hear a loud voice. Her impatience exceeded my expectations and was unimaginably disturbed by the usual calm.

"Oh, Lord, it's not that hard. My concubine will be heading to the update center soon!

"Oh, oh? Well then, once you stop over there..."

I can't afford that! Use your Administrator privileges to go there as a Commander. It's a local gathering!

"Ryo, Ryo..."

We're going to accelerate our legs even further, threatened by an imminent T-1. Walk through the gloomy forests, through the large city walls, and into the baseline in the middle of the city.

At that time, a telephone call came from Chiffon.

What's the matter, Chiffon?


The moment I tapped the response button, it was her crying. Everyone has no idea what happened.

“Just calm down and try to sort out what happened.”

Ahh, ahhhh, I can't afford that!?

She almost panicked when she called out to calm her down. In addition, I screamed in the middle of the words and the communication was interrupted.


I'll call your name, but I won't respond. Looking at the logs, it was repeated that the chiffon of the party member had become inactive.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you mean you've been dying so many times?"

Tilts his neck to a strange log. Letty looked at it and frowned.

After all, I don't know anything about staying here. We jumped into an update center on the corner of the baseline.



The inside of the baseline was noisy. As he scratched the crowd forward, a chiffon in a skeleton shape pushed his knee against the floor.

"What's the matter, Chiffon?"

Debuffs don't go away!

She rushed over and put her hand on her shoulder, and Chiffon said, clinging to my arm. We are stunned by the words. As you can see, her LP continues to decrease, and the Status Window shows an icon of an unknown Debuff.

Is this the "vanishing soul"?

"That's right. Even if I go back to death, it won't just go away... yes..."

Her LP is depleted and the Skeleton ship is dead. Immediately, one of the countless tanks in the center, her conscious fuselage lifts up.

No matter how many times you die, you won't get back

Chiffon quickly came to me crying. However, the Skeleton plane is fragile. This, too, will soon deplete the LP and make it impossible to move.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let me through! The Commander is here!

T-1 is coming to desperate us. She pushes through people's legs and checks the state of the chiffon with rough breaths.


"Do you know what it is?"

The T-1 had a serious expression on his face. After all, is this anomaly due to a defect in the model-Yoko? If so, how can we save Chiffon from the infinite loop of death?

Quicker than I can say that question. The T-1 took something out of his pocket.

For the time being, eat this! Hurry before you die!


She screws it into Chiffon's mouth. Surprised by the sudden event, she managed to swallow it.

"Keh, keh, keh." Yep..... "

Chiffon regulated his breathing as he coughed. Then I noticed that the violent LP decline was stopping.

Ah, ah? Is it healed?

A chiffon that feels so good with eyelidless eyes. She's the one who did it, but the peeling robot doll's body is quite surreal.

It's just a first aid. It has not yet been fundamentally solved. "

T-1 pierced the nail into a chiffon that was delighted to raise its hand. After all, her "Vanish Soul" Debuff was still alive.

"After all, what happened?"

Nevertheless, things have calmed down for the time being. When I asked correctly where he lived, T-1 opened his mouth with a face that looked like he bitter bite.

The T-3 guy was put into actual combat with a fatal defect. I told you to proceed with caution...... ”

I knew it was the model-Yoko's fault.

I don't want to admit T-1, but I nod.

Model-Yoko is an additional module designed to more efficiently and proactively handle the unknown technical logic system of the Survey and Reconstruction Team.

In other words, a tri-skill skill-- Spirit Magic Curse Magic Divination Magic ?

In response to Letty's words, T-1 nodded.

"The sensitive sensory organs of the type-Lycan slope are tuned to extraordinary forces. Therefore, Chiffon should have been able to exercise his more powerful [divination] skills than usual."

Alice is stunned by her words. There was a clause that seemed to come to mind.

"Sure enough, I felt that the output of the technique was strangely large." It's a bit strange to be able to defeat those enemies with three shots at a level where you can use a tarot card. "

"If you ask me..."

Chiffon defeated the modifier with three tarot cards. At that point, her skill level should have been about five or six. In the field, you can't even cross the [Meadow of Beginnings].

If you think about it, that one-sided battle is the result of the powerful influence of the Model-Yoko trait.

Model-Yoko can efficiently connect to the Dragon Vein (Rayline) with its ears and tail. Therefore, the power of moves that use special energy is greatly increased. But...... ”

That's probably a lot of recoil, too.

Pointing out Toka.

I don't think so. The power of the Dragon Vein is made up of a balance of two kinds of things: Yin and Yang, Good and Evil, Plus and Minus. It seems to exist universally, and naturally, exploratory mechanical dolls are no exception. "

We listen to the explanation of the power of the Dragon Vein by T-1. The other players gathered in the Update Center seemed to be eager to write down the information.

“Model-Yoko can handle its power purely. That's good, but in the end, it's purely influenced."

"I mean...?"

"The more you use extraordinary power, the more shady air will flow into the plane. On the other hand, it consumes cheerfulness in an attempt to return the state to the direction of harmony. The rampage state is not the" vanishing soul "state."

The yin and yang balance in the plane breaks down, trying to recover it. Is this also a rampage of the airframe homeostasis maintenance mechanism?

"Unlike the Model-Oni, it is not a rampage of the airframe homeostasis maintenance mechanism. It's more like a fundamental law of nature."


Apparently, my predictions were wrong. T-1 is also difficult to explain, and I am worried about choosing words while holding my eyebrows.

This phenomenon targets the "soul". Therefore, no matter how many vessels are replaced, it will not be a radical solution. "

Is it a soul?

Reminds me of the name of a Debuff called Vanish Soul. We're robot puppets, and after all, we're made of stuff. Is there still something called a soul?

You must have read my doubts from your expression. T-1 squeezes his shoulders.

My concubine is wondering too. That's why I've been doing research for so long...... ”

The T-3 put the modules into action before we could finish that research.

“So, what did I feed you?”

Chiffon, who was listening, leaned his head. Her Soul Removal Debuff has been stopped due to T-1 feeding her something. I was told that it was an emergency treatment, but it seemed to be stable for now.

T-1 nodded and took it out of his pocket.

Hey, hey, hey!

It was an Inari sushi wrapped in a beautiful golden juicy toad.

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