Vorpal Rabbit and Fortress Uncle

Lesson 790: Flame of the Chain

Underground in the Second Exploration Area (Honosawake Archipelago), there was a "remains of uncivilized civilization" that was different from the first important information recording and sealing base invaded by the Ledges (Shiratori). The approximate structure is similar to that described above, but the protozoa that patrol the second level became even more powerful.

In the first place, it is a front-line field group. Immediately after the start of the event, most of the attackers thought they were going to charge into it, but they were familiar with their skills.

"Charge! [Brave cavalry inspiration!]"

A violent ensemble resounded in the labyrinth of thick passageways. Wide-area buffs from the [Knights of the Great Eagle] support the assault troops with their spears. It is the Deputy Commander Ai who commands them.

"Go, go, go, go, go!"

Christina held the long spear horizontally at the head. With her orders, the assault troops are on their way. From the darkness behind the passageway, a group of six-armed three-sided virtual armor, "Wandering Wonderful Ghost Armor (Wonder Augga)" awaits.

Screaming assault soldiers and ghost armor with huge weapons. Without taking a step back, they clash violently. The Knights' sharp spear wore iron armor and shattered into pieces. However, the ghost armor also blew up the knights with gavels and swords.

It was a throwaway onslaught that didn't care enough about wear and tear.

Deputy, aren't you poor?

"That's true, too. Christina's burden is huge, and multimaterials are limited...."

While watching the intense battle in front of him, the Commander's eyes folded between his brows. More than an hour ago, she organized a massive force around an elite First Battle Squad and smashed the Stone Tower to break through. Flirting with the trap of the first tier, he demonstrated his majesty as the largest tactical team without regret, and came to the second tier with only minor wear and tear. But from there, hell was in full swing.

What about the map?

"I've recorded it for now, but it's useless at all." We lost the road we passed five minutes ago. "

"I knew it..."

The Knights naturally had excellent cartographers. In this tactic, we brought in a number of experienced players. However, this labyrinth moves on its own, constantly changing its structure. The map is useless now.

For now, all they know is that the labyrinth is a giant donut. I don't know anything about the structure of the passageway that extends inside it.

I can't even get in touch with the group leaders.

Those people will do whatever they want.

Apart from the Knights' main force, the Astra Silverwing cadres were moving on their own. Rather than throwing the main team to the deputy leader (Ai), they were entering on their own.

We can't use the telephone inside the ruins, nor can we contact them to gather information.

That's why the [Knights of the Great Eagle], led by Ai, kept wandering through the ever-changing and complicated labyrinth.

The iron wheels scatter sparks. An armed steel machine beast was blowing up a blue flame and thrusting through a dark passage.

No. I'm glad we don't have too many enemies.

"Don't be too alarmed."

Nilma leisurely shouted as the carriage (Chariot) was towed by six plane beasts. Ash, who was listening to it, pierced the nail as he gazed sharply at the surrounding area.

"However, for now, we don't have our turn." Isn't it about time you got to the boss's room? "

Even though you've saved up supplies, you're a little bored.

Fine and Lisa, sitting on the luggage carrier, said in a friendly voice. When she was so busy, the scout said, "Help me," and because she was afraid of the end, Ash put out her tongue small under the mask.

"What, Ash? Are you complaining?"

"As usual, you're as sensitive to hostility as ever."

I knew you were doing something!

Ash stirred up the mumbling of Fine. As usual, Lisa smiled and watched the two of them in an inspired atmosphere.

"But, Astra, isn't it time to decide what to do?"

Nilma looks next to the carriage (Chariot) as she gets fed up with the two of them staying the same throughout the event. There was a blonde young man running along with him with a leisurely expression next to the chariot that was moving along the aisle with a violent momentum.

"Yeah, maybe this is a grandeur."

Astra slightly slipped her soles into the stone floor and used the rebellion to run at high speed. Nilma returns with no particular surprise.

They left it to the deputy commander who could rely on the command of the Knights of the Great Eagle, and it was about an hour since they entered the remains of the unknown civilization as an independent detachment. Although they defeated the native creatures with a fierce momentum, they were still unable to achieve remarkable results.

"The structure of the passage has changed, but that's the coordinates we came up with."

Coordinates? Did you see the map?

Nilma tilts her head at Astra, who asserts with a confident face. Astra shakes her head in relief.

"I can't see the map." But if you remember the coordinates when you came in and calculate the number of steps and the direction, you'll know the relative coordinates. "

"You know, I don't even know what to say."

As usual, our leader has stopped being a human. Nilma shrugged her shoulders as she replenished her exhausted mechanical beasts.

