Again, underground lake behind the waterfall.

When you step into a quiet place, your spine naturally stretches.

"So, why is Neva here?

"Sometimes I want to see how my work works."

For some reason, Neva answered my question with a soft smile.

I tried to break up dressed quite well, but when I left the workshop, I followed it and was in a hurry.

"I don't even know if I'm dead."

"I've got the emergency backup data cartridge."

"... be prepared."

You may or may not trust your work, but you may just be careful.

Neva sits on the rocks a little further away and proceeds with her preparations.

"First... 'camping'"

Assemble the camp on the leveled lake shore.

Slowly assemble it up, it's too small to call a tent.

Walls and roofs, if any, are made of metal that looks like a thin octagonal box that was developed based on the theory of virtual tents.

Challenging the limits of creating a minimum tent by skill, we have achieved a height of 20 cm, width of 80 cm and length of 120 cm.

"This is the hub."

I see. If this thing breaks, it's over. "

A trapezoidal structure surrounded by eight pieces of steel armor.

Inside, there is no room for people, but instead, some machinery is built in.

"Can you put the pile in properly?

"It seems the Helm won't be able to sense us if we can swim at the edge of the water. It'll take time, but you can go."

I watched it assemble into a tent that looked too small and peculiar, and then I pierced an iron pile around the lake.

First, two on the shoreline, then two on the left and right wall while swimming slowly, and two on the back wall, a total of eight.

When the iron pile pierces the solid rock skin, the thin four legs unfold from the side and secure themselves securely.

Finally, if your head spins and the red light turns on, you're ready.

It's going to take a while.

"You can't help it. This is what it is.... 'Area Designation'"

Return to the shore and use the Trap skill technique to make sure eight piles are stuck.

As a result, all of the ranges surrounded by the iron pile are set as a single region.

"'Trap activation'"

Further technique, thin steel thread pops out of the inlet built into the pile's head, forming a web like a spider's nest.

The mechanism of automatic tensioning of steel threads took a long time to become practical, but it was possible to greatly reduce the labor involved.

"All right, all right, you're good."

Check the net supported by eight piles and nod.

Now you can finish it off.

"It's going to work...."

Take out a large iron ball.

Among the three types of items that have been developed, they are especially heavy and put on the ground and activated.


Red light runs on the surface of the iron sphere.

The sphere breaks along the line.

Eight legs appeared.

The sharp tip of the needle lifted the body with its feet, making the eight sensor systems on the head shine red.

It's a spider.

"This is what happens when you have mobility and stability."

The designer tilts his neck if anything goes wrong.

It's a reasonable decision, but I'm glad Letty isn't here.

The big black metal spider moves his legs and checks the drive system, and then looks at me for instructions.

"All right. Connect."

Give the command to the spider.

Moving quickly, he dived under the tent next to him and put it on his back.

Back joints work and tighten tent tightly.

I wonder if it looks like a spider or something.

I think the shellfish on my back is too flat to say goosebumps.

"If you can't take the effect amount if you make the range wider, take the effect amount and the tent will follow me."

That's not a common sense idea.

Proudly speaking, he sees a spider carrying a small tent and returns it to Neva, who has his jaw on his hand.

Even though I'm a co-developer, I'm not being polite.

"--Now, let's do a demonstration test."

Put your hand on the spider's leg and climb into the back tent.

Use your skills to manipulate spiders and ride on steel threads stretched across piles.

This spider is a system inspired by mikage moving fast with yarns, spitting out thin, tough steel yarns just like him and scaffolding them.

This allows for stable movement independent of the terrain.

"Target Selection (Selected Target), Active Force Iron Arm, Regenerating Body, Iron Body (Iron Body), Clear Vision (Bit Site), Active Core (Activate Core), Sharp Blade (Sharp Edge), Indestructible Blade (Unbreakable Edge), Accelerating Circuit (Acceleration Circuit)"

Stand on an iron spider and enter the camp.

LP can start to heal from the consumer's side and hang the Support Arts as much as you like.

Increases Attack, Grants Auto Heal, Increases Defense, Clarifies Vision, Increases LP Natural Heal Speed, Increases Spear Sharpness, Strengthens Weapon Robustness, and Reduces Reusability Time for all Techniques.

I give myself the greatest support (Buff) I can now and put up a machine spear.

Behind your gaze is a quiet black underground lake.

"A match, Helm!

The electric current emitted by the spider passes through the steel thread and strikes the water surface.

I don't expect any damage, but this will wake the Underground Lake lord.

A big wave rose, and a big fish with golden eyes and black scales appeared.

