“Do you think I'd still help her? And I don't think she needs my help anymore.” The fairy's words nodded Ye Qiang, in the mirror, Cinderella began to wait for the prince's arrival, first it was late at night, the fairy didn't show up to make her very anxious, hurry up with their stepmother's jewelry, clothes, shoes, then the scene Ye Qiang came here to see.

“Turns out you're here... ”

Cinderella's voice came through the door, holding an ax and watching the fairy “Why didn't you come... ”

“Am I making sense?” The fairy was a little scared, Cinderella's crazy eyes, but laughed, and then the star wand swung into the mirror, and there was the view of the prince last night.

“Your Highness, are you really going to find that humble, coughing, woman? ”

“How is it possible, it's just that her crystal shoes are so beautiful, Prince Guns' daughter loves these things, and getting his support is what I want most right now, but she's really in good shape, and it's a shame that I can't play, but as long as I get to the throne, what woman can I not play!? Ha ha!! Prepare the carriage, go to the prince. ”

“I understand, Your Highness. ”

Cinderella slowly lowered her axe. From the beginning, he was the controller. He thought he was confused, and he ended up confused himself, staring at the fairy and saying, "Will you still help me? ”

The fairy looked at the body of the stepmother and others on the shelf and shook her head. Cinderella's eyes suddenly became indifferent. "Then don't show up in front of me. ”

The fairy smiled and looked at Ye Qiang, then faded into stardust and disappeared into the air.

Ye Qiang could still see the fairy, but it was invisible.

Cinderella came to the mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, slowly faded away her clothes, thought, suddenly smiled “Why am I so stupid, why are you so close to me?!? The stepmother have disappeared. I'm the only one who owns the father. As long as I don't let him bring back a new woman, use this body to satisfy him... Holding the father in his own hands... ”

Cinderella changed into a spare maid's dress, looked out the window and the rain stopped.

Put oil on the curtains and other flammable objects, put away the precious objects of stepmother and sisters, put the bodies together on the bed, and then lit the whole ancient house, watching the burning fire of the bear, revealing a happy smile “My life, it began again. ”

When the fire could not extinguish the house completely, tears fell like rain, anxiously shouting in the street, "Fire!!! Fire!! My mother and sister are still inside!! ”

Ye Qiang and now across the street from the house are watching all of this.

“Reality to the extreme woman...” Ye Tian's words made the fairy laugh. "But she's also a funny woman, isn't she? ”

“Where's the fun...” Ye Qiang was speechless, the fairy beat up a debt. "Nothing happened to me. I'm going to find the next girl who needs help. I hope it's not like this anymore. ”

“A lot?”

“Eighty-nine out of ten, so far, have basically lost their hearts with desire and my help, some just like her, Ben is living in a twisted desire, my help is like oil on, traveler, do you really say pure girls who deserve my help exist? ”

“A pure girl doesn't need your help, and you may not be helping a pure girl.” Ye Qiang's all thoughtful answers stunned the fairy. "Maybe that's true, but that doesn't require my help. Then I'm not bored to death. I won't tell you. Goodbye, traveler. ”

“Goodbye, Fairy...” Ye Qiang watched her fly away.

Ye Qiang turned back and continued to pray for the pedestrian fire to save his stepmother Cinderella. He looked up at the shady sky and sang a song he loved when he was a child, "Joy Song". He stepped on the jazz and walked to the other side of the street “The Lady of Joy is holy and beautiful, brilliant and bright to the earth. Our hearts are filled with enthusiasm and came to your temple. ”

Sing your own jazz dance and hymn, Cinderella's cry, gradually go away.

Ye Qiang regained consciousness and looked at the grey flutter in his hand. Truffles!?

Ye Cang has rarely eaten it, and has hardly eaten it, but he also knows this. TV shopping advertisements often have this, top ingredients. Try it first!

A taste that I can't tell you how it feels, stimulates taste buds and the body. A beautiful colleague has a strange smell. This taste, I quite like it. It tastes like musk garlic. It's very attractive. Even so raw eating is so delicious, perhaps raw eating is the best. It flashes like a fairy in my mind. The truffle of the soil under the tree instantly matures, and my body shackles start to break. The entire DNA impurities are completely purified, and the massive mess of negative impurities is forcibly turned into nutrients.

Ye Cao slowly opened his eyes and looked at the truffle spore in his hand. He came to the mushroom grove and sprinkled it on the ground. He began to sink slowly into the ground. Ye Cao looked at the changes in the soil with his eyes and soon matured. In secret, tell them whether or not there is truffle of his own culture here. Tell Old Li first, see if there is a suitable administrator, just ask Ellie Chen. She still needs to torture herself. By the way, let Xiang Xiang come! Digged some gray truffles into the kitchen.

Everyone smelled the smell as soon as Ye Tian stepped into the manor.

“What is it?” Li Xiangxiang is curious.

“Truffles, right? This strange fragrance is very different, and the best truffles do not reach this fragrance, and the flavour is strange.” Ellie Chan's nose was very sharp, and it was one of the four battles she was thrilled with.

“Should be some kind of truffle, quality, unspeakable.” Old Li smelled it too, old Li smiled “foreign product. ”

“has a fascinating stench.” Jing Xuan's all thoughtful words made Li Lao Liang a little bit. Indeed, it is a fascinating stench.

Ye Cao comes to the kitchen, puts the truffle in his ingredient frame, then prepares to cut a little bit into ham wrapped mushrooms to decorate, and then nobody generally waits for it to steam.

“That... Proprietor... What is this?” Lao Li, as the first employee of the Food City, couldn't help but ask.

“Oh, well, this, this super rare ingredient I found from inside the surface, outside the heart of the earth, in a hole in heaven and blessed land, called Cinderella... ”

“Well, I can...” Old Li implicitly said it, but his hand has grabbed one, smelling and measuring it. "Good stuff, good stuff. ”

Old Zhang also picked up a careful taste. Ellie Chan just wanted to touch it. "Stop!! Is this something you can touch? I need the approval of the owner, me and Li!!! ”

“Me? Chanel, this thing is here in the mushroom grove, you'll take care of it later! I have other things to do.” Ye Qiang directly issued the appointment, Li Xiangxiang was flattered and overwhelmed “Master, Master!! I really... Is that okay?"

“I said you could... ”

“That is, your strength, your hard work, your talents are all recognized by us, and you can do this.” Lao Zhang hastily agreed, looking at Ellie Chan, Xiang Xiang was very close to himself.

Chen Zheng Ellie is very anxious, but much better than before. Xiang Xiang is a very good speaker, unlike some old thing.

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