Anyway, according to Astra, the Silver Wing Group has repeatedly made impeccable efforts inside the ruins. They did not map as precisely as the main team, but they still suspected that the ruins were roughly in the shape of a circle.

"But that's weird." I don't meet other players at all. "

"It's been over an hour, hasn't it? The BBC and the wise men are not strange when they come in."

Fine and Ash tilted their necks as they looked over the dazzling passageway. Both of them were bad friends, but they were good matchmakers. I am good at detecting discomfort.

Maybe the internal structure of the ruins is fluctuating.

Running arm in arm, Astra says.

"Structure fluctuates?"

“Yeah, that's probably arbitrary, too. Someone is clearly trying to divide us."

"Huh? Isn't that funny?"

Finne strikes the gauntlet of both fists and makes a loud noise.

But how do you know?

Lisa tilts her head. Astra looked back at her and smiled softly.

"Almost." But I know you've been here before, but the view is different. "

"There's no such thing as a view..."

Astra lets out a sneaky smile. Now, in his words, Ash and the others look on.

The passageway in the remains has a square cross-section of about 7 meters in width and height. The upper, lower, left, and right sides are composed of the same stone, and there is no difference. Everywhere you go, there's a similar scene, and even Ash, the scouting professional, is so paralyzed that his senses are numb.

In the meantime, Astra grasped the structure of the passageway once passed.

"However, you can't keep running all the time." These kids are getting tired, too. "

"That's true, too."...... Okay, let's work with everyone else. "

Astra nods a little to Nilma, who asks for a policy for the future. He seemed to have a strange idea, and he had a refreshing smile on his face.

"I'm tired, I'm tired"

My legs are already like sticks

Girls' voices echo in the wide aisle. In the darkness, the top group of players in the mechanical spell field [Seven Sages] was walking boldly relying on the flaming light.

"Yes, don't be discouraged!" What if the enemy ambushes you? "

"I can defeat you right away, can't I?" You can also protect Hula, right? "

"Yeah, I'll protect you."

Mel, the red-haired girl who was standing at the head, turned back to her companions and got angry. However, Lime and the others stroked Hula's head as they loosely waved the cat's tail.

"For once, this is the front line!?" We're the top players!? "

Well, if you're too angry, you'll be upside down.

Is that so!

Mel swelled her cheeks as she waved away the hand of the crescent dumpling, which she exclaimed with a slanted word. However, it was almost an hour before they started wandering through the labyrinth. For the [Seven Sages], which consisted only of consuming mechanics, the limit of action was also near.

More than that, Mel was getting tired.

Mel, look over there.

What's the matter?

Mio stops walking next to Mel and points to the wall of the aisle. Mel was chasing her gaze with a strange face, and something was drawn on the smooth stone wall.

"What the hell is that?"

I've never seen anything like this before.

My people realize it, and they come together in a straw. Everyone was hungry for change and discovery.

And the seven men approached the wall, being vigilant, and saw what was drawn there.

This is a marker, right?

That's right.

Bright fluorescent yellow paint with meaningless numbers. It was due to an item called a marker that could leave a message on the field.

That means it belongs to the other players.

"What do you mean, coordinates?"

The seven look carefully at the numbers, and try to understand what is hidden in them.

"Ah. Isn't this the Knights' code?"

Knights? Are you using something like this?

"When I get in touch with the detachment." Basically, I don't really see it because I can manage it by telephone. "

Mel and the others let out a voice of admiration as Mio explained with his fingers pinned up.

You know such niche information very well.

"I have friends in the Knights." It tells me a lot. "

You're a spy, aren't you?

"Oh, no!"

Mio revisits the list of numbers written with a marker, shaking his head in unwearing words on his lime teeth. Converting according to a certain law makes it a meaningful sentence.

Hmmm. It's probably noisy here.

Hey, can the Knights put some noise in the cipher?

"There is a risk of listening." This is the key to the pattern. Replace this place, and perhaps triple this place.... "

Mel looked anxiously at Mio, who was muttering and deciphering. From the side, it looked crunchy, but on the contrary, I was worried.

"N-No!? This is...!"

And finally, Mio finished deciphering it. She stood up in amazement and turned to Mel and the others. He looked over at his companions with a steep expression, and opened his mouth gently as they swallowed their saliva.

“This ruin belonged to a civilization ruled by the Reptilians!”

"What, what!?"

Mio's face turned red with excitement. Mel and the others rolled their eyes at the unexpected words popping out of her mouth.

That's why!