"White Moon, it's a fog of illusion!

The Helm is trying to crush me with its giant body, with the momentum that has surfaced.

Jump off the spider's back and head for the middle of the lake.

White fog gathers at my feet to provide a solid foundation to support me.

"'Scale through'!

After a two-step leap, he sprayed his spear on the thick scale.

A sharp thrust through the armor bounces the scale and decapitates the flesh.

You can apply force to the hand that grabbed the spear while bathing in the effect of red splash.


Kick the Helm's gigantic body with your feet and pull your toes back.

Return to the back of the spider that was moving there and immediately recover the LP using the technique.

"Machine manipulation in combat is complicated, but not as much as the DAF system. I think I can handle it."

Assemble your actions, attack, manipulate the Iron Spider, and use it as a scaffold while watching enemy actions.

It's easy to say, but this uses a lot of concentration.

Even if you continue to consume LP in the “realm” of the Trap skill and manipulate the Iron Spider, and use spear moves, LP management will be extremely cynical.

To compensate for this, the tent on the back of the iron spider specializes in the amount of effect.

All right, let's go.

The performance is over and the show begins.

Since the helm cannot be fixed by ice, it stings with its spear without missing the moment it appears on the surface.

If you make a mistake landing and fall into the water, you will be eaten and killed by a helm that gained ground in that moment.

You must always be alert and have a scaffold ready for an iron spider that moves around an octagonal circumference that is agile and looks like a pile.


Since you don't have the Leap skill, the flight distance is quite critical.

He stepped on Helm's body and jumped up.

The fog of the White Moon's illusion is also used, while moving the scaffold to launch an attack.

"Wind fang flow, two techniques - 'mountain roughness'"

The strong wind fang stream - quite coincidentally - meshed well with this combat style.

Strong winds can damage the Helm's body, increasing its dwell time and earning it time until the Iron Spider arrives.


But it's undeniable that it's a bump scene.

There is also an overwhelming lack of effort due to the lack of daily technique collection.

There are no more moves to accelerate Delay and miss more chances.

"Think of more delay and assemble your moves. Lose the gap."

That's what Letty and the others do from day to day.

Calculates the delay and keeps getting the best move at that point.

If a blank is created even for a moment, it becomes a gap that allows the opponent to fight back.

Always be aware of what's ahead so it doesn't happen.

Swivel spear !

And the trend of the technique I am learning is not compatible with the boss.

Not with the Helm, but with the Battle of the Boss itself.

Starting a battle against a multitude of players with fang flow, there is nothing that can do a great deal of damage to a single enemy because of all the moves that are conscious of the fish.

Low Attack leads to a lack of Decisive Strike and decreases focus as the battle lasts longer.

Fu, fu

Your breath is rough and your hands with spears are numb.

For the first time, I see the sights of the women who are always standing in the vanguard and feel the feeling of oppression and tension.

I want a decision hit. Something that could kill him..... "

Jump up, stick out a spear, and land on an iron spider that has been moved to the other side.

If the attack comes, avoid it, make a step with the fog of illusion and rendezvous with the Iron Spider again.

Monotone but complicated, simple but busy.


A speedy spear blows away the enemy's scales.

However, as a result, the trajectory is off and the wound is much shallower than expected.

"Try something. One hand at a time."

― ― According to one theory, the awakening of a technique that does not use a cartridge responds to the quest in an extreme state.

Only responds to the screams of instinct that have thrown away the clothes of reason beyond suffering.


The saturation of the vision explodes.

The world is delayed and thoughts cool rapidly.

Drops dropped like a scripture stain the brain, and what needs to be done rushes to the end of the nerve.

"The fang flow, the trick of the three..."

Helm is at 20% Health.

This body is worn out and the LP has already cut the remaining 30%.

Sew an instant gap and get healed from an iron spider.

It was shorter than the moment, but that time allowed me to recover enough LP.

I can go.

I'm sure of it, and I twist my body big.

Cross a machine spear with a hungry wolf knife and pull out a blow.


A blow through the narrow, hard skull of the golden eye.

Two hands that are plugged in without getting stuck in your hair.

The second attack amplifies in the wound and rushes through the strange fish.

The red bar is shredded so that the iceberg collapses.


I also lost nearly 30% of my LP, and my field of view swayed and my trunk collapsed.

As I sank into the cold water, and as my vision closed, I felt my brown arms jumping in wrapped around me.

"Crusaded the Armored Fish Falls boss, Old Armored Helm."

Mission [Four Beasts Rapid] has progressed (1/5)

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