Vorpal Rabbit and Fortress Uncle

Episode 277: The Guide to the Town of the Sea

As we leave the reed, we walk toward the center of the walrus.

Six of the five administrators, White Moon, who was thoroughly enjoying the delicacies of the sea, and two of the eleven servants who were waiting well outside the shop, are quite a big place.

Walking around the bustling city with lots of players and bright girls, it stands out as a matter of course.

Some of them have sharp gazes and are uncomfortable.

"Mr. Reggie, Mr. Reggie."

As she followed them as she watched the swallows moving forward, Letty lurked her voice to her ears.

"What's wrong?

"Are you glad you took on a special assignment with ease?

I took on the special assignment [Amanowado] presented by Wade and the others without much thought.

It seems that the content is the only one she has understood.

"That's fine. Looks like there's no deadline.What's more interesting than that, there's no reason to miss it?

"That's what I thought Reggie would say...It's too difficult this time around. "

"The point is, why don't we just visit you like we did when we were Wade and bring you to a meeting?If Letty could help me, I wouldn't have to. "

"Really?Ehehe... well, why don't you call Letty?Maybe you can afford that?Ufufu.... "

Letty starts twisting herself suddenly.

I was terrified that I had said something awkward, but apparently I wasn't in a bad mood.

"Even if Susanoo can handle it, what about Takamagahara?That's the other side of the stratosphere.

Lacto pointed back.

The neck would still be there.

Well, you can handle it.

"Is there a plan?

Lacto looks up at us in surprise.

I answered with a good smile.

"--I 'll come up with it soon!

"After all, it's just a hit!

I assure you, Lacto bites me.

Playing gently, Wade and the others in front turned around.

Reggie, I've gathered the emotional parameters and conversation logs of the survey pioneers who are going to town.Let's move on.

"That's what you did...."

"I only see statistically processed individual emotional parameters, etc.It was a good experience for smooth communication. "

I was surprised to be told that I suddenly wanted to walk around town after the conversation, but apparently wanted to be ready to distance myself from the players in the future.

Though they didn't talk, they watched the players standing on the corner and read a variety of information from their words and expressions.

Would you be angry if I told you it's like an alien who learns to impersonate a human being?

"Mr. Reggie... that's rude to a boulder..."



Apologize to Wade and the others for letting Letty slightly catch her eye.

They did not seem to have mastered mindfulness reading to the boulders and were leaning their necks properly.

"Reggie, why don't we go to the harbor next?I want to see the ship. "

"Very good. It'll be close enough."

At Amy's suggestion, we head towards the sea.

Wadatsumi is roughly divided from the interior into residential areas, centrally controlled areas, commercial areas, and port areas.

The seafood reed was in the corner of the commercial district, from which we walked loosely through the boulevard.

If you move one side of the street, it is a harbour district with a strong smell of tide.

Oh, you've got a lot of ships lined up already.

Lacto cheered when he saw various ships, large and small, lined up on the wharf.

A ship with white sails and various colored hulls is mannered close to the pier.

Fufu, because the shipbuilding equipment of Wadatsumi is Izanami.I'm still building a ship from the finished dock in full throttle. "

Since there is only one place where the shipbuilding equipment is located, the expression Izanami I is not mistaken, but it is misleading.From the point of view of industrial production capacity, Seed 01 - Susanoo, a ground avant-garde hub, is overwhelming the others. "

If it's a pure deal, it's a big win for Sakao.

If the band has garage installations, Kiyo is second only to Susano.

Pan, tight chest and high nose.

Sakao and Kiyo followed the wave that plunged into it.

Ah, I'm the biggest producer of ore.

Amatumara, who does not have commercial facilities, raises her hand modestly.

The swarms of boulders said nothing about her claim.

Ore is one of the key elements underpinning the exploration.

I want Amatumara to feel more confident.

Mr Wadatsumi, can Letty take the boats lined up here?

Off-course vessel, originally intended for use by survey trailblazers.I expect you to make full use of these and fill in the charts. "

"Oh, are you on a cruise?That's nice..... "

Letty looks at a white sailboat shining like a pure white pearl and says with a soft face.

A ship owned by Wadatsumi as a city appears to be available for hire.

Fees vary depending on the type of ship and are charged separately in the event of sinking or damage, but any revenue earned during the voyage will be placed in the pocket.

Some services may offer a discount on certain requests.

"Visaway. Skills allow you to steer more freely. Skills give you a discount on rental rates."

"Can you give me that kind of deal?

"No Problem. It's information that anyone can find out by going to the central control tower and the port district ship management office."

That being said, it would be appreciated if Wadatsumi's supreme power could tell you this personally.

No one is as familiar with the city of Wadatsumi as she is, so it would be a good guide.

"What's on the other side of the sea?"

Looking at the tip of the horizon rising in silver, the toca murmured while suppressing the hair that was exposed to the tidal wind.

Moo. Various island shadows, large and small, have been observed ahead of the coast, but we do not know the details.You can view the current charts at any time, so please check them with your own eyes first. "

"Fufufu, that's exciting.I'm really excited about how far my sword goes. "

In the words of Wadatsumi, Toka strokes the sheath of Momoken-go and laughs suspiciously.

If it's a new field, of course, some of the protozoans will be strangers.

Ten to eighty-nine, there should be a stronger presence than Varytein.

It seems that the toca are rather inspiring to imagine that their legs would fall apart normally.

Hmm. It seems that Reggie has more or less a peculiar emotional parameter than the members of the White Deer Monastery.

Looking at them, Wade performs a sober analysis.

Sure, if Letty and the Toca were surrounded, they'd bury me pretty soon.

"I don't think I'll ever understand your thoughts...."

"Isn't it enough that you can read your mind so smoothly..."

Wade's earliest familiar stupid face.

It seems only a matter of time before she stands with Letty.

But I see. Town guides may be a good way to interact with explorers. "

Wade takes Amy around the harbor area and looks at Wadatsumi and says.

"Regardless of Kiyo and Amatumara, Wade and Sakao are in the middle of something.If it's an unfamiliar place, even experienced people can quickly get lost. "

The directions are good, but the tourist information would be even better.Each Susanoo has its own unique shop, but some have a small number of visitors depending on their location and appearance. "

If we know about such stores, we'll make more money.You're welcome to drop the money with me. "

Apparently, the sightseeing guide was a good fit for Wade's glasses.

Is it the pivotal computing device that makes the idle bird ring in the store that I made so hard?

The economy is also important as an index of the vitality of pioneering activities.I still wanted to invest in the tourism industry. "

"... should I make a theme park, too?"

"If you build an entertainment facility, will the development rather stagnate?

"Sometimes I think it's important to breathe out."

The administrators begin to develop ideas for each.

Breathlessness and entertainment are strange things to talk about in the game, but there's nothing they can do about it.

Besides, it is one of my secret hobbies to look around each of my own distinctive cities.

I'd love to take a tour first if they could show me the sights of the town.

"Sightseeing tour, let me know if it's possible.I want to be first. "

"... I see.I'll call you when I have a pilot plan. "

When I said that, Wade was silent for a moment as if she had been stuck in the void, relaxed her shoulders and replied with a slight smile.

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