Chapter 221: Rise of a Hero Part 1

"This would be my powers gifted to me by the Garden. A Pocket dimension. I can snatch people's minds casting them into a world of my creation where they are trapped forever, or until I decide to release them. Unfortunately, my powers aren't nearly as they use to be. I will only be able to hold you for a short while."

Staring in the school's bathroom mirror, Alton ran his face with heavy amounts of water, still seeing someone else entirely. Letting out a sigh, he switched the tap off, frowning. "This isn't a dream, no more like a wild fantasy. There's no doubt about it. This is all the doing of Acceptance. I've been here before, just not to this extreme… Being able to make me live through somebody else's life is something, though. If I know that disciple man, he won't let me out until I discover whatever truth he has set out for me… But why through Kurt?"

The door knocked as the same boy poked his head in, staring at Alton harshly. "Who the hell are you talking to?! Stop fucking about you're making us late."

"Late for what?" Alton responded just as confused.

"Is this some kind of game? Hello Kurt, anyone in there?! We're meeting with the father, or did you forget? Or were you hoping to run off any play hero without his permission?"

"I'm no hero." Alton snaps back.

The boy scoffs, scratching his head lost. "First time I've openly heard you say that. Look here, mister Phantom, you're a hero when the father says you're a hero. You got that; why am I repeating myself once again…"

"The Phantom…" Alton whispered, flinching. "Wait! Don't tell me, Kurt Hatching was the legendary hero of old The Phantom?!"

"Legendary hero of old, huh?" The boy whined, his eye twitching. "Building yourself a bit up here, aren't you, Kurt? Tch, whatever can we go now?"

The boy stormed off as Alton gave it a little thought-feeling even more lost. "I guess I don't have much choice. Whoever this father guy is, he might be the one Acceptance wants me to meet. If I'm to make sense of any of this, I suppose I have to just go along with being Kurt Hatching myself…"


Running out alongside the boy Alton wasn't prepared for what was to come next, stepping outside his school doors. Reaching the outside world, Alton froze in shock at the sight. The streets were filled with cars that Alton far from recognised. To match, the entire exterior was retro-looking similar to what the karaoke bar was to him. People were dressed in bright clothes, and to make matters more shocking, he couldn't see a single wall in sight. "Now, what's wrong? You make it seem like you've never seen New York before."

"Oh, no… It's just… Never mind." Alton whispered, looking around, seeing a newspaper thrown in the bin. Pulling it out, Alton stared blankly, understanding it all. The date was the 25th August 1984, 400 years in the past specifically. "I'm a long way from Rhinefield…"


The walk to the destination was left in silence as Alton returned to reality with his new surroundings. He had quickly put together somewhat of a story to his new home. He was 400 years in the future before the fall of the world and the Garden's first attack, meaning he was currently in what Rhinefield was called before the fall. New York, this was the golden age of heroes, and he was the pinnacle of heroes the Phantom, at least that's what he had put together so far. If he was to fit in and take on Kurt Hatching's role, he needed all the information possible. 

 "Shane fury, what the hell took you so bloody long?!" 

Shane scratched his bald cut, grumbling. "Kurt here was having a breakdown in the bathroom…"

"I wouldn't be surprised. It's not often anyone is called up by the father. I bet he's shitting and pissing his pants right now!"

Alton sighed, walking over, flinching, seeing the girl to the voice. Her bleach white hair and crimson red eyes stood out straight away as Alton spoke out without thinking. "Scarlett?!"

"Scarlett…" The girl whispered, pouting, staring on, looking hurt. "Who the hell is Scarlett?"

Gagging, Alton looked away, scratching his neck embarrassed. "Sorry, I'm not feeling the greatest right now…"

The girl smugly laughed, smacking Alton's face lightly, forcing him to look. "I'm sure I can think of something to make you feel much better." Alton didn't respond, looking away going bright red. This only got the girl laughing more, stepping back. "You really must be shitting the bed Hatching. Usually, you'd shut me down without a second thought. Heroes and villains are natural enemies. I'd never join you blah blah blah. In case you've forgotten your loyal servant's name, it's Kira. Kira Syndicate."

That name couldn't help but ring a bell. Syndicate, then Alton remembered hearing about the families' past; they were the rulers of the old world before the fall. This would only hinder more to the fact this father Alton is hearing so much about must be the Syndicate family leader in this time. Raising his hand, Alton sighed, nodding. "I apologise, Kira, for any inconveniences. I just feel a little off today."

"And there's the heroic Phantom we all know and despise. Always apologising for no bloody reason. No matter, we wouldn't want to keep father waiting."

Alton turned to the old worn-down pawnshop lost. "This is the base of the infamous Syndicate family?"

"Ever heard of don't trust a book by its cover Hatching," Shane grumbled. "But I suppose you've never met the father in person. This could prove to be interesting."

