Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 883 Chaoyang & Adventure Group

“These things, I haven't finished yet, and Old Wang and I took them back to the night market to try them out.” Old Wang laughed.

“Unfortunately, lobster and merlot tuna can't be eaten up every time Old Yellow brings it back, but it's good for the neighbors at the night market.” Wu Na looked at most of the lobster and tuna.

Qin San accepts Lin Le and Zhang Zhengxiong's recent achievements, and sees Zhang Zhengxiong unfolding the bloodstained field, does he have the strength in the field? This kid... I can't believe I didn't look away. It's a powerful genius! Lin Le's psychic attack on the other side also surprised him. In a short period of time, the strength of the two people can no longer be described by rapid progress. I'm afraid in less than two years, I'm not their opponent. Left, white, right, right, right, black, and sunny water, put them down. "In addition to the basics, you should practice the art of two instruments and eight gossip. ”

“Master, we are also learning, this is the outline Brother Liang gave us.” Zhang Zhengxiong pulled out a few booklets, Qimen Xuan A · Annotation, Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang Record, Qin San saw Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang Record when terrified, this is Xuan Xuan Xuan Zhi Bao Book! As for the version of this Qimen A · annotation, Qin San wants to read it, learn to be curious, no one has to ask, turning to smile and talk about Lin Liang Gong complexity.

“You are the father-in-law of Bai Xiao brothers and the teacher of Tu, Happiness, you can consult all you want.” Lin Liang said.

Qin San looked at the two books Xuan Xuan Xuebao, hesitated for a moment and said seriously, "Thank you Senior Lin, Qin three days later there will be a reward! ”

Lin Liang stopped talking and XV signaled that he had assembled, and Kamikaze walked away.

XV took the members of the adventure troupe to the outpost on the journey. Everyone looked somber. Qin Zhongeyebrows wrinkled their faces tightly. They wanted to make a big dragon phoenix look, shook their heads, couldn't care less, and dared not care less.

Zhang Zhengxiong was just about to follow him. Qin San grabbed him and asked, "Who are you and Senior Lin? ”

“Friend of the Fox...” Zhang Zhengxiong's words let Qin San Leng Khan Lian Lian, look at the distant shadows of everyone, probably also Xiong's character let Senior Lin appreciate it.

Qin Zhong walked over and saw the two brochures in Qin's hand. “Where did you come from? ”

“Senior Lin borrowed it from me, in the face of Ayu and his son-in-law. ”

“What is their relationship? ”

“Friends of the Fox...” Qin San couldn't help but laugh.

“I hate Bright Brother that guy, I don't know why...” Lin Letu pouted and jumped back to his room.

“ ”

Two days later, in the early morning, the first ray of sunlight came along the surface of the sea. Wu Na and Bai Mai watched the adventure group, which had been home for two days. Bai Mai was a strange colour, and Wu Na had long seen no surprise.

Everyone has a fruit upper body, a skirt underneath, underwear only, and diapers.

Jia Zheng suspected that life's steps were teetering, looked down at the diapers, recalled the happiness of the first night, and the Purgatory Huo Yard on the second day, thought of the 1m 8th flight attendant costume, gentle smile warmed people's hearts, thought of here daisy tight, balls began to sting, looking at the XV ahead, it was indeed a vicious war, no, it was a unilateral massacre, is that how the enemies you want to confront exist!? And there are four more...

“Wenhe, do you know why you're new here? The adventure we've been through is no longer the way it used to be. See how many fatal mistakes you made last night.” Lin Liang wore a pair of P-skinny trousers and put them on Jia's shoulder.

“Shut up!! You have no right to speak of others!!” The rest growled.

“ ”Lin Liang laid her hands down sharply, waving a feather fan to cover her embarrassment.

Cao Cao wears a grass dress and lights a cigar. "There's still the Pseudomaniac Purgatory... Scalp is numb. ”

“Everybody cheer up and end up in a fake hell and our first little goal is achieved.” XV was inspired by a strong smile.

“The first little goal?” Jia Qiao asked.

“was circled by four big wheels...” Blade puke channel.

The crowd was very depressed and each raised the idea of not seeing hope. XV turned to stand on the cliff facing the sun. "Is it because we are in hell that we will overcome it, defeat it, conquer its meaning? ”

“Isn't that right?” XV smiled back, although his lower body was only covered with newspaper underwear.

XV's smile in the sun infected everyone.

“Captain, Master, Lord, Master, Master V... ”

“Aren't you!?” XV shouts, everyone is boiling “The man is where he is going to fall, where he is going to climb the grass and let us fall!! What are we!!! ”

“Adventure family!! ”

“What are we!? ”

“Adventure family!!!!! ”

“Great! Assemble!! Stand in line!! ”

Everyone stood side by side at the edge of the reef watching the sun and XV pulled out his gun and started urinating.

Huang Zhong pulled herself out of the girls' sports skinny shorts and everyone started peeing at the sun.

The stinging rose in the distance covered my forehead with powerlessness. "I went back to the house first and the infection ended my life. ”

“ ”Wu Na.

Don't look over at XV with a smile on his face. He can't help but admire himself in the Chaoyang. He also suffered two "lords, me last night. ”

“Encourage it, you're better than Brother Liang.” XV whispers.

“Captain, last night I just didn't expect that the rabbit girl is familiar with the four books and five scriptures, even the grandchildren, Wu Qi, Sun Qi, Yellowstone militia law, can play with their backs upside down, this, this, no one would think...” Lin Liang argued.

Liu Beishen looked at Lin Liangliang with a thoughtful glance and said, "I think Yuanzhi (Xu Common). I should have kept him. ”

“Won Zhijie, what a pity.” Cao Cao also looked at Lin Liang and sighed. "Feng Xiao, Feng Xiao... Hey.”.

“Yeah, Jane, where are you...” Sun Quan also looked at Lin Liang. "Well, don't laugh at him, after all, Zhuge Liang.”

“ ”Lin Liang's silence is unbearable.“ Huh, three stinking leather masons... ”.

“Yo, see the long one.” Cao Cao manipulated the lichen dress.

“Wow, Old Liu, this is your man, he can't believe we're still carrying you.” Sun Quan laughed.

Liu Bei smiled and walked past Lin Liang's shoulder.

“is bright and faint... The First Emperor." Lin Liang was cold sweating.

“It's all right, go, let's go inside and talk, back slam right... Memories are sweet.” Liu prepared Zhuge Liang to walk into the house.

The cheering crowd entered the house, Jia Zhihan looked at Lin Liang and Liu Bei, then stood in the Chaoyang to continue looking at the sea surface, Cao Cao also stayed.

“Do you still hate me?” Jia Zheng stared forward.

“Yes, but, as the conspirators say, I had no choice in the beginning, and don't blame anyone afterwards, for the sacrifice I made for hegemony, and you became one of my most grateful people, and I believed in the world.” Cao Cao's grass skirt swayed in the wind “but... In farewell, I just realized that it became my last heart knot, Angel's smile, as if it were yesterday, constantly in my mind, couldn't resist...".

“What can I do to make you feel better?” Jia Xiao asked, "I will return to the first generation, and I will return the first report.

“Take XX out. ”

Jia Zheng pulled out the gun in a strange way.

Cao Cao stretched out his hand and bounced hard, sucking in a breath of cold air.

“Newcomers, we are clear, without grievance, without vengeance.” Cao Cao laughed as he walked.

Jia Zhao looked at Cao Cao's back in agony and grinned.

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