“Extinction program activated!! ”

Junmo asked to pull out the moon's coronation from the depths of the helmet, the moon's coronation emitted brilliant brilliance, threw a hand, the moon ring struck with rage, the light wheel did not enter the metal to emit a fierce explosion.

“The extermination program is corrupted! Damaged! Turn on the defenses and start the border! ”

Fury generates energy shields that bounce people off, and then no action is being taken to fix the extermination program.

“Open the junction! Not now! Wait, we're all in trouble!” Junmo asked to take back the coronal ring of the moon and put it in the helmet to cover it.

Lin Le was drinking directly, dragon steel saw blade raised “Blue Lotus Sword Dance! ”

Eighteen in a flash! The lotus-like knife flashes open, and the junction is instantly opened a threshold “Come!! ”

Melee wars jumped into the threshold, the threshold was quickly repaired, people were madly exporting it to its relatively weak place, acid bottles were poured directly into the joint gap! Lin Le pulled out the Kryptonite cannon and stuffed it into the rear courtyard hole of the angry suspected daisy blossom. Junmao asked, Yunlong couldn't help but cool down his crotch. This cannon is expected to be severely damaged!

Lin Le forcefully missed all the cannons and pulled!


All people see is a broken border, a furious crotch blooming like fireworks, and constant electric flowers.

“The lower body is badly damaged, abandoned, abandoned, turning on the land mode! ”

Rage directly abandoned the waist, ejected something suspected of tank crawler toward the direction of Xiao Ye Tian, Xiao Wang, XV flew quickly, Wu Na, Naran Qing soul clamped one by one by Tiger Thunder, Rage smashed the stone wall, Ye Tian once again led the tide of dead acid rain, the magical value to the bottom.

“Launch Fury Mode!” The Fury Sliding Track retracted, arms stretched out and lightning chains continued to emerge, and the body began to spin like an electric fan to launch a chaotic storm.

“Hide!!” Yunlong roared, this can't be fought! It has to wait for it to stop! Otherwise, who goes and who dies!

The whole scene was like a chicken chase, people tried to escape east and west, the little toad tongue saved those who could not escape several times, so that the attrition could be avoided to the minimum possible, but Xiao Yetian, Wu Na, Ice Cloud, still unfortunately caught by lightning fan directly strangled, the spirit skills were useless, Xiao Yetian was more to lighten the burden on the small gear, otherwise the speed of the small gear could not escape, he chose to jump to the death, let Xiao Wang, XV touched the rare noise, XV was even more determined to be with Tian Xiao Tian for the rest of his life, even though she often ravaged me, and she was a minor, but I was ready for three years of psychological preparation.

Ye Tian avoided while constantly restoring the magic value, people have been waiting, at this time the rage finally stopped and went into a state of exhaustion and full energy.

“Take it away! Or another wave! We got bigger casualties! Shift's almost done!” Junmo asks the second spirit skill is on, the glow of the Moon Princess! All attributes increased dramatically! Attack, double defense! Additionally, there are many states attached. Everyone saw that Junmo asked his body to be covered in the fiction of a warrior of beautiful girls. Disgusting. Don't want it.

“Do as I please, do as I please, quickly and spiritually!” The chimney gauze came out as it wished, blowing gently, the ice frost instantly froze rage, the long gun mentioned, the gun flowered like rain.

Ye Qiang, Lin Lexun initiated even the trick, Ye Qiang is a unique Hua Shan developed.

Cloud Dragon also did not keep close to start Strim light, laser rays constantly burning!

Yue Yue Jian knife dumps, swallow back!

Gong Sun Qian even united the human sword and turned it into a heavenly sword through rage.

Liu Bei sounded dragon and phoenix.

“Die!” Lin Le plugs the cannon into the hole where it can be inserted again, pull!

Yunlong, Junmao's heart is dripping blood, this cannon may pass, brother! You're shooting money! Gold and silver coins! It's not a federal currency! With your frequency, this game currency will never inflate! And add value...

“Congratulations on your team's success in defeating Fury, gaining Level +2, Random Silver Dragon Demon Steel Equipment, Random Occupational Specialty, Skill Points +5, Specialty Points +5, Randomly Enhance Enchant's Equipment on you, Defense Permanently +40, Damage Permanently Reduced by 5%. ”

At last, it was the past, but the living people didn't guard the corpse well, watch out for Ye Qiang, Ye Qiang is not in a hurry, hum, eventually BOSS I will definitely touch, at least the five dragons I want to touch, first confuse them that I thought I was slow, give them poor speed response, and then go into the soul! Get the artifact! The Hand of God is right!!

Zhang Zhengxiong was too lazy to pay attention. He began looking directly for the body of Xiao Yetian. Liu Sun Cao also looked to identify the spot and try to revive it.

Lin Le touched the body. After all, this BOSS leaf is not very interested in eating value. However, after resurrection, Xiao Letian was very interested in the puppet core device and began to study it directly. The metal was dismantled by Zhang Zhengxiong and thrown into the cart. When the forged material was recovered, Junmao and Yunlong, the chimney gauze and other people couldn't help but lament. These people are really CD-ROM action spokespersons, and they are a kind of BOSS that basically won't have the whole body after death.

Three very excellent silver dragon demon steel defense equipment, Ye Cang directly gave Junmo to assign him, Zhang Zhengxiong's body is temporarily irreplaceable.

Skills book alchemy book, engineering book to Lin Le and Xiao Yetian, the rest of the team can take, can not be used to sell to Yarn, Cloud Dragon and others, BOSS rewards received, Ye Qiang once again obtained hero level of expertise, but Silver Dragon Demon Steel did not get anything, random reinforcement was happily reinforced to the giant dragon nail stab, the damage greatly increased, with additional shock enchantment.

Nana Nara's Sniper Mark (Hero, Master, Ranger): All of your Marker Skill Levels +2, Double the effect of the Marker on the target, Double the hidden effect, Will not be discovered in the first place, Double the damage done to the Marker target, Cause fatal damage to trigger death determination, Marker effect time permanently exists, Cannot be dispersed, Double the effect on the dead.

PS: Paranoid shooter Nana Nara Shizukura, a low-level elf farmer living in a magical forest village, lost her beloved husband and child as a result of the outbreak of the natural disaster war, insanely insane her, made bows out of her husband's bones, made arrows out of her beloved son's bones, made capes out of the elf skins of two beloved people, and cut her tongue off. Digged those once happy binoculars and shot the enemy in the camp of the dead all the time in a natural disaster war. She could not speak, could not express, could not even tell the enemy from me. As long as she was a dead spirit, she would kill mercilessly and fill her soul fire with bows and arrows. As long as the prey she was after, she would hunt her forever until she died or the prey died, and finally kill the fires of hell. In the demon king and the bow and arrow turned into ashes, in the burning she did not show a slight painful look, some just endless laughter and relief, watching Nana Nara in the flames, the demon king of Hellfire Assas deeply felt the utter cold and fear of this unspeakable blind man, her secret attack heavily wounded the demon king of Hellfire, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent victory of the vanguard army.

“If that crazy woman could communicate, we wouldn't lose the eternal nightmare shooter in the eyes of a natural disaster demon...” - "From Pioneer Commander of St. Silver - Post-War Speech Paragraph of the Fire Witch King of Aaron"

At this station, the main spiritual skills have been somewhat handed over. Everyone chooses to trim and other skill CDs, while finishing tactics. At the end of the day, the magician is more certain than this guy.

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