Kira stood in front of the door puffing up her fluffy hair smirking. "I tried getting matching haircuts, but the messy nature of yours is depressing. Never mind. Please, sir, we welcome you to the pits of hell." As expected, walking insight was a simple pawn shop lost to time with spider webs and dust piled up everywhere. Not to mention the foul smell crept over, never leaving. This was a shop no one in their right mind would dare shop at. Kira danced her hand around the large pile of junk before pulling out a thinker statue. Humming to herself, quite proud like she skipped over the counter, dropping the item giving the owner a warm smile. "I'll have this, please!"

The owner peered up, glancing at Alton before looking down, talking in a brittle tone. "$30."

"Ahh, come on about ten percent off?" Kira begged in a sarcastic tone. The owner continued to glare at the three before Kira rolled her eyes, frowning. "Fine, tell me, does the moon shine brightly on your future?"

He tilted his head to the curtain at the back of the shop, nodding. "Come with me." Kira spun around, looking too proud of herself as Alton and Shane soon followed her to the back, not 100 percent sure of what was to come next. Alton stepped through to see an old elevator glooming at the end of the shop with a broken light shining over it. The owner ripped the set of metal bars apart, showing through his body language it was for them. "May the Blight Father bless your soul."

Kira bowed faintly, stepping in as Shane followed without much thought. Alton, however, was more hesitant, staring idly unsure what to do. Even after all he had been through, this felt terrifying. He wanted to just run; the idea flooded his mind. At least that's what Alton Brantley would do; alas, he wasn't Alton Brantley right now and to get to the bottom of this mess, Alton knew what he had to do. Giving the owner one last dodgy look, he stepped into the elevator, watching his freedom fade as the bars were shit on him once more. The elevator creaked before chuckling along down, making eerie scraping noises against the walls. Kira leaned against the bars, just staring at Alton with a childish look. "I bet you didn't think this would happen when you started trying to play the role of a hero, right?"

"Kurt's no hero. At least that's what he told me at school."

This got a small reaction as Kira eyed Alton down, shrugging her shoulders. "It's too late to back out of your little fantasy now Phantom, the father has turned his sight on you, and now there's no escaping your fate." Alton turned his head, not giving them any sign of satisfaction as he saw lights creeping in from the darkness. Only a small lantern held up was their source of light. Having to squint, Alton gripped onto the bars making out what was in the distance. The light soon brightened at full speed, revealing a substantial unground system—multiple floors with dozens of computers and workers alongside. Alton had never seen anything like this, reminding him heavily of a spy film. "The hell is this place?"

"It used to be an old wartime bunker back during world war two. I guess the government got paranoid the Nazis were planning on attacking New York's heart, so they built this in private for the rich and powerful. The Blight Father reconstructed it to the benefit of all of us." Kira told him.

"The Blight Father, I take it that's the leader of the family."

"Correct." She smiled, folding her arms. "He gives us all a purpose in this world, and soon he too will give you your own purpose."

"And what purpose has he drawn out for you two?"


"We make sure his dreams are drawn out and propelled into reality. We're the lieutenants of the family." Shane explained with a rough tone.

"And I could be called the so-called raven of the family. I seek out wannabe heroes and villains and allow their roles to become their very way of life. That's how we met seven months back, remember?" She taunted with a wink.

Alton was given any time to respond as the elevator came to a sudden halt. Everything went silent as the metal bars opened. Alton was about to step out as Kira gripped onto his arm. "Everything you knew about this world, throw it out the window. The moment you step outside these doors, your life will change forever." Alton pushed past Kira staring on into the ever-growing darkness. Both lieutenants bowed before their master. "Father, I have returned with the man you've been asking for. The newest hero of New York, the Phantom."

Alton knowingly kept his distance as the uneasy feeling kept creeping through, tingling at the back of his mind. His legs began shaking, his body sweating. There was no doubt about its what Alton was feeling was the purest form of fear. Fear of whatever was on the other side of the room hidden in the darkness. Shane looked up at Alton as a smooth well-spoken voice echoed out, causing them to drive their head back down. "Let me get a better look at him." Alton felt his heart rise to the back of his throat as he couldn't for the life of him speak up. Not anymore. Taking a deep breath, he allowed himself to be escorted forward closer to the soft voice. At the end of the room was a man, or what looked to be a man. It was so dark his facial features could not be made out. He had one arm out hanging over his leg, his body wrapped in a golden yellow robe. The man laid back, casually holding a wine glass in his other hand. "I can smell great fear; tell me, have you ever felt true fear before you, have you? You would never have known true fear. Until you met me, isn't that right, Alton Brantley."

Alton's heart dropped back down as his voice stuttered, trying to let any sort of words out. Licking his lips, trying to put on some false confidence, Alton spoke up, uncertain of his future. "How do you know who I am?"

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