Mel slaps Mio on the head as he decides on a beautiful norizukumi. Span! and a clear sound echoes in the aisle.

Mio fumbles with tears in his eyes, but no one tries to follow her. The only conscience and the famous apron of the [Seven Wise Men] smiled bitterly with a troubled face.


"If you don't know, you can say you don't know." What the hell is a reptilian? "

"Eh, don't you know? It's a lizard-like humanoid reptile that mimics humans, dominates the upper echelons of society, and controls us from the inside out."

It's an occult!

Mel sharply pushed into Mio, who spoke with a foolish face. Looking at those two comics, Minori and the limes shrugged their shoulders in awe.

Mio also likes occult, but that's fine

The occasional rampage is a blemish on your balls, isn't it?

Ah, just the balls?

No matter where the tense air goes, the seven of them calmly talk, blossom and relax. Mel feels uncomfortable with his loose companion in an instant, but he remembers that it's important to defuse the poison here.

So you couldn't break the code after all?

An apron with a long cane asked Mio. The Reptilians didn't seem to believe the shards either.

I got it.

On the other hand, Mio nodded with extreme daze. On the contrary, Mel was more surprised.

"What!? Are you sure about the Reptilians!?"

"No, it's not. It's not a cryptogram, it's a sign when we're trying to accommodate supplies." The time you wrote the message, the number on the list of supplies you want, and the time you come back here. "

Yeah, you can say that sooner!

Mio explains the meaning of numbers in a light tone. It was true that the Knights had a friend, who taught them how to read messages. This was a frequently used sign because even when a telephone can be used, it allows items to be exchanged on the field without stopping each other from moving.

So, what kind of supplies does the Knights want?

"Um... wait a minute."

Mio opened the window and scratched through countless notes. She was a raw notemaker, making notes on everything from the shop's menu to the weaknesses of the native creatures. From that vast amount of information, she takes the time to reach her destination.

"12 extra-large ultra-high-concentration compressed BB batteries, 1 ampoule, 50 portable food, 50 nutritional beverages,"

"What is a high-concentration compressed BB battery in Ogata-machi?"

Mio reads out the list against the numbers. The crescent dumpling tilts its neck. It was an item she had never heard of, but it turned out to be quite a big one.

"Wait a minute." I'm sure he's making a note somewhere. "

Mio scratches the note again to find what he's looking for. It was a periodic inventory of jointly developed products issued by the Damascus Association and Prometheus Industries.

"There it is, there it is." Extra-large, ultra-high-concentration compressed BB batteries are like batteries for machine beasts loaded with high-power, large engines. It can store more energy than conventional products, and the amount of energy released per hour is not the same. "

Well, that means it's for Nilma.

Mel and the others pinged at Mio's explanation. Few players use such specially made, perhaps not yet mass-produced, items. Nilma's using a new Machine Beast.

"I can't believe you're asking for twelve such stupid batteries." The Knights are rich, aren't they? "

"It's the Knights of the World." That's a lot of tea, you little bastard. "

Lime arranged her arms and said enviously. The [Seven Sages] are all mechanics, so there's no room for money for the top players.

"Hey, Mio."

When everyone is a little depressed by the financial gap, the crescent dumplings smile badly and slap Mio on the shoulder. Seeing her face, Mio pulls back in a daze.

No, no, no, no.

"You haven't said anything yet!"

It's a good idea to add it to your autograph and get the catalyst, anyway.

"How did you know!? Genius?"

"You're too simple."

Mel sighed in amazement as his companions rejuvenated. In the first place, the signature also showed the Knights' affiliation. Besides, there must be a lot of things we can do to prevent counterfeiting.

Further, portable storage (portable storage) for placing items in the field can only be opened by the owner and authorized persons.

"Come on, don't be ridiculous, let's go."

"Um, I'll take a little more rest."

At least rendezvous with the Knights?

"Why do I have to align myself with my rivals!" Come on, Mel, do something about it. "

"Huh. Don't bother Mio too much." If you decide to accompany the Knights, they will take care of you. "

Mel convinced herself with the majesty of a leader, dumbfounded by her friends who complained. They also had a history as top players, so they wanted to avoid being manipulated or confronted by their rivals.

In the end, the seven rose again and began to walk through the dark ruins.

"- Hey, did you hear that?"

After the seven mechanics had left, the men who were breathing in the darkness of the corner came out in abundance. They look for the fluorescent yellow sign on the wall, relying on the slight lights of a simple lantern that doesn't require any skill.

The men wore coats that looked like black slices that enhanced their secrecy. No footsteps, and the Enemies patrolling a little further away are unaware of their presence.

