Ye Heaven remembered Linson's request, began to make a red oil copy with homemade red oil, quickly beat the four unlike the backbone meat fists into meat sauce, put it in vegetable salt, high soup and hit it hard, then began to mix the noodles, copy the cane stick with a roll of shadows, instantly became thin skin, the knife flashed, all became square skin backup and sighed “So boring, nothing novel, fixed ingredients, fixed flavors, hey. ”

“That's why we have to improve ourselves, one dish, countless ways to live and learn...” Old Li laughed.

“I'm also going to prepare my lunch ingredients.” Ye Qiang came to the mushroom grove, found the new mushroom last night, the name was thought up, the mushroom appeared slightly transparent in the sun, very pretty, big head, about three basketballs, not the kind of long rod mushroom, but the rod was just a little thinner than the umbrella cap, picked a few pieces, the picked place continued to split and grow, carried the mushroom back to the kitchen, the chef looked at the mushroom for a strange time, this mushroom didn't seem to have seen, although there are many kinds of mushroom grove mushrooms, often new mushrooms also appeared, but it is worth the owner to move back like this, still on a day like this, Li was the first to guess most problematic “the owner, this mushroom. ”

“Different, huh? This is a mushroom that I entrusted to someone from beneath the surface, above the heart, in a natural pit stone hole, called mushroom, it should be delicious, I haven't done it yet.” Ye Cao placed the mushrooms on the caseboard and everyone was itchy. The ingredients that this Torna mystery man found were rarer than the fairy beans, and the flavor was unique and even new.

“Lord, can I see!!” Old Zhang is very passionate about mushrooms. It's essential to make soup. Chen Ellie is in a hurry. "The owner also made me... ”

“Stop it!! Such a precious thing, definitely by an old qualified employee like me!! Talk about it later!!” Old Zhang drinks, Ellie Chen bites his teeth, this old thing.

“Well, there's plenty left in the back, so I'll give you two, this big mushroom, whatever.” Ye Qiang just cut a piece and put down the knife without words.

Everyone looked at the piece on the caseboard that was growing and splitting spores on itself, and quickly became a new complete mushroom, just not as big as the body cut, it was silly, what kind of mushroom was this, cut the last pile of mushroom pieces into a whole pile of mushrooms, Ye Lord also reacted and mumbled, "Try. ”

The leaf palm knife flashed and the mushrooms turned into a large number of square blocks on the thumb, but the blocks quickly split and grew into half a palm-sized full mushroom “interesting, boiled directly. ”

Ye Cao poured the mushrooms into his own high soup. Soon, the taste of freshness was so intoxicating that even the five senses of hallucination spread. Li Xiangzhi's eyes began to faint. "It smelled good, Master, I think I saw my own shop, Xiangzhi Tea Restaurant. ”

Zhang Lao Xiu immediately put the lid on and opened all the windows around him with an earthquake. The exhaust machine opened completely before releasing the screen. "Isn't this poisonous? ”

Ye Qiang had just fallen into a trance, but soon adapted. "Eating raw is not poisonous anyway. ”

Old Li came to the soup, probably the lid, hold his breath, clamp a piece, put it in his mouth, damn it!! This smell!! Strike the freshness of your heart!! Juicy to explosion!! Pissing beef balls is weak compared to this!! You can imagine a mushroom the size of a pill hiding so much juice!! Black technology absorbed at least a few times his volume of juice water!! It's amazing, and it's so beautiful, so soft, so addictive! The first time I tasted this explosive freshness, unlike other beautiful mushrooms, I tasted the freshness is often tender, the taste of this thing is unusual, it feels fresh like high medicine, the dose is too big!! There are too many mushrooms in this soup!! Soon after Li Lao felt fresh, it was that extremely disgusting feeling. This is the reaction of excessive spices. Although the explosive freshness temporarily blocked, the tongue, stomach and body reacted. Some couldn't adapt. The taste was also very brittle, and the dryness was a few times. "You put too much of this stuff away. It's not like this. It's scarier than the flavor essence. The natural sodium glutamate content in it is very complex. You can tell from eating one of them, Zhang Lao. ”

