Aircraft to River Heart Island.

All the men on the plane were wearing bare arms and shorts, and the woman just added a short sleeve t-shirt with the Sponsor Games League logo on it.

Lin Le dug his nose shit with one hand, one hand scratching his ass and looking around, Zheng Ao all kinds of grass horses ran across the heart field, this is the comprehensive single-choice king of the five schools?! Cover your forehead, but the quiz is the quiz, I will let you know!! Lin Le looked at Zheng and laughed “Fans... ”

“Roll...” Zheng Aolan ignored it.

“L-31! Get ready to jump!!” The broadcast sounds came, Ye Tiang rose up, Zhou Jin and Sun Yi stood up, and the five jumped and dived.

Zhang Zhengxiong opened the parachute and Ye Qiang and Lin Leoli immediately hugged it like two koalas on both sides.

Zhou Jin and Sun Yi, as well as the off-site, are extremely sweaty.

“Feels like these three are always gaygay together, three grown men hugging each other barefoot... ”

Listen to the words off the field, stinging roses, ice clouds, Wu Na and others secretly said, that you haven't seen what they do often in the bathroom, the first three of the month will definitely say sword.

Zhang Zhengxiong landed outside a hunter's cabin, surrounded by a very hidden area, Nebula's Kawanaka Island is very large, almost the size of a third-class city, and there is Huaxia's fifth largest artificial lake, which is usually a good place for tourist field in addition to field tests.

Ye Qiang found a military alloy dagger in the hunter's cabin, a hunting bow crossbow, three blunt crossbows, a magnetic riot thunder, two lighters, a backpack, and a Huaxia iron pot, Ye Qiang quickly distributed, put the big iron pot on the back, held the dagger, gave Sun Yi a crossbow, Lin Le gave a crossbow as a hand thrower, Zhang Zhengxiong did not need to just carry the backpack, the other crossbow gave Zhou Qian, as for the magnetic storm thunder, Ye Qiang, Lin Le, Zhang Zhengxiong looked at Zhou Qiang, "For our team, just sacrifice. It won't hurt, don't worry... ”

Zhou Jinyi swallowed his mouth and quietly retreated to the corner of the wall. He looked at the three bare-armed men in shorts. Another man approached him and smiled. Sun Yi stood by the fireplace and wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. Luckily, it wasn't me, Zhou, go well.

Shortly afterwards, Zhou Jian desperately strapped to a rudimentary raft at the edge of an artificial lake and moved along a dark stream, thinking of his magnetic storm grenade under his pants, are you still human?!? Looking at the dark side of the grass, Ye Tian's eyes shouted, "Help!!! ”

The passing safety instructor woman saw Zhou Jian's face “This is too much, I am an X-242 instructor, found a person in distress, the sighting was eliminated. ”

A dragonfly just stood on the raft, Ye Cao Cold smiled and pressed the button gesture, Zhou Lin thought of the threat of three people, the long pain was better than short pain, the current pulse magnetic shock went off, the female instructor unbelievably looked at Zhou Linna full of sorry eyes, paralyzed into the water, Ye Cao and others rushed out immediately, swimming over and dragged the raft and the female instructor back, Sun Yip looked admirably at Zhou Lin, unable to bear to honor a gift, a harsh man! The three men took off the female instructor's coat, searched her body and removed her gear, then placed a magnetic riot grenade on the raft, strapped the female instructor on top and pressed her down to continue as a trap.

Stab Mae looked at the three people from the satellite “they... Is that how you do the quizzes... ”

Wu Na nodded slowly “Otherwise you think they were banned from taking the field test... ”

Ye Tian turned on the female instructor's field communicator and pinched her nose to imitate the female voice “I'm an X-242 instructor! Help! ”

Then calmly dragged the meritorious warrior Zhou Jian back to his hidden position, began to wait, assigned equipment, electric stick to Zhang Zhengxiong, shocked the grenade to Lin Le, watched the alloy weapon open the whole picture, no wonder the light work was so good, the judge pen also gave Lin Le, three magnetic riot hand grenades used one for Sun Yi, the other closed, looked down still in a coma Zhou Jian, put on his trouser boots as a praise.

Sun Yi got a belt, Ye Qiang put on his jacket, Lin Le put on pants just right. Sun Yi looked at herself in shameful shorts. What use is this belt for?! When the weapon can be inserted, do not place the crossbow arrow in the belt.

“Coming!” Ye Tian saw several instructors go.

“Brother, great harvest...” Zhang Zhengxiong smiled.

However, one of the instructors immediately stopped, and the instructor was sent by the sea to see the raft, remembering the unspeakable past, shook and shouted “Don't go!! It's the trick of the three real demons on our shores! Instructor Ting's ass must be covered with magnetic thunderstorms, surrounded by water. We're all going to become their equipment and traps! Call for backup!! ”

Everyone just stepped back into the water.

“Go, it's over.” Ye Cangxing was tired and meant to evacuate. Lin Le clasped his mouth and the four of them dragged Zhou Jin away.

“There's movement over there... ”

“Don't go, they should stop. We can't fight Zhang Zhengxiong and Lin Le. They dare not come. After all, they are afraid to be shouted out. Tell colleagues to be careful. These three guys are extremely fond of hunting instructors, and be sure to pay attention to the safety of the command center. ”

“Instructor Wang from Linhai, you won't... ”

“ ”

“ ”

On the other side, Cao Cao's team landed on the northern peak of Hezhong Island. The position was good. Looking down, Liu Bei pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his crotch and silently spotted one. Cao Cao looked at him and took one. "You scumbag really couldn't help but prevent it. I let you come with cigarettes from crossing the sea. I didn't mean to bring them. ”

“Do you smoke or not, do not smoke!!” Liu Bei didn't have a good airway, Cao Cao laughed. "Okay, it's my fault. ”

Sun Quan picked up the cigarette lights. "This is a good spot. We're right here. Smoking cigarettes, raw fires, General Huang went down to the lake for a while. We barbecued and enjoyed it. It's always nice to eat the master's food. We also made it. Breakfast wasn't full, it was a little uncomfortable. ”

“Well, I went.” Huang Zhong walked towards the lake.

Sitting under the shade of a tree, Jia Zheng felt the sun pass through the leaf crevices and relaxed against the trunk to keep his eyes closed.

“This group is afraid to go wild cooking. ”

“Middle-aged people have different interests. ”

One team led by Xiao Yetian has already eliminated four groups on the ground, unable to collect equipment, all four greatly admire the analytical capabilities of Xiao Yetian, the superpower of the key Xiaotian mindset power This can connect the communication of four people, pulling the acquiescence to almost full score.

Ji Xue and others are also gathering information while trying to probe Ye Qiang and others as much as possible. After all, the biggest opponents are the two martial arts in their team.

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