There it is, there's a signature!


One of them speaks up, and the others come to you.

Heehee. Thank goodness, we can resupply now.

A leader man licked his lips and thanked himself for his good fortune.

They were a reconnaissance group specialized in running through the front lines and gathering information. Having entered and survived this ruin, its strength may be referred to as the top player, but it does not depend on its combat abilities. < Ninjutsu > skill, survival and secretly specialized builds, they lurk in the shadows and survival is their primary course of action. Other top players often followed behind them to overthrow the native creatures.

But it's synonymous with them constantly running out of technique and items. Compared to other players, their supplies are heavy and they have been diving for an hour, and they are almost dying.

"If we can rendezvous with the Knights, we can survive for now." Even if you don't, they'll give you some flexibility in supplies. "

The Knights of the Great Eagle is famous for leading large units. They have plenty of supplies and are constantly acting on their leisure. As long as we could find them on the field, we could buy supplies after the negotiations.

According to them in the Recon Corps, it's Hell on the Buddha. No, I found a stop for the Buddha to come. Anyway, they sigh of relief, which was already near.

My head, when will the Knights arrive?

"Well, I don't need this code at all." The wise men said something about Rep..... "

The problem is, there's no one in the Recon Corps who can read the Knights' autographs. Mel's conversation has been slipping away because she was listening at a distance.

Then there is only one thing they can do.

Alright, we're hiding until the Knights arrive.


They courageously respond to their leader's instructions and leap upward in momentum. Then, it clung to the ceiling.

"Sticky, Concealed, Optical Camo, Deodorized, Silenced."

They use techniques one after another, and they disguise themselves. With their high level of skill and specialized equipment, they instantly melted into the darkness.


An armed three-sided six-armed demon armor walked in line. They look around with caution, glancing at the intruder for shadows.

Such an enemy's eyes were easily deceived, and the reconnaissance team silently clung to the ceiling.

"Deputy, I'm just getting in touch with the Inspector." They have signed for a supply run. The location is different from our progression route..... "

"I understand. Please check the contents and contact the heavy duty department." Send out the detachment and leave it. "

Roger that.

Aye, who was marching one by one to destroy the enemy, with the assault soldier at the forefront, gives appropriate instructions for his men to report. Supply request signatures now mean more than usual. To be able to get in touch with the Silver Wing Corps, which was acting differently.

All the signatures asked for were basic consumables. This means that the Astra are doing well. And to say that you are showing willingness to continue, you may have grasped some breakthrough.

Anyway, all Aye can do is leave the supplies they want there.

“Be careful with your BB batteries. Because it's still a test item."

"I know." I blew it up the other day on [Black Pig's Tooth Island] and built a crater on the beach. "

Isn't that the power of two? Twelve is terrible, isn't it?

In response to Ai's caution, the members of the Major Group casually responded. They are also supply transport specialists. The tone is light and well treated.

"There are more than 12 of them in the wagon." erm..... "

For now, I've put 250 on it.

"That much!?"

"The more supplies you have, the better." I left them in the warehouse. I brought them all. "

"No matter how much you think about it..."

The group laughs and still rolls a battery like a large metal barrel with careful hands. Items that are too large to be included in the inventory, and require a van with a large vault for transportation.

It was hard to get down the spiral staircase, and they were cold as well.

Alright, I've unloaded 12 of them

Well then, let's carry it first.

Special cargo trucks with heavy parts have slow movement in exchange for capacity. The necessary amount was transferred to a lighter loading truck, and the calculation was to take it to the beginning.

"Be careful." It's going to explode with a little impact. "

"I know." As long as the ninjas don't come down from above, it's okay. "

The worried eye responds with a slap in the chest. They then push a wagon carrying twelve batteries and other supplies, and escape the route with a few escorts.

Fortunately, the signing points weren't far off. Having left their luggage behind, they will be back soon.

Deputy Commander, the Black Chain Snake (Black Chain) is attacking ahead!

"Defensive position! Lower the assault team and respond with a mechanic!"

An urgent message enters under the eye, which is worryingly watching the back of the heavy part. Eye immediately switches thoughts and takes command of the battle.

And they were in the midst of a fierce battle with a giant steel black snake.

"- Wow!? Ninja!? Why!?"

With such a doomsday demon, a blue flame spreads through the passage. The blast and impact that crashed into the rugged wall spread along the bend, reaching the Knights' main unit and the heavy cargo truck behind it.

"Vice Commander! There's a fierce blast coming from behind!"


The explosion swallowed the wagon and burned the 238 large batteries it contained.

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