Old Zhang puts it in his mouth and his eyes light up immediately, divine mushroom!! God-like mushrooms!! But soon the discomfort sensation came in. "Indeed, it was excessive... Master White!! I implore this mushroom to be taken care of!! ”

“Well, then, you're in charge of this mushroom. You can apply to Zhang Lao if you need it. He's in charge.” Ye Qiang's words made Chen Zheng Ali in a complete hurry. "Master Zhuang!! Me too... ”

“Huh, the owner of the estate has decided to let the old man take care of it, so don't be a BB, the owner of the estate is a nine-word man.” Lady Zhang smiled coldly.

Chen Zheng Ellie just took the opportunity to taste it. If this mushroom is used well, the soup can be made into a miracle!!

“Indeed, I am a man of all words.” Ye Cao is very satisfied with Zhang Lao's words.

Chen Zheng Ellie grew more jealous and regretted it. Why did I meet the owner so late? Old Lee, and this old thing have become the manor of the estate, just because they met first, if I could take care of it! But when it's my turn, Tsuijing Bean Zhuang leaves it to Jing Xuan to watch, next time! Be sure to ask yourself next time, in the meantime, I will lick the owner, and the owner's wife!! For the ingredients, I'm going to bet everything on Ellie!!

Jing Xuan and others immediately applied for mushrooms, and studied, only Chen Zheng Ellie's application shook his head “The ingredients are not enough, next time. ”

“You!!” Chen Yan Ellie's teeth are going to be shattered, Zhang Lao Jianxiang is so refreshed, then cut her nails so slightly, “this is more out, here you go. ”

Chen Shang Ali trembled and carefully took the mushrooms to study them. "You are too avenged, everyone is a colleague, you should know that bullying people is fun. ”

“Bullying has always been fun...” Grannie Zhang smiled, and Grannie Li smiled, "That's true. ”

“Jing Xuan, come...” Zhang Lao pulled Jing Xuan “Everyone is the three great rare ingredient managers of the estate, we need to get closer, give you the mushrooms I don't give less. ”

“Thank you Teacher Zhang, this is natural, everyone is a member of the Food City, mutual care should be.” Jing Xuan thanked him.

“I mean, some people, need to polish...” Zhang glanced at Chen for Ellie.

“This, no good, is from the Food City Manor.” Jing Xuan understood what Zhang Lao meant.

“There is nothing wrong with her, her character needs to be sharpened, which is also the meaning of the master, Xuanxuan magician still has to go through 9981 difficult to obtain the true scripture. Isn't that right?” Zhang continued, Jing Xuan nodded somewhat embarrassingly, perhaps this is also the owner's quiz on me, to see how he understood the logic. "Okay. ”

“Wow, you old piece of shit, even rabbit monks cheat.” Old Li heard it beside him, and said to old Zhang, “Do you hate her so much?”.

“Hate, can't say, a little hate is true, and the soup of the estate is my world!! But... she does need to be polished, doesn't she? ”

Old Li did not speak, Zhang looked at the back of Ellie Chen “I admit her talent and admired her. When she first came out, despite my many years of age, I still thought she was my idol, and the soup making methods amazed me, amazed me. I also learned a lot of basic things from her soup making skills, but what I hated the most was that she wasted her talent, put down a real soup spoon, the chef's knife, until the fake food and beverage scandal, Li, my cooking talent, I understood myself, I am not as talented as you five knives, but I think I am more obsessed with cooking than you!! I can't take the curiosity, the shortcut, so I just have to take it one step at a time! She may never know that the person who beat her a few times once pulled banners for her at the scene of her cooking competition... ”

Lao Li only realized at this time why Lao Zhang had always targeted Ellie Chen. He loved everything deeply and hated iron and steel.

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